UK Growing - Early Flowers, help?


Active Member
I wanted a make a thread for all the UK farmers, i'm sure theres plenty out there. I have two five foot females that have started to flower 1st of july, does anyone know if this is normal or due to bad weather?


Active Member
Photos!! This is a close up of one of the plants and one to give you an idea of the size. Stupidly i topped this one, just before flowering, because it was nearly above fence line. Any comments gratefully received. :hump:

pistils 1.jpg

Garden Girls.jpg


Active Member
Please reply ppl, loads of ppl have viewed this and none have replied, someone must have some advice! As they have flowered should i go by the october harvest date or by the 8-9 week flowering period which would mean they will be ready early september?
Thanks guys

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
they look great man. i wouldnt worry too much about the topping just gonna get a bushier plant now. good luck


Active Member
well if your plant has started flowering it will probably keep flowering for the next 8-9 not sure though it could re-veg!good luck


Well-Known Member
your plants are big, were they started indoors 1st?

ull know when the buds are growing when they will b ready dont worry,
its female anyway congrads


Well-Known Member
oh ya u said u topp one cause it was close to fence height??
your plants will b tree's they will double in size during flowering


Well-Known Member
Im seeing preflowers already in a couple of my plants. I just keep telling myself this is the beginning of a good thing:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
only pre flowers give them another month and they will really get going i had some showing end june


Active Member
shit man, they are gunna double in height again?? ahh well i get on with my neighbors, ill have 2 invite them round for a smoke. I germinated them early april kept them indoors for about a month then gradually hardened them off. How much bud do you think i will get off them? Cheers guys.