

Well-Known Member
I think train passengers have a reasonable expectation not to be hit by flying body parts. This was a clear accident, it wasn't planned nor was it a suicide. Yeah it was stupid, but if stupidity were reason enough to sue, every single president, and politician would be sued into the streets.

Even if you consider the dead dude at fault, suing the family is ghoulish. The lady should be ashamed of herself. This is more of a bullshit thing than protesting dead soldiers' funerals by Westboro church members.
As long as dumb asses do not step in front of speeding trains, passengers standing on a platform will not be likely to be hit by dismembered body parts.

Again, please see Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co. (Nineteen Twenty-Eight).

The negligence of the dumb ass caused the harm to the woman on the platform, not AMTRACK.

And the woman is not suing the family.

She is suing the ESTATE of the dumb ass.


Well-Known Member
I think train passengers have a reasonable expectation not to be hit by flying body parts. This was a clear accident, it wasn't planned nor was it a suicide. Yeah it was stupid, but if stupidity were reason enough to sue, every single president, and politician would be sued into the streets.

Even if you consider the dead dude at fault, suing the family is ghoulish. The lady should be ashamed of herself. This is more of a bullshit thing than protesting dead soldiers' funerals by Westboro church members.
Johnny is correct on this one, precedence has already been set, the gal was outside the proximity of Amtrack negligence.

You don't have a reasonable expectation to not be hit by flying body parts, since that is not at all foreseeable.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
As long as dumb asses do not step in front of speeding trains, passengers standing on a platform will not be likely to be hit by dismembered body parts.

Again, please see Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co. (Nineteen Twenty-Eight).

The negligence of the dumb ass caused the harm to the woman on the platform, not AMTRACK.

And the woman is not suing the family.

She is suing the ESTATE of the dumb ass.
1) Let me say you are a kind person for calling the dead guy a dumb ass.

2) Wouldn't the family now be his estate?

3) I'm ashamed this is what society has evolved to.

4) Who gives a shit if presidence exists making Amtrack guiltless. I personally will never ride on them ever, even given a free ticket. I hope the backlash from this gives them tons of lost sales. The proper thing to have done would have been for Amtrack to pay for some or all the lady's medical bills. Then given the lady a year pass. Finally say they are truely horrified by the incident, and even though they aren't to blame, the will implement procedures to eliminate as best possible this from happening again.

5) If the lady really is strapped for cash that she needs the money to live for her bills paid, tell the family and they should help to the best of their ability.

It shouldn't have ever come to this. That this is considered acceptable is sickening. If you knew me, you'd know I'm the biggest supporter of laissez-faire capitalism. But this is about human decency. There are just certain things you should do, even when not required. I'm all for not being forced human decenvy, but that still doesn't absolve you from being an asshole.

This is the very reason I despise Ayn Rand. Her.philosophy of not being responsible automatically makes you a hero for saying the "dumb ass" deserved what he got. You aren't to show pity. You can then hold your head high for taking what she considered the moral way, which means never getting taken advantage of. Showing compassion meant being taken advantage of.

That is a shitty way to live life. I'm an atheist too, and still know it's wrong. This is the real reason the occupy wall street exist. It's not because corporations are evil, or the government for supporting them. It's society for being amoral assholes. For people only caring about the law or how to circumvent it. For only doing what you're required and nothing more. Those are the reasons we're fucked. It's not we're over taxed, hyper inflation, crony capitalism nor any other externality. It's because WE as people as a whole do it to ourself. Neither Obama nor Paul will make it better or worse. There's no hope and change or revolution. The happening in this thread is the cause. We're doomed to fall like the Roman empire, who also thought the same.


Well-Known Member
1) Let me say you are a kind person for calling the dead guy a dumb ass.

2) Wouldn't the family now be his estate?

3) I'm ashamed this is what society has evolved to.

4) Who gives a shit if presidence exists making Amtrack guiltless. I personally will never ride on them ever, even given a free ticket. I hope the backlash from this gives them tons of lost sales. The proper thing to have done would have been for Amtrack to pay for some or all the lady's medical bills. Then given the lady a year pass. Finally say they are truely horrified by the incident, and even though they aren't to blame, the will implement procedures to eliminate as best possible this from happening again.

5) If the lady really is strapped for cash that she needs the money to live for her bills paid, tell the family and they should help to the best of their ability.

It shouldn't have ever come to this. That this is considered acceptable is sickening. If you knew me, you'd know I'm the biggest supporter of laissez-faire capitalism. But this is about human decency. There are just certain things you should do, even when not required. I'm all for not being forced human decenvy, but that still doesn't absolve you from being an asshole.

