UK clon only strains, UK bred strains

me too mate i've been thinking it some how mimics nature seeds fall into the ground stay dormant through winter and germ in the spring when things warm up???
very curiousid have thougt freezing or fridging them would help slow the re animation process but perhaps its the shock that kicks things up. strange tho
i really wish i knew the people who lived around west london with these strains. It would make my fuckin day!

may be its a good thing.
I was on a forum the other day,I done a random google on uk cheese and it brought me to a journal on a forum,cant remember which one and the kid was giving his crossed seeds and clones out to people.
I was going to join and ask but he and a few others were al from london,bit far for me to go but I probaby woulld for a few cuttings of proper cheese.
I can understand peope not wanting to dea with random people but man,eave it in bady ba park for me man and il go get it.

Its peope who ask if your selling Im funny about,id give cuts away if I had what people wanted and just be smart about it,random car park,leave it some where they can go get it or some thing,man even post lol but I woudnt want to give my addy out.
Id have no probs with meeting some one on there 1s and just get there a bit earlier to make sure there kosh.
Cant see police really being interested in a cut but i certainly understand the concern peope may have.
We need to share these clone only things though or it wi die out eventually.
Im interested in any cross breeded seeds people have done,I have spare room and will give a try if people want to send some to me.
Im desperate for cheese clone at the min too.
Message me if you can help out,I hate asking but im desperate for the cheese,I wont ask local cuz I dont want my yard scoped out,which happens alot by me.I'll come by my self,meet were ever,just leave it some were and il get it.
I'll try any thing to add it back to my grow.
Im happy to give out when I have,going to try breeding soon and il happily give seeds out to peope for free.
I got 2 of these clone only plants in my propergator. Exodus cheese and phycosis, hopefully by spring i can do a smoke report. I know the cheese is banging

Exodus cheese isnt a clone only any more, you can get this seed from pick n mix from greenhouse i think
I found this list somewhere and thought u might like a butchers.........

AK47(clone)cherry pheno.............................(john goodman)
The Apple(clone)...................................... ..lemonxkali mist
Bin Laden(clone)...................................... ...ak47?, available throughout Hackney
Blue Ice (clone)..........................................f ound in wales
The Blues or livers(clone).............................possibly an old Northern Lights X Big Bud
Bristol black kush(clone)..............................90`s HK sport pheno
Bristol Creme(clone)....................................De von/Exeter/Bristol SouthWest
Bristol black kush(clone)..............................90`s HK sport pheno
Bristol Creme (clone)...................................SouthWes t
Cheese (clone)........................................... exodus skunk No.1 clone
cheesexnorthernlights(clone)...................... ...from Luton
cola/kola(clone)....................................... ...midlands strain
"The Dunk*(clone)...................................... 98`s g13 pucka type
El Yucateca(clone)................................... ...(ganja pasha)
ES (clone)........................................... .......old nigerian x skunk cross (Oldtimer's cut)
FatSat(clone)..................................... ........NL5xHaze x Transkei Lime from Bristol area circa '95
FreeTibet x WW(clone)................................(HS`s pineapple pheno)
G or G-force(clone).....................................s muggled from the dam (Graham)
GrapefruitKush (clone).................................Sensi Hindu Kush f2 pre'90
G-star(clone)....................................... ......(banana man)
Jordan(clone)..................................... ........SuperSkunk x ? from westlondon
Jack herer.ukv1(clone)................................. sat dom.
kali mist.............................................. .......old phenotype, london
Kali "pre98"(clone).................................... ....sativa dom. not seed stock!
kalishnapple(clone)tropicanna pheno................kalimist x pineapple(Sonic)
Kentish Creme(clone) gseed from Jamaica
krowberry(clone).................................. ........blackberry x grand daddy purple
Lemon(clone)...................................... .........haze hybrid cut
lemonade(clone)................................... .......from the Midlands
Lemon&Lime(clone)................................. .....'87 citral xHawaiian
Lot 5(clone).......................................... .......(oldtimer1)
MudHaze or 'Maze(clone)................................grown since '89..'87, Haze?cut x SOIL (Earthy DurbanPxSk#1), Norfolk
Mystery strain(clone)....................................( elevator man)
Nap(clone)........................................ ..........clone only indica strain (Banana Man)
navinder(clone)................................... .........british breed
No Name(aka John Doh)(clone)........................(Sonic)
Old Boy Blue (clone)......................................East Anglia
Orange Skelter(clone)...................................S k1 x CaliOxSk1 Circa '87 from Harrow area
Peng(clone)....................................... ..........Nottinghamshire
Rudebwoy(clone)................................... .......'85 JA xSkunk1, South London
Rumpole Stiltskin(clone).................................l ondon, indica
Peng (clone)........................................... .....ssh oldschool pheno, london
Pineapple(clone).................................. .........skunk 1 x alaskan jamaican (Sonic)
Pr1(clone)........................................ ...........from preston
Psychosis(clone) .........................................possibly old superskunk pheno handled by exodus crew
Purple Afghan(clone)..................................... (ganja pasha)
Purple pineapple(clone).................................. purple pineapple skunk
Safe House(clone)...................................... ..(Sonic)
Shaker(or Five Times)(clone)...........................90s NL#5XHaze been around West Country for 10yrs+
smurf berry............................................. .....galactic smurf xhaze santa maria x krowberrry
SKOB(clone)....................................... .........'89 MalawiCob xSuperSunk from Cornwall & CapeTown
Strawberries and Cream (clone).......................Brum
SugarPuffs(clone)................................. ........(kelogdog)
swa swa(clone) ...........................................backcro ss?
Sweet p(clone).......................................... ..sweet tooth x power plant
Tooti-Fruity(clone)..................................... ...south-east midlands
Top44 sport (clone).......................................(Edd ieShoestring)
Viking(clone)..................................... ...........originally from holland
WeeBubble(clone).................................. .......'90 BG selection from Glasgow outskirts
White Cheese(clone)..................................... cheese x white widow, heavily guarded in Norfolk

british bred strains;

