Ultra Lemon Haze by Auto seeds


Well-Known Member
Final review - flowered under 500w cfl's in a twin reflector hood


- This strain is NOT an auto. The breeder does not claim it to be an auto, rather to flower on 15-9 or 12/12. I just got these seeds to prove to myself wether my last grow with this strain (really low budget newb grow) was a fluke, as this strain managed to auto last time. I now beleive it only auto'd last time becasue i was using some shitty budget timer that must have been failing to turn off/on randomly, which led to the plant stressing out.

- SO, i would recommend this strain to anyone doing a 12/12 light schedule grow with sativa dominant photoperiod strains. DO NOT mix this strain with an auto grow.

- I had early issues with heat stress, but they handled it well.

- It stinks really good, there were two phenos i had, one was smaller, allot darker, had much more sativa shaped leaves, smellled of parrafin when mature. The second phenos were taller, and had a really fruity, grapefruit, sweet candy smell. They are both really frosty, but the THC glands were alot bigger on both grapefruit phenos. The small girl still has a really nice sativa high though, so don't be put off, and the paraffin smell actually tasstes more like pineapple when vaping/smoking.

- They stretched ALOT once i switched to 12/12 so don't get this if you have vertical space limitations.

- you will need a carbon filter if smell is an issue.

- This is the only non-auto strain that this breeder do, the breeder is 'Auto Seeds' and the description of this strain on their website was spot on to the larger two phenos out of the three that i grew, so im really impressed with how accurate they were. I would like to try growing other strains from them when i do an auto grow again.



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah i forgot to add this from autoseeds website:

"Due to the dominance of the Sativa genes and the lower percentage of Ruderalis this is not a standard autoflowering variety. For optimum yield and maximum psychoactivity (THC content), 90+ days are recommended. Indoors, special care must be taken. Unlike other autos the best photoperiod for Ultra Lemon Haze is 12-16 hours. It is also best to change from vegetative nutrients to flowering nutrients at week 5/6 to ensure the best crop. Outdoors, Ultra Lemon Haze can be planted from early March to the beginning of July but the flowering period will never be shorter than 60 days"


"To create Ultra Lemon Haze we crossed the Cannabis Cup winning Lemon Haze with a select Sour Diesel developed in northern California. This was then crossed with our Auto #1 to produce a stable strain that is truly unique. These genetics and the resulting strain have created something incredibly special which has made it one of our favourites. The taste is of sharp citrus, lemons and pink grapefruit, whilst maintaining the fuel like undertones of the Sour Diesel. The Super Lemon Haze was a multiple cup winner for good reason and these traits have carried through into Ultra Lemon Haze. Sativa dominant, the buds are long and dense with typical sativa shape shade leaves. The smoke is spectacular and the stone distinctly psychedelic with an excellent balance between a physical body buzz and soaring cerebral high."

smoke report

after the first hit in teh vaporizer it creeps up and take about 10 mins before you think 'shit im really high' then i wait about an hour and do another vape, at which point i then get reaaaaaally high, and wont come down for ages. Like reallly trippy, when you first smoke weed and your thought are racing n questioning everything, and i get a lil bit of paranoia sometimes but i figured thats just what happens when you notice shit you never saw before, like my friends dog was sniffin my crotch n i was pushin it away like wtf, n its mate was gettin really depressed and it tripped me out for ages watching it sulk and try to bond with the other dog who was literally being a bitch. The dogs just wouldn't fuck off it was pretty annoying. I should have just told them to piss off and shoved them both away. But yeah, things like that made me start trippin on this weed when normally id just not give a shit. Its a good daytime weed if your out and about coz it can be really uplifting and positive in the right environment.

Tastes fruity, like grapefruit. But in the curing jar, it smells like a rotting fruit salad or somethin, i guess its the fuel smell of the sour diesel mixing with the sharp fruit smell they had when they were growing (they do not have any budrot, they are fine, and very dry)

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
hahahahahaha! yeah... trivial shit gets blown out of proportion when you're high. fun stuff is funner, but anything that isn't gets amped up too with paranoia being what happens when something doesn't seem right, but even harmless crap can prove unbearable too like a former dealer's girlfriend's incessant chatter about shopping, clothes, her friends and other girly shit making me want to ask if she has an off button. the converstation would have tested my patience if i weren't high too, but even on mexican brick, i couldn't wait for an excuse to get the eff out.

