ugh... man I'm so lost


Active Member
haha alright guys I'm stuck with this age old predicament, debated about over and over again.


Long story short I bought a nute system recommended to me by a hydroponics store clerk. I left with products from 3 different companies

General Hydroponics
House and Garden

This has become wicked complicated and very pricey.

(I am in soil)

My primary issue is that my results haven’t been what I would like them to be.

I started with the classic nooby nute burn, then to Magnesium deficiency and finally the latest... Nute burn / Phosphorus deficiency.

I'm considering switching to fox farm though I can’t seem to answer my question through personal research... what exactly is in Fox farms 2 part system? I was told I need this big system I have because each one contains the certain things I need, for example

Cal-mag = calcium and magnesium

Hydroplex = phosphorus among other things.

Soil A&B = Nitrogen

So does Fox farms 2 part system have everything I need?

I'm also considering going all Botanicare... I'm way lost; any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here is a list of the Nutes I use

Soil A

Soil B


Bcuzz Bloom

Bud XL

B1 Thrive


Silica Blast


Liquid Karma


Roots excel

...I think that’s all of them

I really just want to produce an ounce per-plant on my next set of clones. I have the proper setup, details, genetics, and methods of growth to do so, but this nute issue is killing me.


Well-Known Member
Look man I tryed Bonticare for months. Then I switched to FF. and the difference was Awesome in just a week.
All you need is to go buy a bottle of Fox farm GROW BIG for veg, and a bottle of Tiger Bloom for flowering.
You will not have to worry about any Defiencies. If you want to boost them more, FF has a 3 pack additive.


Active Member
Look man I tryed Bonticare for months. Then I switched to FF. and the difference was Awesome in just a week.
All you need is to go buy a bottle of Fox farm GROW BIG for veg, and a bottle of Tiger Bloom for flowering.
You will not have to worry about any Defiencies. If you want to boost them more, FF has a 3 pack additive.

I think I may just have to do that, anymore input from anyone else? Just trying to make a well rounded and educated decision.


Well-Known Member
I almost bought the 3-pack soil formula from FoxFarm but the owner of my local hydro shop talked me out of it. Although FF nutes are organic based, they are not 100% organic. With that said, beginners can still burn their plants with them. FoxFarm nutes can also be a bit pricey. I suggest using a 100% organic formula, I've had great results with Age Old Organics Grow/Bloom fertilizers, they are cheap and the NPK levels are near perfect for mj plants. I just add a 1/4 tbsp to a gallon of water and my plants love it. Age Old is a bit low in magnesium though but that can be fixed by adding a pinch of epsom salt to the mix.


Well-Known Member
Are Local Hydro shop Pushes Roots Organic soil and all its products, talking down about FF everything, well I read the label on the dirt that Roots organic is baged in and found out that it was from the same city as my Hydro shop. Thats BS and Freaking Lame to misguide people for a kick back from a company.


Active Member
yeah I'm pretty sure, although there is grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. So with fox farm is that all 6 products they offer?


yeah I'm pretty sure, although there is grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. So with fox farm is that all 6 products they offer?
It's all six that you need to grow the sticky to the Mo Fo icky. Stick to the schedule and use their Ocean Forest soil and perlite. 4 to 1 ratio. I'm on day 45 and I have 17-inch tall plants, and that’s after fuking up. Another two weeks and I will clone them and determine who is and isn't female after a few weeks of flowering.

If you want to keep the feeding schedule really simple then just use Grow Big, Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha Ching seems to be more of a luxury than a necessity unlike the first three; meaning, Grow Big (6-4-4) will take you through the veg stage with the higher nitrogen content and Tiger Bloom (2-8-4) will take you through the flower stage with the higher phosphorus content.

It appears that Grow Big and Tiger Bloom are the two essentials; I bought all six. I'm a real anal fuker and after spending several hours looking at different nutrient suppliers I chose FF because it appears to be an all in one system. I too am growing in soil.

