Ukrainian President Zelensky Address to Congress

I like how Ukraine is beating up on Russia. But there's no accountability to how they are spending the money. I doubt very much they are giving receipts for expenditures to Congress to show where the money goes.
How do you actually know there is no accountability? I have not a clue what checks and balances are in place here in Canada but I trust there are. And I believe the defence of Ukraine and it’s peoples is a worthy cause, fuck Russia!!!! Can you provide a link showing no accountability from the US?
if i remember correctly the best air diffence missle sistem is russians. and last year they showed of their rocket that flew almost touching the floor and navigating a labirinth....

allsoo they can park a submarine 2 m from your coast and you would not be able to see it.
i don't trust anything the russians show off...their tech is behind ours significantly in almost every aspect, and several of their "super weapons" are not super at all...their hypersonic missile is a pile of shit, i doubt if 99% of their left over outdated icbms will even take off if loaded up, and their subs are a generation behind ours, at least...
if it comes to it, russia might get one round of missiles off, 95% + of which would be shot down. the 5% that gets through would be problematic...and then either we would retaliate, and russia has fuck all to shoot down our missiles, or NATO would invade full force and TAKE every nuke the russians have. every sub they own is tracked closely, although it is conceivable one could evade sub worth of nukes off the American coast would be bad, but not as bad as a nuclear escalation would be for russia, the only reason putin hasn't already used a nuke is that he knows that would be the death of russia, permanently.
Ukraine is not being held accountable for how they spend the money the the United States gives them. Money sent to Ukraine would be better spent in United States keeping all the illegal immigrants out of our country and helping the citizens that need help.

