ugh aphids..


Active Member
ACTUALLY.. i have these little white bug running around in my oraginc pots.. all through out the dirt... i really cant tell what they are.. does any one have in information..
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Well-Known Member
Do you have pics? Do they have wings? Are they eating holes in any of your leaves? Indoor or outdoor?


Active Member
Nah man they dont have any wings... they just crawl around in the dirt.. I tried to take pics but they where to small.. And they are indoor plants. and no holes in my plants.. yet... i hope it doesnt get to that point kuz i have some good seeds in there.


Well-Known Member
Let the soil dry out as much as the soil microbes will allow, don't water untill the soil feels dry when you stick you finger in it.

Soil Bugs = (usually) overwatered soil

My vote, with info provided, would be fungus nats, air flow would help here too. If I have nats I assume I have spider-mites, they are carried by the nats.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
i have reached the last straw with those damn fungus nats. I jsut bought a bag of sand and covered the pots in sand. The bugs are gonna die. Also at lowes their are over 50 omri listed bug spray products. Well maybe 4 besides neem oil. I am trying some acid fat and sand. OMRI. Next is melathion, lol. Or maybe a blow torch. Although I here that sand is sure thing. The nats just suffocate. The sand looks really cool. Also reflects light. Beach.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
California has some of the best weed in the states! you need to find a good source!!

dude, I mised something. But, is my weed really that good. Have you guys heard about it. I frickin love it when, as a californian I here that. Lol, that must mean mine is good too, I am good too, I have been validated as a person. As, a human. . . :spew:


New Member
If it is fungas gnats you do not have time on your side. The larve feed on the roots and basically they decapitate you plant so the plant dries out. Its great if your just about to harvest but otherwise get some gnatrol and some of that d. earth to suffocate those little fuckers...