Uh-Oh! Canadian Marijuana Sales Have Declined 2 Straight Months


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The legalization of marijuana is expected to lead to one of the strongest long-term growth trends we've seen in a generation. Having registered global sales of $12.2 billion in 2018, the cannabis industry is expected to grow revenue 38% in 2019, to $16.9 billion, and practically double worldwide sales again by 2022, to more than $31 billion.

Even Wall Street is all-in on marijuana. Depending on your preferred source, Wall Street believes that the global pot industry could grow to between $50 billion and $75 billion in annual sales by the end of the next decade, which would put it near or on par with the global soda industry.


Image source: Getty Images.

Canadian pot sales are... tumbling?
Next-big-thing investments often go through a teething period. That looks to be the case right now for the Canadian marijuana industry following the legalization of recreational weed on Oct. 17, 2018.

Each month, Statistics Canada releases retail sales data from a month-and-a-half prior. Now included in this retail sales data is cannabis stores, which are tightly regulated and therefore produce high-quality, trustworthy revenue data.

Here's a glimpse at total cannabis store revenue since the inception of legal recreational sales in mid-October through the end of February. Figures are listed in Canadian dollars (CA$), with U.S. conversion in parenthesis:

  • October 2018: CA$53.68 million ($40.22 million)
  • November 2018: CA$53.73 million ($40.26 million)
  • December 2018: CA$57.34 million ($42.96 million)
  • January 2019: CA$54.88 million ($41.12 million)
  • February 2019: CA$49.89 million ($37.38 million)
What you'll note right off the bat is that Canadian cannabis sales have declined for two consecutive months now. In fact, February sales (28 days total) were lower than October, which only contained half as many days (14) in the post-legalization environment. As a whole, legal pot sales in February were 13% lower than in December, the peak month of sales in the early going.

What's more, aggregate cannabis-store sales since inception are "only" about $202 million through 4.5 months. For context, this might put Canada on track for, say, $500 million in sales for its first full year following legalization. That's a problem, considering that Wall Street has pegged the Canadian pot industry at almost $6 billion in sales by 2022.


Image source: Getty Images.

Three supply-chain issues wreak havoc on Canadian marijuana sales
What's wrong, you ask?

The first problem can be attributed to regulatory red tape. Health Canada, which oversees the cultivation licensing and sales-permitting process, had an insane backlog of almost 840 applications (most of them for cultivation) as of January 2019. Since the first applications were given the green light more than five years ago, Health Canada has approved a mere 173 licenses, which includes cultivation, processing, and sale, through March 22, 2019. It can takes months or years to get the go-ahead to grow, harvest, process, and sell cannabis, and that's keeping supply lower than it should be in the interim.

The second supply-chain issue ties into a shortage of compliant packaging. Health Canada laid out a gauntlet of guidelines that must be adhered to if pot products are to make it onto dispensary store shelves, including that they be tamper-resistant and contain the appropriate warning labels. The issue is that there simply isn't enough compliant packaging in the early going, leaving unfinished cannabis sitting on the sidelines.

The third and final concern is that ramping up production takes years. Growers were unwilling to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on expansion projects prior to knowing that the Cannabis Act would become law. This certainty wasn't in place until about December 2017, at the earliest. With producers now scrambling to construct greenhouses and license their grow sites, supply is improving, but at a still very slow pace.


Image source: Getty Images.

Pot stock earnings estimates could soon crater
All of Canada's recent hiccups are fixable, but they're going to take time to work out the kinks. Unfortunately, this means that marijuana stock earnings estimates look destined to fall. This decline could be especially noticeable for the highest revenue producers, as well as those pot stocks with the largest built-in premiums.

Canopy Growth (NYSE:CGC), the largest marijuana stock in the world by market cap, has been the early leader in revenue generation. In its fiscal third quarter, Canopy reported CA$97.7 in gross revenue, of which more than 90% was tied to cannabis sales.

Among the top-tier growers, few have had more of their sales tied to the recreational market than Canopy, with nearly 80% of its cannabis sales going to the adult-use market in Q3 2019. Even with ample provincial supply deals in place, Canopy Growth could be contending with just single-digit sales growth or perhaps even a gross revenue contraction in its fiscal fourth quarter.

