UK: Cannabis TV advert highlights dangers


Well-Known Member
(this shit is really starting to piss me off their trying to shove their incorrect/propaganda information bull crap down are throtes again, Wankers!!.)

An advertising campaign has been launched that warns of the dangers of cannabis use on young minds.

In a TV advert the negative effects of the drug - memory loss, paranoia and panic attacks - appear as unwanted guests at a party in the user's brain.
Cannabis user Simon smokes a joint and at first feels giggly, talkative and craves food, before the side effects of the drug take over.
The £2.2 million campaign, which follows the reclassification of cannabis to Class B from Class C last month, is targeted at 11-18 year olds.
It urges youngsters with questions about the drug to "Talk to Frank" by calling an information line or visiting the campaign website.
"Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in Britain and 'binge smoking' to achieve maximum effect may be putting peoples' mental health in serious danger," Frank spokesperson Chris Hudson said.
"There is evidence of a link between cannabis and mental health problems such as schizophrenia, and those who first use it at an early age may be more at risk.
"You never truly know what you're getting and stronger cannabis, such as skunk, can increase the chance of suffering a nasty reaction."
Marjorie Wallace, chief executive of mental health charity Sane, said: "This is a victory for the campaigning of Sane and other organisations who have for years been warning about the direct effects of cannabis in damaging the minds of young people, particularly if they take skunk and smoke from an early age.
"We need hard-hitting campaigns like this to convince people just how frightening the effects of cannabis can be, and that for those who are vulnerable, taking it may not be just chilling out for an evening but could mean robbing themselves of their chances in life."
New penalties for cannabis users were introduced when the drug was reclassified.
Anyone caught in possession of the drug is now given a warning, followed by a fine and prosecution for a third offence. Dealers can be jailed for up to 14 years


Well-Known Member
Goverment propagander they are hopeing that more people either qiut whitch frankly we have more chance of winning the brown does not realise that the real war should be focused on heron and crack cocaine.its all about arrest rate which intern makes the goverment are winning it is a war we cant win just like both wars we are in now how can you beat people who realy belive that when they die they are going to get so many vergains and what ever other crap these people have been brain washed by.the war on drugs can not be won by kicking someones door in who needs it for medication im not getting at heroin users i used heroin for nearly 10 years and no matter what the police did i always went back to heroin.i blame my 10 year addition on going for weed and haveing other drugs pusheed down my never know if cannabis was legal i may not have lost ten years of my life i use cannabis since stopping with heroin it makes me sleep and gives me a hunger funny enougth i used it alot in prison along with heroin and crack.


Well-Known Member
I can not belive that this is very very clever what is happening here is that the goverment are trying to take the peoples focus off what realy counts bringging our boys and girls home to there familys you would think that the people who oppose cannabis whould be marching on the streets about a war that has now finished im not a racist i just hate to see armered jeeps driveing down roads in both countrys and old woman throwing thing at them. [there trying to protect people who dont want protection] leave them too it, who gives too fucks what and who run either country.same has the heroin trade in both countrys we use these drugs every day in hospitals even see im confused i liked bush he had the right idea flatten anyone who treatens america and its friends,but then he started to mess up once sad saddam was caught i just love that im saddam ussain and im the leader of this country and im willin to negosiate fuck me pink he had a tank pointing at his head.he started fighting differant wars in the same country weapons,drugs.proabition it never works if people want something they generally get it.


Active Member
It really is pathetic. I am 16 and I've been smoking marijuana for about a year now. Whilst smoking it I was also in college 5 days a week and in work 4 nights a week, I've now finished my course and I'm looking for another, it doesn't 'cause the damage they say it does, people need to see sense. They complain about this 'Super Skunk' (good green) thats out there that causes so much harm to teenagers, an easy fix for this would be to sell it legally and tax it. It will then be cleaner and less teens will get hold of it, it will give the police more time to tackle harder drugs than this.