Ultimate Noob questions ( Loweryder 2)


Growing cress at school is the extent of my horticultural knowledge, just afew ridiculously amateur questions (be nice!! :D)
Got my Lowryder 2 seed through, just wondering what the first steps to planting them are how do i germinate the seeds?? im not sure if i need to leave them on damp cotton wool just untill they sprout so im not burying it upside down??

Also how much water do i give them a day, and is a 300w cfl lamp the right one to buy to grow 3 plants in a very small closet??
cheers any help will be much appreciated !!!!!!
for germinating, wet two paper towels with warm clean water. put one paper towel on a plate and then the seeds on top of that. cover the seeds with another moist paper towel and another plate to cover it all up. Make sure you store it in a dark moist place and dont let the paper towels dry out. Once a small white tap root shows through the seeds you're ready to plant! throw them about 1/4 deep in your grow medium with the tap root pointing down, and make sure they have light to grow towards.

For watering, its not necessarily a day by day thing, you water them once the soil has dried out. and a 300 W cfl should be alright to start but im not sure if one lamp will be able to get light to every part of all three plants. You'll need to make sure something is reflecting the lost light or buy a few more cfl's, they're cheap! how big is the closet space? anything for ventilation or humidity control? make sure you're all ready to go once the grow begins...


Well-Known Member
germinate the way ^ he said. your 300w light will be enough for three autos. i did 2 autos under 96w and got well over an ounce total. make sure you keep them on a 20/4 light schedule throughout the grow.


Cheers guys !! hadnt thought about humidity control i was just gonna stick a fan in there, the closet im planning to use has got a boiler in it im not sure if thats gonna make it really damp and humid perhaps il have to find another location for the plants !!!
also think im gonna stick afew mirrors around the plants to make sure the light is reflected !
Cheers guys !! hadnt thought about humidity control i was just gonna stick a fan in there, the closet im planning to use has got a boiler in it im not sure if thats gonna make it really damp and humid perhaps il have to find another location for the plants !!!
also think im gonna stick afew mirrors around the plants to make sure the light is reflected !
I haven't heard anything about mirrors ever.... but you could stop at home depot or lowes and pick up some reflective insulation for about 10 dollars and it works great. and for humidity, i would make sure to buy a thermometer with a humidity gauge on it just to keep it in check. 40-60 % for vegging, and lower than that for flowering 20-40 %. how close would the broiler be to the plants? and you for sure want a fan, gota keep air going out and fresh air coming in!


Active Member
Dont use mirrors, they absord more light then they reflect. Common mistake. Use tin foil on the cheap or as previously mentioned your best bet it to purchase reflective sheeting.


New Member
I suggest thhat you do some reading, studying, planning, and then take action on our grow. This is a great place to start...



cheers guys really appreciated all of your inputs, gonna stick them in the closet but i can leave the door open here and there if the humidity gets to high, will a 300w cfl suffice through the entire process?? been reading around alot and apparently people often change the lights they use half way through, is it completely neccessary??? i dont mean the light cycle i mean the actual lights themselves
cheers guys really appreciated all of your inputs, gonna stick them in the closet but i can leave the door open here and there if the humidity gets to high, will a 300w cfl suffice through the entire process?? been reading around alot and apparently people often change the lights they use half way through, is it completely neccessary??? i dont mean the light cycle i mean the actual lights themselves
I am on my first grow right now, you should check it out if you get a chance! ill have an update of pictures in another week. but i have 5 cfls for two plants. There are 4 100W equivalent cfls and 1 150W equivalent. I started out with 4 and added the 5th after a couple weeks. Im planing on adding another 150W equivalent for the flowering stage. I think your 300W would be fine for the whole grow, but if you want to see those plants explode with some growth you might want to slowly add a few more cfl's throughout the grow. but you can for sure start with what you have and see how it works, if those seedlings are stretching for more light then add a couple bulbs. and it is not completely necessary to switch bulbs throughout the grow, it seems like a lot of people switch to hps or whatever for flowering but a grow can be completely done start to finish with cfls! they wont get too hot either.

what type of cfl do you have? 2700k, 3500k, 5000k?


still doing the research of what im getting man, growing lowryders so im not expecting them to explode with growth haha !! also considering if they are actually the best option, i need a small plant about 2 foot tall at most im thinking and im not sure what lights to get !! dont wanna spend more than £60-70 on lights, (think thats about $120 equivilent for the yankieees)
havent even started considering the nutrients i need gonna start the grow when i move into a new flat in the next week or two, also worried that in a big modern expensive flat complex whether the electricity used is gonna stand out as quite high in comparison to the other flats and raise afew eyebrows with whoever runs the place??


Active Member
germinate the way ^ he said. your 300w light will be enough for three autos. i did 2 autos under 96w and got well over an ounce total. make sure you keep them on a 20/4 light schedule throughout the grow.
What strain and from what company? I'm looking to grow lowrider myself.
still doing the research of what im getting man, growing lowryders so im not expecting them to explode with growth haha !! also considering if they are actually the best option, i need a small plant about 2 foot tall at most im thinking and im not sure what lights to get !! dont wanna spend more than £60-70 on lights, (think thats about $120 equivilent for the yankieees)
havent even started considering the nutrients i need gonna start the grow when i move into a new flat in the next week or two, also worried that in a big modern expensive flat complex whether the electricity used is gonna stand out as quite high in comparison to the other flats and raise afew eyebrows with whoever runs the place??
okay, I see. Well I think that for veg, 5000k is the best option, and 2700k for flowering. You can buy a lot of cfls for $120, so I wouldnt worry about that. and the cfl bulbs I purchased, on the box it said the cost of running a 68W bulb, for 3 days a week, the entire year, costs $2.77. so no that wont raise any eyebrows, especially if you only have one plant and 3-4 light bulbs. but keep researching! good luck