This is the very reason I despise Ayn Rand. Her.philosophy of not being responsible automatically makes you a hero for saying the "dumb ass" deserved what he got. You aren't to show pity. You can then hold your head high for taking what she considered the moral way, which means never getting taken advantage of. Showing compassion meant being taken advantage of.

That is a shitty way to live life. I'm an atheist too, and still know it's wrong. This is the real reason the occupy wall street exist. It's not because corporations are evil, or the government for supporting them. It's society for being amoral assholes. For people only caring about the law or how to circumvent it. For only doing what you're required and nothing more. Those are the reasons we're fucked. It's not we're over taxed, hyper inflation, crony capitalism nor any other externality. It's because WE as people as a whole do it to ourself. Neither Obama nor Paul will make it better or worse. There's no hope and change or revolution. The happening in this thread is the cause. We're doomed to fall like the Roman empire, who also thought the same.
I used the term 'dumb ass' for the sake of continuity.

I am not happy he is dead. But that does not change the fact that his actions, while alive, resulted in harm to an innocent person standing on a platform.

Apparently, you seem to feel his actions while alive should be excused simply because he is now dead as a result of his own negligence.

If he survived, he would still be a dumb ass in my eyes.


Well-Known Member
if we had a health care system that is worth half of what insurance companies want us to believe it does.... the woman would've never had been burdened with the types of problems that typically accompany such events...

what should be considered negligence is the assertion that a train moving at 70mph is to be considered a 'high speed train'.... the chinese would puke if their 'high speed trains' moved at 70mph... lol


Well-Known Member
if we had a health care system that is worth half of what insurance companies want us to believe it does.... the woman would've never had been burdened with the types of problems that typically accompany such events...

what should be considered negligence is the assertion that a train moving at 70mph is to be considered a 'high speed train'.... the chinese would puke if their 'high speed trains' moved at 70mph... lol
I do not recall any mention of 'high speed trains.' Do they even exist in the U.S?

In Communist China, is there even liability?

Are there torts?

Is there such a thing as negligence?

Waiting patiently for my ban....


Well-Known Member
it's right there in the first post....

But the appellate court disagreed. After noting that the case law involving "flying bodies" is sparse, it ruled that "it was reasonably foreseeable" that the high-speed train would kill Joho and fling his body toward a platform where people were waiting.

if you want to get banned just tell some of the 'higher ups'.... don't think they'll just ban you though.


Well-Known Member
it's right there in the first post....

if you want to get banned just tell some of the 'higher ups'.... don't think they'll just ban you though.
Something 'referenced' in the first post.

Good enough, I suppose.

I stand corrected.

Still waiting patiently from a ban from the great and powerful mod - YOU! :-P


Well-Known Member
i kinda hurt she sead i got a lil penis n i posted it i was told it was big n juicy lolz she sead it was tiny n undesirab le lolz

Something 'referenced' in the first post.

Good enough, I suppose.

I stand corrected.

Still waiting patiently from a ban from the great and powerful mod - YOU! :-P

we can't ban anyone, johnny.

and you would be about the last one on that list.

the member whose post i put above yours posted a picture of his reportedly small penis and did not get banned.

so feel free to bring out the heavy guns. but please refrain from posting pictures of your penis.


Well-Known Member
we can't ban anyone, johnny.

and you would be about the last one on that list.

the member whose post i put above yours posted a picture of his reportedly small penis and did not get banned.

so feel free to bring out the heavy guns. but please refrain from posting pictures of your penis.
So... I'm not wrong.


Okay, then.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
we can't ban anyone, johnny.

and you would be about the last one on that list.

the member whose post i put above yours posted a picture of his reportedly small penis and did not get banned.

so feel free to bring out the heavy guns. but please refrain from posting pictures of your penis.
I got banned on another site for saying this:

"I'm so happy I'm an atheist, because if I believed my god could let you exist, I'd kill myself."


Well-Known Member
I got banned on another site for saying this:

"I'm so happy I'm an atheist, because if I believed my god could let you exist, I'd kill myself."
now that's just funny.

very sharp and witty retort.

i mean, this is the politics section. the thin skinned need not apply. we can't monitor every little insult, every instance of someone calling someone else an 'internet gaylord'.

what will get someone banned is when all 3 mods, left, left, and libertarian, all agree that the member overly upsets the natural flow of posting. it is imperfect and subjective, but it is all we have and seems to be OK for now. or at least until they invent robots to moderate political forums on pot websites.