Unbelievably Helpful


Well-Known Member
Man, this forum is amazing. Except for the rare flairups this forum is flooded with ultra helpful people who will invest hours of time to assist members with their unique passion for growing. From expert to noob, minor to breeder we have a great thing going here. I feel like an expert already and Im on my first grow. Heres a chance to shout out the peeps that helped you out along the way.


Well-Known Member
this site is addictive like growing it self i just said goodnight and im back allready LOL but really i cant stop


Well-Known Member
i want to shout out my boys in pelican bay and louisburg fci lol j/k. yeah this site is the cat tits(means it is cool haha). people i want to shout out for being helpful are:grandfather, natmoon, fletch, fdd, knowm, skunkushybrid, humboldt, ngt. of course some of these people on here are well known and i may have never talked to most of these guys directly or ever asked them a question but i lurked many hours on here looking at some of their threads. grandfather and humboldt were both big helps on my last grow. of course there are many more awesome and helpful people on here that i didn't mention but the people i have listed are some that come to mind the quickest. i have lurked night upon night and read so many posts by these guys. i could probably list a hundred people on here haha. anyone know what happened to rascalone. he used to be on here all the time, whatever happened to him?