UGLY dark cycle wow *PICS*


Well-Known Member
Hey, so I was in my flowering room a few days ago and flipped me cell phone bkground light to grab a meter. This is what I saw:

Pictures 1 - looks like the roots are completely dead, but in fact they are very healthy as reflected by ...

picture 2 - plants grow with vigor and seem to only retain a leaf curl from the nighttime resurrection. i checked again yesterday and they are still doing this every day during the dark.

TEMPS = 60-73 nights at steady 63 with a low of 60.

what the hell is going on. I have seen plants droop during a night cycle, but this is just scary looking.



Well-Known Member
ph 5.8

gh 3 part nutes at about 700ppm in both systems. This may also be issue. Plants have kind of skyrocketed and my nute supplies have not been able to keep up. GEtting more tomorrow...I feel plants growing this vigorously past the transition stage might require at least 1000 ppm.

60 degrees F is to low for some? I have grown ebb and flow trays in colder conditions and they do just fine...probably bc the roots are in some pebbles at least...these roots are just hanging in that 60.

what say ye?


Well-Known Member
Hey man, they look nice and healthy with the lights on!

They look the same way in the dark as mine have when I let them get too dry and then watered heavy. They get all "weepy".


Well-Known Member
hmm yes....could i be wrong to run my 40 seconds on, 4 mins off timer cycler during the night? Most weepy indeed


Well-Known Member
Thats perfectily normal , they droop without the light
what kind of lights you using . looks like a sick setup


Well-Known Member
haha thanks for the reassurance buddy. I will chock up the droop to aeroponics and lack of media surrouding roots. I think my 60 degree low might disagree with the danglers.

indeed this is one of my most enormous setups i have established. 2 huge reflectors w/ 1k hps lights run through the middle of 2 aero systems. Journal up soon if they dont kick the bucket... :)

case closed I guess


Well-Known Member
the woodgrain on the walls helps reflect light at the exact right points. I have aligned my weakest plants with the points of highest woodgrainal reflection.

...jk getting some panda film in a few days.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
They will droop in the dark sometimes if the temps are lower then 68 in the dark. The post setups as I have shown how to make and use work best if the clones are in rockwool then surrounded by hydroton pellets. I like my ph at 5.5 and I use Fox Farm nutes with a high ppm of around 1800 ppm at highest point. I never turn my pump of though. i have done aero for about a bunch of years now and have played with on and off times and find 24 hours on is best for the plants. Add a little grotek super H2o2 to the res for O2 to the roots.Make sure you have zip ties 2 per netpot to hold them into the holes as they plants will be very heavy with buds and want to tip. I also reccomend 2 layers of trellis netting. One now while they are small and then after they grow through it a second net on top for flower. It locks them in so no tipping


Well-Known Member
indeed sah! I using ducting tape to attach stakes to the grow tubes. Works great. Thinking about doing the stinkbud PVC structure around each tube for plant stability. I am excited about the idea of feeding co2 through this structure.

I have had the opposite experience mr. Fletch. An off cycle seems to be helping a bit.

I have also found that using neoprene inserts with absolutely no media is THE best way to do aero. You save money from not buying rockwool or pebbles, if you are recycling pebbles you will not risk having grunge on them.

Additionally putting clones into pebbles or other media would require them roots to recover from a bit of transfer stress and then bust out of their new hydroton environment into the grow chambers. I have found this to be a great hinderance to maintaining only one huge flowering room. (for SOG)

using an aerocloner with only neoprene I have been learning to put clones directly into 12/12.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
If it works for you then thats what we do. I found turning the pumps on and off slowed my growth and plants yielded less. I like to take clones in rockwool cubes too as it gives me a bigger root mass to anchor the plants in. I use 2x2 cubes til clones root then 10 days of veg so plants are about 12-18 inches tall and full then 5-6 weeks flower and thick huge buds with good red hairs and sugar everywhere. I keep my co2 lines on the ceiling sinces co2 is heavier then air it falls. I then keep a tilt fan on the ground to blow fallen co2 back into the air. I find the little neoprene plugs work well for aerocloning but I thun use split rockwool plugs to put those in. I recycle my hydroton and it gets a good bleach wash in an old washing machine then 4 good plain water rinses never had an algae issue yet knock on wood.For the post setting I never move the rooted clones from the day they go in. I put a little layer of hydroton in the netpot,positin the clone in rockwool cube then fill around. In 2 days the root mass is ahnging inch or 2 below the netpot and filling the netpots holes.


Well-Known Member
ahhh i shall investigate these "split rockwool plugs"

thank you for sharing your methods with us sah.