Are you sure about that bud?
i don't trust anything the russians show off...their tech is behind ours significantly in almost every aspect, and several of their "super weapons" are not super at all...their hypersonic missile is a pile of shit, i doubt if 99% of their left over outdated icbms will even take off if loaded up, and their subs are a generation behind ours, at least...
if it comes to it, russia might get one round of missiles off, 95% + of which would be shot down. the 5% that gets through would be problematic...and then either we would retaliate, and russia has fuck all to shoot down our missiles, or NATO would invade full force and TAKE every nuke the russians have. every sub they own is tracked closely, although it is conceivable one could evade sub worth of nukes off the American coast would be bad, but not as bad as a nuclear escalation would be for russia, the only reason putin hasn't already used a nuke is that he knows that would be the death of russia, permanently.
even the oldest sub that transports cocain is invisible. and how many subs with nukes do you need to destroy a continent.
nukes have not been used because it would mean a world war end. but as soon as he realises he might lose....
Money sent to Ukraine would be better spent in United States keeping all the illegal immigrants out of our country
ok. say we do that. not one illegal immigrant gets into the country along the southern border.
who hoes beets? who picks peaches, and apples, and strawberries? who picks lettuce, and oranges, and every other crop grown that can't be harvested with industrial machinery?
who works in restaurants? who tars roofs? who does ALL THE SHIT THAT AMERICANS ARE TOO GOOD TO DO FOR THEMSELVES?
nobody, that's who. so the price of EVERYTHING starts to go up...and availability drops as food rots in the fields, because there is no one to pick it so it can get to market. need a roof patched? tough shit, they'll get to you about the time your roof falls off of your house, because they're so far behind, because they have no one willing to do the work for what they're able to pay...
so unless you think you can convince a bunch of poor white trash that they should get the fuck up and take these jobs, i'd like to hear your solution to the "border crisis"....and your solution for your solution.
You should expand wherever you get your news/information from. You do realize that Ukraine isn't getting duffle bags of cash right? It is really not that hard to get a vague breakdown of what that funding is for and where the money actually goes. I know MAGA and all, but supporting other governments and/or their citizens in their country is far less costly than dealing with what those issues will bring to the U.S. without that support.
The Ukranians fight. Iraqis, Afghans and S. Vietnamese do not.
Remember the pallets with 11 billion dollars that went missing in Iraq. And again, they don't fight.
Ukranians fight. If ever there was a cause for USA to get behind that's it.
Canon, I apologize, I completely misread your post. I edited it with the full post. And I agree as you
see in my partially edited post here.
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The Ukranians fight. Iraqis, Afghans and S. Vietnamese do not.
Remember the pallet with 11 billion dollar that went missing in Iraq. And again, they don't fight.
Ukranians fight. If ever there was a cause for USA to get behind that's it. Just like sir napsalot said,
that's a completely "soulless" sentiment. Typical right wing drivel and hypocrisy.
Umm, not sure if your intentionally made a malicious edit of my post but that's how it looks. Would appreciate if you would add the beginning of that sentence so it is not taken out of context.
Thank you, appreciate it. Fully agree with your post - everyone that loves democracy should be supporting Ukraine!
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The Ukranians fight. Iraqis, Afghans and S. Vietnamese do not.
Remember the pallet with 11 billion dollar that went missing in Iraq. And again, they don't fight.
Ukranians fight. If ever there was a cause for USA to get behind that's it. Just like sir napsalot said,
that's a completely "soulless" sentiment. Typical right wing drivel and hypocrisy.
The United States of America is actively being invaded on the south border. There are a large amounts Fentanyl coming over the Border. Instead of hiring more border guards the United States has 87,000 more IRS ages to harass the citizens. I still think personally I like the idea of Russia's getting his ass beat but citizens of the United States are more important to me than the citizens of Ukraine are.
The United States of America is actively being invaded on the south border. There are a large amounts Fentanyl coming over the Border. Instead of hiring more border guards the United States has 87,000 more IRS ages to harass the citizens. I still think personally I like the idea of Russia's getting his ass beat but citizens of the United States are more important to me than the citizens of Ukraine are.
classic hard-right cant. Show me one (1) military vehicle or unit crossing our border, which an invasion requires. The rest is more Repug selective reality.
The United States of America is actively being invaded on the south border. There are a large amounts Fentanyl coming over the Border. Instead of hiring more border guards the United States has 87,000 more IRS ages to harass the citizens. I still think personally I like the idea of Russia's getting his ass beat but citizens of the United States are more important to me than the citizens of Ukraine are.
Holy dog whistle, batman.
Umm, not sure if your intentionally made a malicious edit of my post but that's how it looks. Would appreciate if you would add the beginning of that sentence so it is not taken out of context.
Canon, see my edited post above, including your full post. My apology, not an intentional
malicous edit at all, I merely misread it. I'm goin' to bed now. Sorry. LOL
The United States of America is actively being invaded on the south border. There are a large amounts Fentanyl coming over the Border. Instead of hiring more border guards the United States has 87,000 more IRS ages to harass the citizens. I still think personally I like the idea of Russia's getting his ass beat but citizens of the United States are more important to me than the citizens of Ukraine are.
Yes the citizens of your country should be a over- riding concern but so should the Ukiranian people your country promised to protect. It’s a humanitarian crisis at the Southern border but IMO it was all wonderful when it was just enough illegals to fill all your migrant worker needs. Careful what you wish for lol. My buddy’s first stop was the Home Depot parking lot when he needed cheap labor, now he complains it’s a terrible thing lol.
I wear sunblock everyday. Lol. Bolton is a good guy. He slammed Trump to the ground when he called out Trump for being a wacko. He is very well respected and he brought on the beginning of the downfall of Trump. Firing Bolton was a clear signal showing presidential levels of Trumps mental illness.

Nuclear weapons are indiscriminate killers, therefore they are not "weapons for defense" since by design they necessarily kill innocent people.

What may seem ironic on the surface, is that I'm for no "gun control", but my preference is for no proliferation of nuclear weapons. Not sure exactly how that should be done, but it would be my preference.

Bolton is a war mongering thug. No use for his type. Guys like him Trump and Biden are phony tough guys and willing to send your kid to die in a senseless war they wouldn't go into themselves. Zelensky is an actor and a possible bagman to expand the hegemony of the people that benefit from the U.S. dollar and future digital dollars etc. They're the real war mongers on a global scale.
the United States has 87,000 more IRS ages to harass the citizens.
the republicans, who are the willing servants of the rich old white guy network, have been systematically decimating the IRS for years...they had more than 87K employs in the reagan era...and the republicans have been axing them, cutting budgets, installing sympathetic leaders...they are years behind on audits, AND getting behind on refunds.
those employs will be harassing rich fucks and big businesses that cheat ALL of us out of their fair share. but you listen to the stupidity that the republicans tell you...because they're exactly who the IRS will be targetting, and they'll catch up on the audits, which will lead to a better budget, and a lot of prison time for a few