**ULTIMATE LED TEST** *GLH Spectra 290* VS *Blackstar 500* VS *Hydro Grow LED 336X*


Active Member
Hey wejuana, all the updates, photos, and videos are awesome...keep em coming! But could you do a couple pics of the entire plants or at least a couple full branches so we can see the lower flowers too?

Also, it might be a good idea to post the lens angles for each light...we seem to have some confusion already based on a few of the other posters' comments...
Sure, not a problem.

Blackstar: 60, 90 & 120 degree lenses
Spectra : 90 degree lenses
Penetrator: between 60-90 degree lenses


Active Member
@Nate- Thanks much! I cant wait for these next few weeks.. they should start looking ohh soo lovely.
@puff - Not a problem at all! Glad I could clear that up. Now ask me to go into what the different degrees do and I couldnt tell you haha, I'm good with facts though.


Active Member
Ya I wouldn't pay 3x the money for a light that doesn't at least double he yeild of the one that's a third the price.
That's so right. Penetrator or cammie or whatever it is..... that's a real JOKE. a NASTY JOKE. Those lights all they have is a different color case? Apparentely Eshinesystem makes them? It's not that I want to go against a company with high price, the thing is this: we are not talking about superior lights/diodes/thecnologies, we are not talking about some Osram/cree/philips diodes... or we are not talking about Kessils, that at least they have their own technology/diodes/professionals/researchers .........we are talking about the same sort of medium-quality lights that competitors sells at less price than Cammie. Guys, really, OPEN YOUR EYES. Competitors with similar lights-quality, with lower prices, already make more than good profits out of us!!! Cammie is just a TOO MUCH OF A JOKE. WAKE UP! Sorry :)


Active Member

Blackstar in the middle with the Brand new Spectra 150s.

These will be coming out in a few weeks with the new website for GLH. Michael asked me to ask yall to bare with the old site in the meanwhile.

"The 150's use 3w true 45ml chips, red and blue wavelengths use 90* lens and the two different white led's use 120* lenses. The true draw of the panel is around 155w and uses 100 individual led's."

I'm going to swap the 2 Spectra 150's with the 300 after the first plants are chopped.


Well-Known Member
so you are going to put 2 spectra 150 in the experiment room, correct? looking forward to see if it will catch up with the blackstar

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
im willing to put money down that the kessil would smash on all three of these panels... just my opinion, i've seen a complete noob never run hydro, never scrog, never grown really more than 2 times in dirt once with cfl and once outside. Grab a h150 and scrog and pull 40 grams dry off of one plant, pretty damn impressive if you ask me. Now imagine with an experienced grower and a h350 should have a fat yield, i've never run my h150 alone so i cant comment too much from personal experience but it boosted my blackstar 240watts output of nug massively. Lots more now with just that 36w addition.

that being said those new GLH panels look nice, i still dig on the fact that blackstar has 60 90 and 120 lenses and not just limited, i really do like their product its solid and not exorbitantly priced.


Well-Known Member
im willing to put money down that the kessil would smash on all three of these panels... just my opinion, i've seen a complete noob never run hydro, never scrog, never grown really more than 2 times in dirt once with cfl and once outside. Grab a h150 and scrog and pull 40 grams dry off of one plant, pretty damn impressive if you ask me. Now imagine with an experienced grower and a h350 should have a fat yield, i've never run my h150 alone so i cant comment too much from personal experience but it boosted my blackstar 240watts output of nug massively. Lots more now with just that 36w addition.

that being said those new GLH panels look nice, i still dig on the fact that blackstar has 60 90 and 120 lenses and not just limited, i really do like their product its solid and not exorbitantly priced.
**no need to throw in Kessil in here, WeJuana prolly already has his hands full w/ this current project :) ..from what im seeing so far by just a stand-alone LED panel grow.. id go w/ blackstars.. for now ;) --cheers


Active Member
OMG ! The Spectra plant looks like it's dying compared to the Blackstar and I've noticed that the leaves on the Blackstar plant are doing that "come to the light" thing whilst the leaves on the Penetrator are just horizontal or drooping downwards. Hope Spectra and Penetrator owners (amongst others) are following this grow. This thread alone could maybe start a price war and stop some company's lies and greed, let's hope so :-)


Well-Known Member
I agree!! but it's new technology so the price will go down regardless... and by the way, I had never heard of Kessil before, and I would not gamble a dime on them!! :leaf:

it's obvious that the blackstar is way ahead now ... those other 2 dont even look that healthy! what is their watering schedule!? Have they all been on the same watering schedule so far!?