Although it could be hurt to a lesser extent than Canopy Growth, due to its greater reliance on the medical cannabis community, Aurora Cannabis (NYSE:ACB) could see its organic sales growth slow dramatically in the upcoming fiscal third quarter. Because Aurora is an avid acquirer, Wall Street is looking for healthy expansion in sales to almost CA$90 million in Q3 2019, up from CA$62 million in gross revenue in Q2 2019. But unless Aurora dramatically boosts sales to overseas markets, its organic revenue may grow slower than expected, thereby adversely impacting its bottom line.

Even Cronos Group (NASDAQ:CRON) would be expected to take a hit, due to its built-in premium. Cronos Group reported an abysmal $4.2 million in revenue in its most recent quarter, and supply-chain issues aren't going to allow its sequential quarter to be much better. Most of the company's production isn't expected to come online until the second half of this year, leaving the third most valuable grower by market cap producing peanuts for sales. For what it's worth, Wall Street expects Cronos Group's sequential quarterly sales to be flat or decline modestly.

In other words, if you haven't already toned down your expectations for marijuana stocks, now is the time to do so.

Here's The Marijuana Stock You've Been Waiting For
A little-known Canadian company just unlocked what some experts think could be the key to profiting off the coming marijuana boom.

And make no mistake – it is coming.

Cannabis legalization is sweeping over North America – 10 states plus Washington, D.C., have all legalized recreational marijuana over the last few years, and full legalization came to Canada in October 2018.

And one under-the-radar Canadian company is poised to explode from this coming marijuana revolution.

Because a game-changing deal just went down between the Ontario government and this powerhouse company...and you need to hear this story today if you have even considered investing in pot stocks.
I'm gonna rant on this one, I apologize in advance.

What's wrong with the legal marijuana industry is that the quality pricing is way out of whack. As a grower for personal/medicinal use for decades there is nothing to attract myself to the legal pot industry as a consumer.

What I expect from my pot store is the opportunity to browse a sweet selection of craft marijuana, just like I do with beer on the rare occasion that I actually buy any. I see lots of mid grade poop for big dollars, but nothing in the landrace sativa or other long flowering, quality hybrids that were grown properly, harvested properly, and cured to perfection. I know what it takes to do it pproperly, I've done it many times, and dont mind paying big money for that. The problem lies with stores pricing stuff I couldn't get 1000/lb for at 13.50/g. I'd gladly fork over 20/g for some true Thai, or Purple Haze, etc...but 13.50 for some over dried, lemon fucking skunk, or some 7wk kush? I could do that from start to finish in 12 weeks for less than .25/g. Show me what I'm paying for besides shareholder profits and outlandish CEO/Upper Management salaries and expense accounts.

If you want me to spend money on your dope, you better wow me when I pop that jar. As it stands, when people show me legal stuff, I'm underwhelmed and feel sorry they had to pay for that. I apologize to my friends when I GIVE them weed like that because it was a shitty pheno of a new strain I'm trying out. I'm not even close to the best grower around, I don't have a professional setup or have the resources to hunt for only the best genetics, but I throw away weed that's better than some of the shit these producers are apparently proud of enough to risk their brand on.

I find it insulting that these pieces of shit disrespect the craft I put so much effort in trying to perfect.

Fuck corporate cannabis and crony capitalism!!!!
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was great until ya said this

'and dont mind paying big money for that.'

If you have money to WASTE on HIGH PRICES shit grown by anyone else but yourself or friends or someone one you know?

THAT'S AWESOME but dont try and convince others with such idiocy!!

because IT DON'T

only idiots pay high priced (more than 2 bucks a gram)for herb.

NO MATTER WHAT IT IS! :idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea:(:(:(:(:

fucking industry s been BASTARDIZED lol
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was great until ya said this

'and dont mind paying big money for that.'

If you have money to WASTE on HIGH PRICES shit grown by anyone else but yourself or friends or someone one you know?

THAT'S AWESOME but dont try and convince others with such idiocy!!

because IT DON'T

only idiots pay high priced (more than 2 bucks a gram)for herb.

