UK oh hai

hey guys im bear.

I started growing like 12 hours ago and i have no clue on what im doing lol.

im going indoor. 1 plant atm (hopefully female)
250w halogen lamp
The plant's in a box covered in foil.
Im feeding it with water/tomato feed mix.
And a squidge of miracle grow.
thats about it x

post here if u got any top tips :P



Do a lot of research bud. I bought a DVD of ebay called Jorge Cervantes Ultimate grow it got lots of good ideas and tips.

I found the FAQ on RIU very helpful too.

Good luck man, may the buds be with you… :weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
yep research research then research some more, and grow a few more if ur not even sure of the sex cause ur be pissed if its a male then u gotta start again or get some fem seeds.

and that dvd riz suggested is wicked full of info, but dont buy it just download it from


Well-Known Member
Dont start any nutes untill atleast 3 weeks old! You will kill your plant. Also I presume your growing in soil? Pics are always good man.


Well-Known Member
watch youtube, untold vids on ther for £nothing. cant beat that price.
Foil isnt the best reflective material, and if you cant get anything else use the duller/non shiney side of the foil. Foil can create whats known as hot spots, either opt for matt white paint or even better panda sheeting or mylar found at 99% of hydroponic stores!
Ive no experiance with mirical grow, and i wouldnt touch it, i would think its very strong, dilute it well and start using from a 3 weeks to a month into your plants lifecycle, For some people it works others it doesnt.
I use 18 hours light on and 6 off, some say differant 20/4 or 24/0 for veggitating/growing.
use 12/12 for flowering/budding, also bear this in mind that you plant will most likely double in size during the flowering period so make sure you have enough room for it growth.


Well-Known Member
Also i forgot, i cant be without a digi ph meter (ebay £10/£15) and ph down.
And finally welcome.!