"uncapped" nutrient storage question..


Well-Known Member
So for years ive used a measuring cup to measure my nutes out and ive always kept the caps on the bottles of course except when pouring obviously, recently though i found some large 500ml syringes that i really like for this purpose instead, but of course to be able to suck the nutes out of their bottles i have to use a tube on the tip of the syringe to reach them and i dont like having the tube on the syringe because the same vacuum that holds the nutes in the syringe itself also hold them in the tube which of course isnt accounted for in the measurement lines. so my solution is to cut lengths of tube for each bottle, drill holes in the bottle caps, push the tubes through so that i can just gently put the syringe up to the fitted tube and pull it away once im done leaving me with the perfect measurement.

My question is will having this tube permanently inserted allow air to reach the nutes and degrade their potency or any other type of ill effect?20191212_170108.jpg
If your worried about the nutrient back flushing........just put a check valve in the tube at the top and then plug it
BTW that cart is awesome!
lol thanks it used to have another shelf in the middle and was my propagation cart, recently moved and had to change everything up so now i have secret jardin L100 2-in-1 tent with sperate areas for flower, mothers, and clones, took out the middle shelf and my 16gal res and chiller fit perfectly on it, got the side basket because it was fucking perfect size for my nute bottles (except the bloom which i buy in gallon size so thats ontop of the chiller lol) the tray up top makes for a nice work station to take clones, mixing my small feed batches for the mothers, and testing res samples, actually just ordered a bluelab gaurdian monitor should be here before xmas! thatll make this setup even better :)20191212_170117.jpg20191221_134821.jpg
The little white nub in the wall you see with a hose attached is my drain to outside, when i need to clean the system i run a light bleach water solution through the chiller with the rez full for 20 minutes, plug the feed hose onto the drain out barb, pump it all out, fill with fresh water, run for 20 minutes, drain, fill one more time, drain, its a beautiful thing :) no more hauling the barrel around!20191221_134943.jpg
got my guardian monitor today, love it already! lol Also upgraded the check valve in my barrel, that 1/4 inch inline one was a cheapo designed for aquarium airhose use, it ended up breaking from too much pressure, This new check valve is a 3/4" threaded one, i wanted 1/2" but couldnt find any in either lowes or home depot, bit overkill for its purpose but functions exactly as it should.20191224_150622.jpg20191224_150531.jpg