Well-Known Member
Good luck with the plants ghostdog, hope that stuff gets rid of the bugs. I used to have a big problem with thrips until I started using some stuff called Monterey Garden insect spray, the little f%*£!&s hate it.
make some hot peper spray, about 6-8 habaneros gently boiled in a qt of water add about a tablespoon of fresh chopped garlic after about a 1/2hr of simmering turn off cool strain add afew drops of dawn dish soap or really any dish soap dawn more concentrated put in 32oz sprayer. Just make sure to wear long sleeve shirt some glasses or googles gloves and something over your mouth dont want to breathe it. Spray undersides of leaves and top of leaves well with light out close up room with no fans on and let sit. Take shower after dont want to get that shit on you. Works well I do mine about 1once a week you should see any mites. Sorry if I intruded on the bug thing.