It stinks really good
if you think stink actually IS good. i nip that shit in the bud, literally myself as i see no legit reason to grow any stinky strains ever as you can get any kind of high or stone in low odor strains. skunkers also remind me of my utter contempt for afghanis too, so it's an issue in general with me.

great report, and nice description of the buzz. i might not want to grow that strain myself, but if you ever tossed me a bud, i know i'd like smoking it big time. trippy strains are my favorite for sure. diesels? eh... not so much. onyx has an awesome high, but man that flavor and i do not get along at all.

if you want to try other sativas & hybrids that might not be as trippy, but that all have nice distinct personalities, jack's cleaner 2, sweet haze & haze x skunk are all great too. i'm hoping my lemony malawi gold lives up to that strain's rep.

speaking of rep, i'm all out to give you some +, but am giving you a verbal thumbs up for growing something other than more cash crapper strains. the flavor phenos sound nice too, but JC2 is lemony as well and not skunky and sweet haze gets me hard just smelling that one's fruity goodness.

way to represent for "getting high"! hey, add your vote for preferences to the mix here.
just as i've always known, it proves greedy cash croppers grow what THEY want and not what everyone else actually does. why they REFUSE to give up on aghanicrap and at the very least start growing jack herer or one of it's hybrids like C99, jack's cleaner 2, or jack the ripper etc. eludes me. i think it's just being greedy and stubborn, or some kind of vast conspiracy afraid of people getting high.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, personally, I vaporize my weed in a handhelp vape. I can taste the nicest flavours in seemingly 'shitty' weed that my friends complain about coz it dont stink. This weed ive grown smells fruity, not like skunk ;) but i appreciate even more, the subtle types of weed in my vape. My friend got some whiteberry, but when i vaped it it tasted like cheesy feet it was rough as fuck. On the other hand, weed that smells like dried petals tastes like the sweet air of a summer meadow when i vape it with very complex flavours. This weed tastes really fruity in the vape its a nice taste, not a cheesy, vomity taste like some strains. Its got a sweet grapefruit taste. Not sure about smokin it, coz the couple of times ive tried smokin a joint of it with my friends it just tastes like im breathing in bonfire smoke, and that even had a ratio of about 70-30 weed-backy. And they said it tastes lovely :/ so ill just take their word for it :P ill stick to my vape. Alot less demanding on my mind and body that way if i stay independant of nicotine anyways. Thanks for teh reply and the strain recommendations ill look out for those strains. Is jacks cleaner TGA? i was lookin at TGA but i need fems coz i got a small grow cupboard :(


Well-Known Member
smoke report update

got in from work and had a small vape, i feel reaally high and really good. I don't recommend smokin this weed around crotch obsessed staffies or dealers girlfriends, but if your chillin at home, listenin to tunes on ur headphones n lookin at pic of weed lol then its top quality stuff. Been intensly high for about an hour now, but its not a nauseating intensity its really comfortable in the head but kinda lightens the body too. The chouchlock from the indica genes is there in the background. Tastes lovely too, the rot aspect of the taste was gone and it just tasted citrrusy and grapefuity/melony. Yeah i would grow this weed again, but im gonna av a lil look around at a few other sativas before i grow it again coz im new to indoor growin, got a couple of failed outdoor grows under my belt for whats that worth lol technically the last one was stolen but that can also be considered the same thing. I still got 3 seeds left :)

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
now some have complained about losing all of the flavor vaporizing. i've only vaped oned generic stony strain, and thought the fresh "unburned" taste was awesome, like switching from frozen food to grocery store fresh.

if you want a nice fruity haze, i can't tell you how much i loved DNA sweet haze! it was stickier, fruitier and even trippier than a bunch of other more clearheaded "generic hazes" i've tried like autojack, thai fantasy, super thai x skunk, rokerij "amnesia", stony LSD, CH9 jack, & sativa trans love, although that last strain buds like a mofo and is an improvement over C99 for nice yield as it just stops stretching and making bud as soon as you flip it. it left everything but an autoflowering masterkush in the dust right out the gate. that'll be my new go to strain for shrinking sativas without adding couchlock. i grew all of those under a sodium, but my short stuff super cali haze freebie tasted like straight up grape juice under a halide and LSD & joey weed C99 had hints of grape under the light too. after doing some research, you should use halides, especially for sativas as the full spectrum releases more terpenes and probably better THC too. sweet haze had a better high though, and i'm pretty sure it's a quick 9 week strain, but it's stretchy.

my favorite strain is a more compact jack herer hybrid, jack's cleaner 2, that is a little stony, but functional and REALLY trippy! i imagined invisible ripples of color on that shit running my arms because the buzz makes you like touching yourself. it has so many fun features. the stone makes you feel warm too. i can't wait to try sannies jack f7 or jackhammer and see if those are trippier or at least more motivational, but JC2 is great date bud.... "oh, you like it when i give you a back rub, huh?"

