Uk cuttings/clones law?

Can’t seem to find much online or what it comes under online but what is the sentencing if you were to be caught with say 200 rooted 2/3” cuttings in the uk? Or does anyone know anyone who’s ever been caught with a Similar amount? do they treat this as a lesser offence or worse offence than say somebody who got caught with for example 10+ fully mature plants??
I would imagine it depends on if you also had a large setup to grow the 200 clones? Or just the clones alone minus any set up, but either way I would think it would be fairly serious sentence with 200 clones.

There was sentencing guidelines a few yrs back but they are just guidelines for the courts, if you type it in to Google its easy enough to find.
Hi! Sorry for jumping in.. just seen this and thought I’d put my input in.

I live in the UK too so I have looked endlessly into the laws - the fact is if you get caught with 200 plants they’re going to throw the book at you. It will go to court no doubt about it. No blag of “it was for personal use” will cut it, not with 200. Even if you tried the “I didn’t know how many would survive” route, the fact is they’ll ask why you didn’t plant a lesser amount , and what the need for 200 was.

CPS charge will likely be Production of a controlled Drug/Cultivation of cannabis with intent to supply. You’ll likely land yourself in hot water for that. Even I’d be shitting it. CPS guidelines for sentencing looks at your past record, it also looks at the category of harm and the class of drug.

200 plants = large scale operation capable of producing industrial quantities for commercial use - Category 1 level of harm. They’ll also then look at the culpability demonstrated by offenders roll. You’d play a leading role unless you’ve got anyone else involved. Sentencing guidelines for a leading role category 1 level of harm class b drug starts at 7-10 years. You’ll probably get a lot less if you don’t have tons of equipment to grow, if you’ve got a squeaky clean record, if you’re a good citizen etc Madness I know.

but this is a large scale thing - 200 cuttings is a lot. Play it safe - 20 plants and under really is a slap on the wrist in most cases I’ve read in the UK. It won’t even go to court. Most you’ll get is a caution. I’ve spent countless hours reading about people who have been caught and in all cases small time growers with a few plants walk away with no major consequences and are normally only caught due to snitching neighbours. Police aren’t targeting small time growers. Police are stretched as it is - nobody cares if you’ve got a few plants in your bedroom.. but 200 is a different story.
Go and plant 180 of them outside. We've had a lot of rain. Could be in for a good summer this year... lol
Can’t seem to find much online or what it comes under online but what is the sentencing if you were to be caught with say 200 rooted 2/3” cuttings in the uk? Or does anyone know anyone who’s ever been caught with a Similar amount? do they treat this as a lesser offence or worse offence than say somebody who got caught with for example 10+ fully mature plants??

My pal rented a house, turned the entire place into a grow room, plants filling every room, got caught.
He got 40 hrs community service, had a new house going the next week.
I agree with what most are saying.
If you have cuttings without roots then I don't think they can class them as plants but once they are rooted they are plants and they will count the whole lot in regards to any sentence that was being considered.

My pal rented a house, turned the entire place into a grow room, plants filling every room, got caught.
He got 40 hrs community service, had a new house going the next week.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this, but this doesn't seem likely for an entire house set up for a grow. And that he wasn't being monitored for future offenses after the first one. It may depend on the area of the UK though, as there are some police forces that are lenient towards cannabis clubs and some that will go all in on you for 1 joint of shitty weed.
My pal rented a house, turned the entire place into a grow room, plants filling every room, got caught.
He got 40 hrs community service, had a new house going the next week.

Also do you know the court case reference so if I ever get caught for a small number of plants I can use it as a precedent :lol: