Unable to load photos dice yesterday


Active Member
I don't see any site news about trouble loading photos. Anyone else unable to load photos? Is RIU having issues?


Active Member
the upload a file button or ? can you be a bit more specific please :D
load file button lets me pick a photo from iPhone library. It shows it loading, but it just stops loading after 20 seconds and never appears. I was wondering if it's with iPhone users only because they just did a is 8 update, but could figure out why I can't add pics


Staff member
ok so its your iphone itself?
is it the iphone 6? or 4 or 5? ill do a test on my iphone


Staff member
maybe perhaps its the update but that would be on apples side not ours, :/ dunno what to tell ya ill do some diggin round mate


Active Member
I think iPhone users are officially screwed from posting on this site if you loaded all of OS 8. The iCloud drive part of the update isn't finished yet and won't be til weeks into October. I blindly said yes to complete update including iCloud drive login.

Might as well cancel my grow journal if it last that long to fix it. 3-4 weeks without pics won't be interesting to people


Well-Known Member
I have one I pad of mine I didn't do the new update with so I can still post pics but what a pain in the ass to always have to be by that to upload a pic. Boo!


Well-Known Member
My courser for my typing is all over the page tho just a minute ago I went to type and my cursor was in my avatar pic lol