Uncle Ben's bags

@thenotsoesoteric Did you use 1 bag per tub? Also what size tub? My bags (2 GTs, 2 B+, and 1 Cambodian) are close to fully colonized. My plan is to pasteurize the coco tomorrow, then spawn to bulk the following day with 1 bag of UB per 6 qt tub. Does that sound right?
@thenotsoesoteric Did you use 1 bag per tub? Also what size tub? My bags (2 GTs, 2 B+, and 1 Cambodian) are close to fully colonized. My plan is to pasteurize the coco tomorrow, then spawn to bulk the following day with 1 bag of UB per 6 qt tub. Does that sound right?
I'll have to check when I get home but I the tub sizes I used were 4.5 liter and 6 liter sterilite brand containers.

I only used 1 bag per container and had better results from the bigger tub filled to about 1.75"-2" of coco.

Ill double check sizes and let you know later on today.

Edit: might be quarts not liters.
It's been a while since I've had shrooms. Cannabis and alcohol have not been hitting the mark lately, so it's time to get my chakras to kanoodle.

Money is a motherfucker since spending a few thousand on the grow op. How much do syringes go for nowadays? It's been...a long time.
It's been a while since I've had shrooms. Cannabis and alcohol have not been hitting the mark lately, so it's time to get my chakras to kanoodle.

Money is a motherfucker since spending a few thousand on the grow op. How much do syringes go for nowadays? It's been...a long time.
I picked them up from sporeworks $10 and $12. last time i got spore prints from them they were phenominal so i figured the syringes were good too.
The Uncle Bens bags got me started growing mushrooms.
Now I'm trying other grains. Last week I inoculated a 2 lb 5-grain spawn bag, a 24 oz 5-grain jar and a UB bag. Both the spawn bag and the jar have a self-healing injection port and a filter patch, which makes inoculation easier than the UB bags.

Here's the results after 7 days.
Spawn bag

24 oz jar

UB bag

Here's a popcorn grain jar that's been growing for about 2 months. Which is too long as far as I'm concerned. So, I won't be trying this one again.
I ate some shrooms for the first time in about 25 years a few weeks ago. I was really disappointed. 75 bucks for a quarter. I took 3.5 grams the first time and found them to be really weak. I was "high" for about 3 hours, had visuals (not intense) for about 1 hour. Made me really miss LSD, unfortunately it has been about 30 years since I last tripped and have no idea where to even begin to find good acid. Hopefully this penis envy I ordered will satisfy my craving for a good, intense, trip.
I’m doing Penis envy now and it’s quite nice.