NO MATTER WHAT IT IS! :idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea:(:(:(:(:

fucking industry s been BASTARDIZED lol

Well, here's one person that has no idea what it costs to produce a connoisseur quality, 20wk, delicate sativa crop, dry it for 4 weeks in a humidity tent, then jar and cure it for another 3-4 months. If there's anything wrong with the black market, its loudmouth hacks like yourself assigning value to all products based on the shit they produce (maybe it's good, maybe it's not, but only an idiot would produce for 600/lb). If I were to assign a value to what I produce, you can bet your last nickle it won't be $2.00 a fucking gram. Lol, I'm not that hard up for cash, I'd rather (and do) give it away for free.

There are twenty dollar bottles up to thousands of dollars per bottle for quality spirits and wines. Explain to me why cannabis shouldn't have a quality scale similar to that. If I spend years dialing in a wild assed sativa, months harvesting and curing it to it's full potential, why should I let it go for the same price as something that took no skill and less than 1/4 the time and effort. I'd be fucking stupid to let that go for $2/g, and out of business before the first chop.

Please spare me your "expertise" in business, like your lesson of harassing people on forums over where they buy their bulk products to retail to others. Lol, you do you, Chump! You're good at it, you're "winning".
If I spend years dialing in a wild assed sativa, months harvesting and curing it to it's full potential, why should I let it go for the same price as something that took no skill and less than 1/4 the time and effort. I'd be fucking stupid to let that go for $2/g, and out of business before the first chop.

Well, it costs less than ten cents a gram to produce the real deal in Columbia, Jamaica, etc. :shock:
Imports anyone ? :idea: :joint:
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Well, it costs less than ten cents a gram to produce the real deal in Columbia, Jamaica, etc. :shock:
Imports anyone ? :joint:

Sure, go ahead and set that up so you're filling shipping containers of prime, manicured buds from far away places all over the world. I'm not talking stems and seeds and shit, I'm talking top quality, cup winning buds that make you drool when you sniff'em. I remember what imported sativas looked like back in the day, if you got 15-20 usable grams out of an ounce you'd be spanking it. Lol, shipping it here, having it tested, pay customs duty, shipping fees, taxes, packaging it and shipping it out to retail stores for less than $2.00/g to the customer, legally. The key here is legally, taxes paid and all other costs of doing business LEGALLY. Lol, I'll bet you the rest of my paycheques for the rest of my life you couldn't do it. Not a chance.

Anyway, I could care less about the prices of shit I don't sell anyway and i certainly wouldn't bother going into business with prices in the 400-800 dollar range. Lol. If i wanted to strive for money like that, I'd move my family to Venezuela and fight people for rotten, dumpster food. Think I'll keep my good, union job with a a full pension/benefits and crop sweet buds for myself, thanks.

and it BEAT ANYTHING WE GROW...:idea:
these NEW WANNA BEs have a concept in their head that just DOESN'T WORK lol
They forget whats important after all

Nah, no concept in my head at all. Just a guy that's willing to pay for quality, and there is a very small percentage of pot I would cough up big money for. It would have to be something I wouldn't bother growing myself.

As far as beating anything you grow, if you're taking in less than 2/g for it, buddy, you dont have anything I want. Besides, I can produce enough me, my wife and some to give away for much less. Lol.

I've got friends in the business that make 3 times your 800 dollar, ludicrous price tag, and people are lined up to buy it. They sit around, puff fire and laugh at clowns pulling garbage money for their work.

Legalization has done one thing, turned the black market into a bunch of whiney pussies. Everyone cutting throats to get rid of their dope in an over saturated market. People who hone their craft get paid, people that cut corners and undercut, well...who cares what they get.
Sure, go ahead and set that up so you're filling shipping containers of prime, manicured buds from far away places all over the world. I'm not talking stems and seeds and shit, I'm talking top quality, cup winning buds that make you drool when you sniff'em. I remember what imported sativas looked like back in the day, if you got 15-20 usable grams out of an ounce you'd be spanking it. Lol, shipping it here, having it tested, pay customs duty, shipping fees, taxes, packaging it and shipping it out to retail stores for less than $2.00/g to the customer, legally. The key here is legally, taxes paid and all other costs of doing business LEGALLY. Lol, I'll bet you the rest of my paycheques for the rest of my life you couldn't do it. Not a chance.
Anything is possible:

Lol @ Canopy Growth, the possibilities are just endless with those assclowns.

