Ugly plants, underwatering? too many nutes? 6ft tall plants

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
its gettin a little agressive in here. we still have to help the guy with the northern light problom. we owe it to him. rob u make great sence on burn, and knuck i just dont know now a days i dont know if we have to worry about the ph of soils that much. alot of pros making alot of great soils that are safe for us indoor growers. i luve your passion though...


Active Member
Wow, another ph discussion, I swear the melarchy around here is gettin outta hand. Its clear the guy needs a new bulb or needs to get it closer without burning them. Geez u guys are geniuses bantering about ph look at the pics a sec before just shootin off about ph like my man rob1234 said basically, fuk ph. I've never had a ph meter and my plants are beautiful. Give em wat they need and nuthin more and save the ph meter for sumone in chemistry class.

MutherfukaPH, peace,
LOL TRUE STORY BRO! I just ran a soil scrog for the hell of it (used hydro ferts, grew in Miracle Grow) and pulled a little over 4 o's from 2 plants. I didn't test my pH once. I didn't even pH the water out of the tap, it's at about 7 usually. I mean, I run hydro and I test my pH but thats just to keep it in between 5.8-7 it doesn't matter as much as people think, at least in my experience (albeit limited).'

Looks like insufficient light causing overwatering to me.


LOL TRUE STORY BRO! I just ran a soil scrog for the hell of it (used hydro ferts, grew in Miracle Grow) and pulled a little over 4 o's from 2 plants. I didn't test my pH once. I didn't even pH the water out of the tap, it's at about 7 usually. I mean, I run hydro and I test my pH but thats just to keep it in between 5.8-7 it doesn't matter as much as people think, at least in my experience (albeit limited).

amen i couldent have said it any better and the person who started this thread im sorry for the arguing and i hope ur plants turn out ok.


Well-Known Member
I recommented the book : Garden Saver. I thought it might be nutrient burn also but I was looking through the book and dicussing it with my boyfriend (Expert grower in his own mind LOL) And The photo in the book looks just like your plants. Nitrogen Deficiency in late flowering. Plants switch to flowering grow need higher levels of P and K, but they still require N. The leaves are curling downward, not upward, and are yellowing. By gradually moving from grow nutrients the plants recieve enough N to last through the flowering process. However over fertilizing w/ N can cause problems too. Deficient plants usually recover in about a week, but the most effected leaves will not recover and your yeild will be less. Any water-soluble nitrogen(especially nitrates, NO3) is quickly available to the roots. Urine, fish emulsion(5-1-1) Bat and seabird guano also act quickly. I use bat guano with my mother plants and they love it! I hope this is helpful and highly recommend the book it has safed many of my crops, and taught me a lot. I personally have met Ed Rosenthal the author and He is the bomb! (
Again good luck and happy growing!:peace:


Well-Known Member
12-14-2010 05:37 PM #10

Able To Roll A Joint Able to roll a joint
Join DateSep 2010LocationEverywhere And NowherePosts73

does anyone know.

when do i see the tricomes or frosty bud appearance?
how much longer do you think she needs to flower? (seeing about 10% brown pistils already)
a rough estimate of final weight?​

do you really wanna listen to the advice from some one asking these questions


Well-Known Member
LOL TRUE STORY BRO! I just ran a soil scrog for the hell of it (used hydro ferts, grew in Miracle Grow) and pulled a little over 4 o's from 2 plants. I didn't test my pH once. I didn't even pH the water out of the tap, it's at about 7 usually. I mean, I run hydro and I test my pH but thats just to keep it in between 5.8-7 it doesn't matter as much as people think, at least in my experience (albeit limited).'

Looks like insufficient light causing overwatering to me.
u have made a good point...but its so irrevelent....ujjust told us u grew a plant without checking the ph and alla that...but u said ur ph was neutral am i right? my next qeustion is how can u bring that statement here? he has told u that the ph is wayy off and u come in and say... ay ph dont matter my ph was correct throughout the whole grow and i grew 4ozs...

i just dont get it how is that a good example if ur ph was in range and u didnt have any problems....
clearly his isnt and he does have problems....that comment just dnt help the guy at all ....]

once again he has a lockout due to either salt build up in the medium causin ph to go outa wack nthe plant to b defficient...or his ph is outa wack causing the tree to not get the correct uptake...leavin unwanted nutes in the medium causing salt buildup...

There can Be many factors...but im pretty sure light isnt one of them...also the environtment is of upmost importance