HQS thai skunk was only generic, but their haze skunk isn't shabby. it has a cheesy cigar wrapper taste that isn't a favorite, but i've smoked worse... name catpiss, diesels, lavender, brick that stunk and tasted like castor oil, and the 5 minute headache... dirt weed. it's super potent and motivational, but stretchy and a 12 week strain, but it makes a lot of smaller bud sites every couple inches. it would really be good to scrog. it has some trippiniess, though maybe not as much as columbian, but even after a month, it doesn't turn stony either and the buzz is long lasting. it's my 3rd fave as a "power hitter". i stopped drinking on it, lost weight, and after a month, started doing crunches on it. i think of it as an AK-47 that gets you high. i really need to compare my top 3 AND holy smokes' malawi gold which seems promising under the same conditions to see if maybe sweet haze is my favorite because it's so sticky anf fruity. from all i've read, a good blue dream haze will have a similar high, but taste much better i'm sure.

i've heard good things about ace golden tiger and panama and mandala's satori too. i KNOW i love 8 miles high. it's a mellower high like a generic haze with a little bit more trippiness, the energy profile is totally neutral so you can chill out and do the movie thing, but it also loves music and dancing and i REALLY liked the precise body control aspect. it made me feel more athletic and co-ordinated, sort of like the light floaty feeling of columbian. i think of it as a desert island 24/7 strain. i can't wait until it comes back. satori's supposed to be even better, but 8MH is great for it's own classy does everything just right high.

i HOPE my holy smokes malawi lives up to it's trippy rep the way most thais and hazes don't. i'll use that as my male breeder next round regardless and if it still falls short of columbian grade visuals, i'll try some 14 week plus shit like oldtimer's (purple) haze, columbian gold or black, mekong haze & anything else i hear something good about, although panama wouldn't be my first choice because of it's red hairs, but the grower with that here swears by it. maybe 'll marry it to cherry buddha's sister some day. once i have enough stash that i can screw around with landraces, i'll give that fussy bitch highland thai another try. it takes forever to flip, bitches about sexing in even 2 gallons, and is hermie prone, but that tutti fruity flavor is so fucking awesome! most breeders use meao & ko chang thai's, but sativa seeds uses tutti fruity highland thai for it's full moon. maybe other thais have tripper buzzes, but that's the only juicy fruit one i know of.

for flavor strains, TGA subcool has a loyal following and i was impressed enough with JC2, and everything i tried by DNA had total attention to all details. their skunk #1 stony sour cream isn't a favorite buzz, but oh shit that one's crazy delicious!

rock on high flyer! grow that stuff everyone wants, but only a few of us have the love of kind to bother with. if you want to try new gear with nice quality and/or fast finishing, JC2, sweet haze & haze skunk are all nice. i have issues with the names jack the ripper and killing fields, but both of those fast finishers are supposed to be REALLY trippy too.

oh yeah... i forgot, if you want a clearheaded, mind and body racing, almost as euphoric as shrooms high, try 17 week plus kali mist! oh that shit is impossible to sit still on! it's like a tweaker version of C99 LOL, but C99 only takes 55 days. i was bummed that it wasn't trippy and that i couldn't get into chilling on tunes on it, but i ended up cleaning house on it humming don't worry, be happy, and begged to buy an eigth for $120 because there was NOTHING like that on the streets where i was in NY. the original tasted like straight up crushed red pepper and was delicious, but they've toned it down with a fruity haze probably so now it's fruity and spicy. the flavor would be too much for people that don't like spicy. it made my lips burn, but i loved it. it's not my personal favorite though. i like those trippy effects as well as a mellower energy level better, but NOT being effing stoned. eff that noise!

i hope you stay active talking high up in here so occasional stragglers who never have or forgotten can get back to getting high like the good old days. the public needs to be re-educated and unlearn all that effing schwag appeal propaganda and get back to what matters the most... the buzz.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
i've seen a lot of favorable reporting on G13 labs. i might try something of theirs eventually, but i kinda have issues with their logo as well as a lot of non-interest in anything G13. i'll have to re-read thir descriptions to see about the auto haze. really, i'm not that into autoflowering. i've done masterkush & super cali haze and wasn't blown away by the buzz of either though SCH was delicious and grape tasting under halide. that's where i got my name from actually. the SCH really did perk joey weed C99 up though. i called that cross fruity booty. i was bummed that the grape flavor i was expecting present in both parents wasn't there in the offspring, but i suspect that the sodium bulb i used ruined a lot of flavors.

i think after i try a few more hybrids, i'm going to start looking for pure landrace sativas. i just found out the difference between gage green's columbians is that black is smoother and spicier and what at least gage prefers while gold is the trippier one. that's on my short list along with oldtimer's haze, ace panama, mekong haze and definitely 8 miles high when that's back for breeding with the best fast hybrids i know for even more old school buzzes that at least finish in under 15 weeks. then, when i'm feeling particularly ambitious, i want to try and tame highland thai with something like sativa trans love for a trippy and motivational remix of "juicy fruit" without the afghani.
Hey man I'm also quite interested in low oder strains, I've ordered nirvanas blue Mystic auto for that very reason. The only other lower oder strains I've found were by gorilla seed bank and was curious as to what strains you'd consider low oder?
Any help would be mich appreciated man :)
Kind regards
Chiko Green.


Active Member
Can this strain be mainlined since it isn't a typical auto? I've stayed away from autos because I like mainlining my trees but I really want to grow this strain.