• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

UFO's yes or no.......last night had a strange effent happen


Well-Known Member
you got it right. divergences from current timelines. in 2036 they dial it in to where they have a 98% chance of return to the original timeline. one of the first things they do is go back and prevent Pearl Harbor. this delays America's entry into WWII, thereby delaying the development of the American nuclear weapon, and Hitler drops two atomic bombs on London. Google John Titor...


Well-Known Member
you got it right. divergences from current timelines. in 2036 they dial it in to where they have a 98% chance of return to the original timeline. one of the first things they do is go back and prevent Pearl Harbor. this delays America's entry into WWII, thereby delaying the development of the American nuclear weapon, and Hitler drops two atomic bombs on London. Google John Titor...
LMFAO, JOHN TITOR? Did you really just reference him? Now I know you are just messing with people!


Well-Known Member
LMFAO, JOHN TITOR? Did you really just reference him? Now I know you are just messing with people!
oh, you must not have read the part where i said "i do NOT give a FUCK who believes..."

Bobby don't bullshit.

and Bobby knows how to box pretty good, so mock me if you want to.... :)


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess that would be a cue to exit the conversation seeing as this has just gotten dumb. You should actually do more research on that guy before you start believing in that dumb story.


Well-Known Member
I've never seen an actual 'UFO'...

well, then again.. I can't say I haven't because I have seen lights in the sky.. that were NOT airplanes or military helicopters.

They were so high up in the sky.. I couldn't tell what shape they were.. all I could see was a really really slow pulsating light.. and as it moved across the sky.. it just suddenly stopped (I thought I had lost view of it..) well, then suddenly two more slow blinking lights merged with the first one I seen.. (I guess it was the first one.. like I said.. i lost it in the sky when it abruptly stopped).. the light seemed brighter after the two merged with the first one.. almost like the intensity of each light.. added to the intensity of the light on the first one. But it blinked at the same rate of speed.. very very slow blinking rate.

I never seen them again after that night. I was just sitting in my jaquzzi in my backyard staring at the stars when I seen the first one.. but once they merged with each other (leaving me with only one light like when I first noticed the first one..) but the speed at which it took off.. was just of abnormal proportions. No human could have taken the g-force from the speed at which this thing took off at.

When it took off the last time.. it didn't go side to side.. or east to west.. it just went fucking straight up.. almost like a shooting star.. only instead of coming to Earth.. this thing left Earth.

It was def. something I kept to myself.. because I had no clue as to what the fuck it was. There's a military base where I live.. but they don't have any 'top secret' planes or aircraft.. so I know it wasn't military. Plus, like I mentioned a second ago.. no human could have taken the g-forces from the immediate speed that this thing shot into space at.. theres just no way.

this is also my first time sharing my story with anyone.. i've never told anyone about this story because most people just think your nuts. Well, that is.. until something like this happens to them.. ;)



Well-Known Member
you got it right. divergences from current timelines. in 2036 they dial it in to where they have a 98% chance of return to the original timeline. one of the first things they do is go back and prevent Pearl Harbor. this delays America's entry into WWII, thereby delaying the development of the American nuclear weapon, and Hitler drops two atomic bombs on London. Google John Titor...
well im a genius (lol)

found this on john titor (ive long lost interest in conspiracy tales though, why i never heard of him before)



There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.

so either its a story or the man comes from a divergent timeline (because of tampering) or its an alternate universe.

ww3 in 2015 is possible i suppose, though some signs point that it wont happen.

loquacious, interesting that you know of john titor yet think all this is bullshit?


i dont know, timetravel is certainly not impossible, but as it seems, this is nothing to worry about, a curio at most.

but anyways, there are 100´s of stories similar to that.

the most prevalent is that shapeshifting highly advanced reptiles actually govern the earth.

the birds are still singing, food is still good and fucking is still excellent.

i might die tomorrow or the world change immensely, but im here now and enjoying myself.

why jump at undefined shadows?

and how are you connected to this "story" bobbypyn? (btw, with stories like that, you better be prepared for answers like that or expect to have permanently bloodied fists.)


Well-Known Member
I've never seen an actual 'UFO'...

well, then again.. I can't say I haven't because I have seen lights in the sky.. that were NOT airplanes or military helicopters.

They were so high up in the sky.. I couldn't tell what shape they were.. all I could see was a really really slow pulsating light.. and as it moved across the sky.. it just suddenly stopped (I thought I had lost view of it..) well, then suddenly two more slow blinking lights merged with the first one I seen.. (I guess it was the first one.. like I said.. i lost it in the sky when it abruptly stopped).. the light seemed brighter after the two merged with the first one.. almost like the intensity of each light.. added to the intensity of the light on the first one. But it blinked at the same rate of speed.. very very slow blinking rate.

I never seen them again after that night. I was just sitting in my jaquzzi in my backyard staring at the stars when I seen the first one.. but once they merged with each other (leaving me with only one light like when I first noticed the first one..) but the speed at which it took off.. was just of abnormal proportions. No human could have taken the g-force from the speed at which this thing took off at.

When it took off the last time.. it didn't go side to side.. or east to west.. it just went fucking straight up.. almost like a shooting star.. only instead of coming to Earth.. this thing left Earth.