So with Canopy's prices of $1.50 to produce in Canada, suckers still pay 12 - 15 dollars at the retail level. If it costs them $ .05 to produce greenhouse schwag in Columbia, how much does that knock off the retail numbers? By the time they get it here, zero, that's how much. Any savings will be passed on to shareholders, not the consumer.

Like I said, for me to shell out the dough, it has to be leaps and bounds better than mine, it will also be something not worth the down time for me (16+ weeks and a long cure time), will be local, organic top grade that was hand trimmed and properly cured. It certainly won't be some popcorn buds with some stem and leaves thrown in for the last .2 either, like that govt schwag. It will also be for a treat once in a while, not a steady supply, I have enough of my own organic top grade to keep me, my family and friends happy for the foreseeable future.


I dont understand what your problem is with people charging/paying top dollar for their BM product. Why, as a business, would you try and get the least amount of money for your product? That's like going fishing and throwing the big ones back for someone else. With a customer's only other option being 10 - 20/g for legal schwag, you're saying 2/g is too much?Lol @ 2 dollar grams. I wouldn't sell my trim to the blasters for 2 dollars a gram. If you accept that garbage price, you better step up your game.
for 1.
Im no thief.:idea:
2 .
I know that 100 % profit is ENOUGH :idea:

So do my friends and their friends alike.(:

Some people just dont know what they are doing and it costs them LARGE and have to try and make up for it
for 1.
Im no thief.:idea:
2 .
I know that 100 % profit is ENOUGH :idea:

So do my friends and their friends alike.(:

Some people just dont know what they are doing and it costs them LARGE and have to try and make up for it

Hey, as long as everyone walks away happy. It's got little to do with costs, most of the people I know are rocking CMH or LED with no till organics, which is cheap as fuck once you've built your soil. High initial investment, long term payoff. No nutes or soil to buy or replace, higher quality product across the board. Myself, as a med guy, can produce 2.5 - 3 lbs per crop for less than 300 bucks with 2 CMHs, and each crop gets better along with my soil.

At 3lbs, that's 22 cents a gram.
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NO cannabis is worth $71 for 3.5. That's $568/oz. ESPECIALLY cannabis thats been grown poorly and irradiated. Meanwhile, these mentally deficient shitlords are left wondering why oh why they aren't seeing the numbers projected........... Color me completely unsurprised. These guys would rather plug their ears and close their eyes while saying "lalalalalalalal cant hear you" than face the facts. You reep what you sow, which happens to be subpar snicklefritz schwagg with quality akin to bunk 70s ditch weed.

If you're going to charge prices that are on par with some designer drugs youd better bring the fucking fire. Unfortunately the only fire that would better their situations would involve burning all inventory to the ground, clearing house and having a mass hiring of experienced and knowledgeable people.
they are all hybridized there now [the 7 week vareties] and would have to get genetics from my serious sativa group first..lol
I've got some Malawai from Ace seeds, 13 week flower on that one. Haven't had the balls to run it. Thinking about getting one autopot just for it in its own tent. No way I would run a batch of clones on the table and tie up production for 4 months.
I've got some Malawai from Ace seeds, 13 week flower on that one. Haven't had the balls to run it. Thinking about getting one autopot just for it in its own tent. No way I would run a batch of clones on the table and tie up production for 4 months.

You should run it. I did that one a couple years ago and it was fantastic. I actually ordered another pack and have them in the freezer. I also did the "golden tiger" as well. Was a 15 weeker, and was really good, but the Malawi was better IMO. The Malawi was done at 12 - 14 wks with one pheno that could have gone longer. They grow tall though, and respond well to topping early.

It came out awesome, big yielding plants that were somewhat homogeneous but some were better than others as far as potency was concerned, but all were above average. They were the fem version, were stable with no herms even at above 30 degrees in the summer with no AC. I wish I had the pics but they were on my picture phone that doesn't work anymore.