UN warns America The United Nations has issued the United States a stern warning


Well-Known Member
The UN headquaters are in NYC and the U.S are senior members. I wonder if U.S delegates to the U.N are involved in this bunkum. .. likely a government sanctioned ploy to make out its breaking international laws. That gives them more leverage to enforce federal diktats. Anyways, it was the U.S who helped draft the policy and then signed up to it freely.

Every country in the world decides what substances they allow. In Colombia, its been legal for the past 20 years to have a gram of cocaine for personal. and in Holland they sell weed in cafes, whilst in Afghanistan they openly grow poppy. .. Magic Mushrooms were legal in the UK until a few years ago and in Spain growing weed is tolerated.


Well-Known Member
So I'm gonna call the UN tomorrow and tell them I've been breaking their international laws for, uhm what 30 years now. A whole bunch of 'em too. What the fuck they gonna do? Tell me I'm naughty? Put me on their international shit list? LOL

You know what would be funny, for one or more of these fucks to go to Colorado and tell people there that they gotta do this and that. Yeah that would go over real big there, specially with "foreigners from NY" LOL. Yeah, they're gonna go over big with you guys. That's assuming they got the balls to go there.

We should call Amnesty International on the U.N.! ROFL

Kite High

Well-Known Member
I say fuck the UN and it is just armor for when the Feds start raiding everyone. Intl law is a fucking joke in hue first place. Who would enforce it ?


Well-Known Member
The U.N. can shove that international drug treaty up their asses. They are just mad because now people do not believe the bullshit rhetoric they have been publishing about cannabis. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
sorry guys and girls , the source is the guardian newspaper , this left wing piece of shit perpetuates no end of bollocks bullshit and crap , there may be a slither of a hint of truth in between the lines but it will never be to the degree that its reported on , take it with a pinch of salt

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
sorry guys and girls , the source is the guardian newspaper , this left wing piece of shit perpetuates no end of bollocks bullshit and crap , there may be a slither of a hint of truth in between the lines but it will never be to the degree that its reported on , take it with a pinch of salt
What world are you living in? If you are referring to the UN story that did not originate from some UK lefty press corp.


Well-Known Member
sorry guys and girls , the source is the guardian newspaper , this left wing piece of shit perpetuates no end of bollocks bullshit and crap , there may be a slither of a hint of truth in between the lines but it will never be to the degree that its reported on , take it with a pinch of salt
The Guardian left wing? Where are you from? Alabama? You need to move to Sweden.