uk outdoor crop

dark onion

Active Member
hello all..i have 2 plants in my greenhouse, they have both been sexed 12/12 about 2 months ago,can anyone tell what strain they are? they seem to be quite healthy but they seem to have gone from flower to veg state recently, am i correct in thinking they will flower ok in september? they are getting quite a good amount of sunshine albeit from about 10 am gmt onwards, what you reckon? (the red tints on the pics are from my dodgy camera)



Well-Known Member
relax man. I'm fairly interested as i am living in ireland and have been wondering how a greenhouse grow would fair out over here. I'm no expert now but they look to be in vegatative state. I grow indoors myself so its much easier to control the environment. I'm sorry i cant be of much help to you but i'm sure you'll have more answers in due time. Good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey What UP???,,,,,,,,The Fisrt Plant Look's To Be On The Sativa Side, & The Second Plant look's to Be On The Indica Side,,,,,As Far As Strain,,,,,,We Don't Have A DNA Bank Yet,,,,,,,Of All The Thousand's Of Strain's These Day's,,, So With That Said, It Would Be Very Hard To Just Know What It's Profile Or Genetic Backings Are????,,,,,,,,They May Have Show Sex,,,,But As Far As Budding For 2-Month's?????,,,,,,,,I Would Say They Are Still Vegging,,,,,,I Don't Really Know The Winter's Where You Are,,,Some Can Be Ready In Early August To Late November????,,,,,,,Just Kick Back Bro,,,Let Nature run It's Course!!!!!!

Hope This Might Help????,,,,,,Later, HATCH


Active Member
might have sexed
but imma tell you they havent been flowering for 2 months
looks like theyre in veg to me bro

dark onion

Active Member
plants still loooking healthy,looks to me like its trying to flower again(pitsels have returned) but not 100% it during august period gmt that flowering takes place?


Well-Known Member
The leaves look a little different for some reason....almost have that look of tomatoes. They are in the same family but really does have that look about it.


Well-Known Member
looks good, but what are you feeding it? i think it could use some fertilzer. mabey a transplant?


Well-Known Member
defintalty!! get a deep pot and transplant then water make sure you get good soil id suggest something that worms like to crawl through if its hard and water doesnt sink in good then it's not the greatest still will work,some thing organic, are they outdoor? or indoor that setup looks like it doesnt get a hole lotta sun but who am i to say. get some 20-30-20 fertilzer at any garden supply store. good luck bro, i am also doing a outdoor grow aswell. check my latest posts out if you desire..:blsmoke:



Active Member
hey there i live in scotland and the best way to do it is to cover your 'house for the 12/12, in the middle of summer as thats when you get the best quality (lumens) of light. Else, you can just leave it, sept/nov usually good, try insulating your greenhouse from an early frost using bubble wrap. good luck

dark onion

Active Member
the plants have been in fertilizer since i potted them,i am feeding them miracle grow every 5 days and watering them every 2-3 days depending on the weather,the leaves on these plants are huge,they look healthy enough so im not using any other nutrients,the plants are in large recyle bins which i have had luck with in the past so i dont see why i should transplant them to bigger ones?
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dark onion

Active Member
i have been told that the 15th of august uk time is when the light cycle changes is this correct? hopefully this will give me ample time for my plants to bud before october time,one of my other plants which a friend has planted in his back garden seems to have turned sex it still has pistlils but is growing a few sacks so we have removed them as quickly as possible hoping that it will stay female,but even still if it is growing sacks then surely this means it is trying to bud am i correct?


Well-Known Member
i have been told that the 15th of august uk time is when the light cycle changes is this correct? hopefully this will give me ample time for my plants to bud before october time,one of my other plants which a friend has planted in his back garden seems to have turned sex it still has pistlils but is growing a few sacks so we have removed them as quickly as possible hoping that it will stay female,but even still if it is growing sacks then surely this means it is trying to bud am i correct?
oi oi yea im an indoor grower so no outdoor expert but have done a couple of plants on me balcony over the years, mine typically started to flower mid-late august, but the light cycle doesnt suddenly change its a gradual process of the days getting shorter and nights longer, and this is also strain dependant, u should be ok in terms of frost come winter as theyre in a greenhouse but u may wanna think about a greenhouse heater if u have any sativa genetics coz these will more than likely take longer to finish, yr recycling bins should b fine in terms of size, and u may wanna think about watering less frequently, in that size container a drench once a week or when yr soil feels dry 2-3inches from the top should b plenty, u wana avoid root rot and other pathogens that can take hold easily outside with constantly sodden soil, what soil u got them in? I use canna soil, but westlands advance west+ and b&q multipurpose potting compost with added john innes work suprisingly well and theyre cheap as chips, try to avoid anything miracle grow or slow/time release. If u can, get some bio bizz grow and bloom theyre a tenner each 100% certified organic and yr plants will love u for giving it to em!


Well-Known Member
The leaves look a little different for some reason....almost have that look of tomatoes. They are in the same family but really does have that look about it.
Lmao maybe hes growing cannamato's?? How many tomato plants have u seen? More to the point how many weed plants have u seen? First plant looks a sativa indica hybrid more sativa, second plant looks very indica dominant altho highly unlikely a pure indie! Lmao tomato's hahaha

dark onion

Active Member
cheers for the reply m8,i will look into the plant feed this week i gave them baby bio to start with then switched to miracle grow liquid feed,i am using miracle grow compost which seems to be ok but my next grow will be using better stuff,hopefully i should see them starting to bud in the next couple of weeks then :) ill keep you posted and hopefully have some more pictures.(tomatoes lol)


Well-Known Member
Im also growing in the greenhouse in the uk, i have 2 x ak47, 1 x Blueberry and 2 x unknown. I had another 3 unknown plants which i covered for the last 9-10 weeks with empty compost bins so they got 12/12 light dark. I harvested them a week ago and the results are very good. I only used soil, tera vega and tera flores. I can recomend both the tera vega (veg) and tera flores (flowering) im leaving the ones i have left in the greenhouse to flower on there own. I just hope it dont get to cold for them. The greenhouse is in a good place it gets full direct sunlight from sunrise to sunset.

dark onion

Active Member
thanks for the replys,maybe next year i will be better prepared with the right nutrients but for now i will keep it simple