Back to cheese(f1`s and clone)........................(brightside)
BB cheese............................................ ........cheesexafgan(big buddah seeds)
BB bluecheese........................................ .......(cheesexafgan)xblueberry (big buddah seeds)
Big haze(f1).......................................... ........original Haze x chronic (Crazy x seeds)
Bubble Axe.(f1).......................................... ....saxon axe x bubbledust (fritillary seeds)
Cheesonix (f1).............................................. .Cheese x Chronic
(cheesexNL) x strawberry haze(f1)....................(lovelightpower)
cheese x shimla(f1)........................................ ..(Sonic)
Cheese x Yumboldt(f1)......................................
Floater x Lifesaver(multi-parent F1 seedline)........(BeAn)
FreeTibet x WW(f1)........................................(So7 omon seeds)
G-bomb(s1).......................................... .........(big buddah seeds)
goats cheese(f1)........................................ ....(banana man)
Goldfinger........................................ .............
Hawaiian Maui Wowie Skunk x Californian Orange Skunk(f1)(Jolly Green Giant)
Jacky p(f1)............................................. .......jackherer(male) x The Dunk(ukG13 clone) (m@rg)
Jackie psd(f1)........................................... .....sour diesel(male) x jackie p"(m@rg)
JLo (f1).............................................. ...........Kentish Creme X Flo
Kachina(f1 and clone)......................................(HotHo useFlowers)
Landing Zone(f1).......................................... ..Jack Herer x Durban Poison (fritillary seed)
Lemon stinky(f1)........................................ .....sensi star x chronic(Crazy x seed's)
Malonica(f1)...................................... .............malawi gold x chronic(Crazy x seed's)
malahazi(f1)...................................... ..............original haze x malawi gold(Crazy x seed's)
mantis(f1)........................................ ...............nap x haze x santa maria (Banana Man)
Marbled white (f1)............................................Wh ite Pearl x Sensi Star (fritillary seed)
MoFlo............................................. ................
Old times(f1)......................................... ..........esb x ? (oldtimer1)
pops(f1).......................................... ...............(Banana Man)
pineapple x shimla(f1)........................................ (Sonic)
Saxon Axe (f1 and clone)...................................NL x Sensi Star (fritillary seed)
The Smelly One............................................... ..
sour krow(f1).......................................... .........(Banana Man)
sour smurf(f1)......................................... .........(Banana Man)
Spicy cheese.(f1 and f2)...................................Spice x BBCheese (So7omon Seeds)
Strawberry Cheesel (f1)....................................Cheese x Strawberry Diesel (Suburban Seeds)
Swazi Skunk x Californian Orange Skunk(f1)..........(Jolly Green Giant)
Swowie Skunk(f1)......................................... ...(Bloodz in da Hoodz)
WW x FreeTibet(f1) .........................................(So7omon Seeds)

if you no of any more uk strains add them please
mrdjk5 Last edited by mrdjk5; 10-19-2008 at 11:14 AM.
stolen by mr west 07.39

Man so many.
How I get hold of some of these guys with seeds?
Any smoke reports on the straines?
great thread m8 took me over 2years of searching,begging etc and then finally outa the blue im gifted 2 clone only strains psychosis and the livers, really am a happy man now and no that my area has never seen the livers well not the people i no neway.

ive smoked the exodus,psychosis and tutti many times although the psychosis i had wasnt grown that good favorite would have to be the tutti still such intense smell and flavours have never even seen a tutti grow in ne forum?
greenhouse cheese isn't a bad substitute for exodus. it yeilds more and is easy to grow, just hasn't got that cheesy taste quite right. i'm thinking of trying to get some male gh cheese seeds and making a new uk cheese, then taking a male from that batch and crossing that with another exodus......... see where i'm going?.

Im thinking of some thing a long them lines.
A uk cheese clone with skunk #1 dad should make a good version of the cheese considering its from skunk#1
If I cant get a clone I was thinking of putting a skunk #1 male over BB cheese BB blue cheese or GHS exodus cheese and see what happens.
There must be a way of creating a cheese seed with the same pheno as the real cheese.
The real cheese didnt drop off the moon so its got to be possible.
Im growing ghs exodus cheese seeds alongside the exodus cheese cut. I dunt think it will be as good to be honest lol
Im suprised how many uk clone only strains there are. The only one i ever heard of was exodus cheese that some of my pals have grown. Thing is though none of them can keep there gobs shut so i havent told anyone im growing but id love to try some of those strains one day if i can get my hands on them.

Im not far from the midlands and i have never heard of kola or lemonade, would this be on par with exodus cheese? What do they yeild like if anyone has grown/smoked either?
to be honest i think lot in the list is bs, but i would of thought any thing real on the list is on par with or better than cheese