Active Member
im willing to put money down that the kessil would smash on all three of these panels... just my opinion, i've seen a complete noob never run hydro, never scrog, never grown really more than 2 times in dirt once with cfl and once outside. Grab a h150 and scrog and pull 40 grams dry off of one plant, pretty damn impressive if you ask me. Now imagine with an experienced grower and a h350 should have a fat yield, i've never run my h150 alone so i cant comment too much from personal experience but it boosted my blackstar 240watts output of nug massively. Lots more now with just that 36w addition.
Was he on here? Link? You should check out my grow, I was running the 150 purple. My only issue with Kessils is I wish you could tune the color waves like you can in some panel models because they way they have it you need either a gen purple light with a red booster during flower or you need a magenta for flower and purple for veg, but I know some growers who do change their lights out for different stages so it's not that inconvenient, just expensive >_<

**no need to throw in Kessil in here, WeJuana prolly already has his hands full w/ this current project :) ..from what im seeing so far by just a stand-alone LED panel grow.. id go w/ blackstars.. for now ;) --cheers
I'm just curious to see how a Kessil compares to a "traditional" LED panel :P


Active Member
maybe the winner of this should then be compared to a Kessil H350 megenta (since this seems to be flowering plants only). Then we could see how the different technologies compare :D


Well-Known Member
What's up Wejuana? Things are starting to get interesting now. Just curious, have you noticed any differences in the units as far as how much heat they put off...does one tent get hotter than the others? Can you also speak on your watering schedules? Do you find that your medium dries out faster under one light compared to the others? Thanks!


New Member
Love this grow. I personally am contemplating hanging the higher end blackstar between a couple 600w HPS as supplemental lighting. Between 2 600's with a relatively small footprint I bet it would make an awesome sea of green grow.


WeJuana... I think you can put those blackstar veg lights much closer to your clones. I run mine maybe 6 inches above clones and have had leaves touch during veg and everything was fine. At the height you have the one over the larger pots, you aren't getting enough light to the plants IMO. I know you need to spread the footprint, but I think it might be a little too much as it is. Just something to ponder... lol


Active Member
That's so right. Penetrator or cammie or whatever it is..... that's a real JOKE. a NASTY JOKE. Those lights all they have is a different color case? Apparentely Eshinesystem makes them? It's not that I want to go against a company with high price, the thing is this: we are not talking about superior lights/diodes/thecnologies, we are not talking about some Osram/cree/philips diodes... or we are not talking about Kessils, that at least they have their own technology/diodes/professionals/researchers .........we are talking about the same sort of medium-quality lights that competitors sells at less price than Cammie. Guys, really, OPEN YOUR EYES. Competitors with similar lights-quality, with lower prices, already make more than good profits out of us!!! Cammie is just a TOO MUCH OF A JOKE. WAKE UP! Sorry :)
Don't you mean SCAMMIE?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
unfortunately i agree with you lol, we shall leave wejuana's led fried brain to test that another day lol. But i agree from the results shown in here suddenly i feel much better about my blackstar purchase, i know im not going to GLH, i was tempted to jump ship for a bit, but im actually quite satisfied now. lol the GLH is probably the second panel i would go with if i didnt go blackstar.

**no need to throw in Kessil in here, WeJuana prolly already has his hands full w/ this current project :) ..from what im seeing so far by just a stand-alone LED panel grow.. id go w/ blackstars.. for now ;) --cheers

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
getting the lights that close while it wont burn your plants its pretty detrimental to growth the reason being spectrum mixing you need at least 10 inches IMO to even begin to get proper mix and thats with the BS that has wide angle lenses compared to the other 2 panels being shown higher will actually give better results believe it or not, led's are not all about intensity, they are all about PAR, intesity and lums plays a role but not as much as PAR.

WeJuana... I think you can put those blackstar veg lights much closer to your clones. I run mine maybe 6 inches above clones and have had leaves touch during veg and everything was fine. At the height you have the one over the larger pots, you aren't getting enough light to the plants IMO. I know you need to spread the footprint, but I think it might be a little too much as it is. Just something to ponder... lol