UK Garden grow cold weather question.Please help


Well-Known Member
Hi i am currently growing a few plants outside in pots..I notice how cold its getting and the fact that this morning there was a frost. Judging that I have 6.5 weeks left until harvest can anyone tell me wether they will take the cold or not if not what can i do. last night for example i dragged them into my kitchen then put themback out this morn. anyhel graetfully recievd



Active Member
I believe northern lights can stand the weather but, I agree it is getting cold. You have a couple of options. I really like regular gardening - this is my first attempt at ALTERNATE gardening. I have moved mine indoors and used a grow light - to deal with the weather. If you are worried about expense - look at Welcome to Green's Horticulture - Organic & Alternative Gardening Products they sell the best priced grow tents and lights that I have seen. Sometimes almost half the price of others. You can certainly move them in and out. My problem was the sheer weight of the plant - huge tubs and big branches. You can by horticultural fleece - like the kind of fluffy wadding you have inside jackets and stuff - wrap it around when really cold - I didn't want to do that because I was worried about damaging the trichs. I feel that my plants did best outside - they have great stems! but the weather is not kind. I wish I had started growing when I lived in California - I could have just grown them in the garden!

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Not sure what strain it was from a mixed indica buy. think it migth be ww or bb. I shall try pulling it in everynight i guess! There massive and it would need a lot of space for an indoor grow although i have got some sodium lights but just no room for the big buggers


Well-Known Member
Just watch the weather they will be able to stand a little cold just watch for the frosts, and try raise the posts off the floor so the roots are not constantly cold, if you decide to finish them inside get yourself some bud blood, as it stops the extra growing vertically during flowering and tie some branches down, so you can get them under lights
hope it all works out