It was def. something I kept to myself.. because I had no clue as to what the fuck it was. There's a military base where I live.. but they don't have any 'top secret' planes or aircraft.. so I know it wasn't military. Plus, like I mentioned a second ago.. no human could have taken the g-forces from the immediate speed that this thing shot into space at.. theres just no way.

this is also my first time sharing my story with anyone.. i've never told anyone about this story because most people just think your nuts. Well, that is.. until something like this happens to them.. ;)

well everyone is nuts that doesnt share at least most of our worldview? lol


Well-Known Member
dont get so serious about this guys..

dont let it spoil your day.

even though ive seen some shit, its hardly one of the most important things in my life.

and whether people believe or not, hardly matters, there are so many different believes in the world, and just about any one of them seems utterly crazy to another.


Well-Known Member
I remember 2036 very clearly. It is difficult to describe 2036 in detail without spending a great deal of time explaining why things are so different.

In 2036, I live in central Florida with my family and I'm currently stationed at an Army base in Tampa. A world war in 2015 killed nearly three billion people. The people that survived grew closer together. Life is centered on the family and then the community. I cannot imagine living even a few hundred miles away from my parents.

There is no large industrial complex creating masses of useless food and recreational items. Food and livestock is grown and sold locally. People spend much more time reading and talking together face to face. Religion is taken seriously and everyone can multiply and divide in their heads.

How is our worldline different from this one?
For starters, the fact that I'm here makes it different. I've also noticed little things like news events that happen at different times, football games won by other teams, things like that.

I would guess the temporal divergence between this world line and my original is about 1 or 2 percent. Of course, the longer I am here, the larger that divergence becomes from my point of view.

Are you drawn back to your worldline of origin for any reason? Is instability a problem for you?
I'm not sure what you mean by stable. If you mean mentally, there are many things that bother me here but being with my parents right now is important to me. Physically, the only thing really wrong is the number of colds I get.

Are you able to return to your home?

Do people know where you are? Can you communicate with your home?
No. They do not know where I am and I cannot communicate with them. Interesting idea though. From their point of view, I will return almost exactly at the same moment I left. From their viewpoint, I will only have aged more than expected.

You do not rewrite history. I can only affect what happens here just as easily as you can. Why do people in this time period worry so much about time traveler's destroying their world line when they have no problem doing it themselves every day?

My goal is not to be believed. Most people do not take news of the war very well but I find that everyone believes it's inevitable. Even in your own history, are not great inventions and discoveries made during a time of war in your effort to kill and maim in new and more efficient ways?

No, I do not work for GE or any other company. Are "stock tips" really the first thing you want to know about in the future? As a representative of your time period, do you realize what that says about you? You should probably know that this time is not remembered for its selflessness, charity or ability to work together.

Why would I want to talk to you? Why don't you believe you have something interesting or worthwhile to say to someone in the future?
No, the ice caps are not melting any faster than they are now. There is also far less smog and industrial waste in 2036.

You asked about the North Polar ice pack. I never said the environment wasn't a problem. Doesn't water expand when it freezes? If the polar ice cap melted, wouldn't sea level go down? I don't know if there's enough ice for this to make a difference and I'm not an expert on global warming.

Yes, I realize people become hostile. I don't expect anyone to believe me and I have nothing to sell. I take no offense by it. Just out of curiosity, if you were a time traveler, what do you think it would take to get people to believe you?

I suppose we could agree that no particular era in history is famous for its development of humanity but just once I would like to hear questions like, "What is family life like in the future? How does society deal with poverty? Is AIDS, abortion and drug use still a problem?"

Why don't I give you a stock tip? The money you make would dilute the intelligence and forethought that a smart person had in picking the stock all by themselves. If I told you how to get rich, I would be taking money from them and giving it to you.

I am not aware of any physical change to my DNA or "aura". I do however seem to be more susceptible to colds.

Yes, you will remember me if you want to. Worldlines do not change that way and I will only become an insignificant part of your history.

Yes I believe in Jesus Christ and we pray to God in churches. There are some differences you may be interested in. Religion is a major part of people's life in 2036. Pain and change tend to bring people together and closer to God. However, religion is far more personal than it is now. There are no huge, centralized religions and people talk openly about their beliefs. It
might also interest you to know that the day of worship is Saturday, the day God meant to be the Sabbath and the 10 commandments have been restored to the "10" that God gave us.

Life is much more rural in the future but "high" technology is used to communicate and travel. People raise a great deal of their own food and do more "farm" work. Yes, compared to now, we do work long hours. After the war, my father made a living selling oranges up and down the West coast of Florida. My closest friend raises horses and another works for a company
that maintains "wireless" Internet nodes.

Life has changed so much over my lifetime that it's hard to pin down a "normal" day. When I was 13, I was a soldier. As a teenager, I helped my dad haul cargo. I went to college when I was 31 and I was recruited to "time travel" shortly after that. Again, I suppose an average day in 2036 is like an average day on the farm.

Yes, there is a post office. The Internet is still alive and well in the future. People spend more time talking because life is more centered on the community. I've noticed the same type of effect here when the power goes off. People tend to come out of their homes and actually spend time with their neighbors. There is a lot more personal trust and less paranoia.

When I'm with my parents, I live in a community made up of "tree houses" on a large river in Florida. The river floods sometimes and we have access to the Gulf. Most of our neighbors make a living off the sea or in moving cargo by boat.

No new information there (on UFOs and aliens). I find that an interesting subject myself. Personally, I think "UFOs" might be time travelers with very sophisticated distortion units. But that might be a bit wacky. John Titor

decide for yourself. does this guy sound like a kook to you? not to me.


Well-Known Member
well, its an interesting story..

and, ive sometimes wondered if ww3, wouldnt, in a way, be "good" for mankind...

but its obviously not our future. more like an alternate timeline (if the guy isnt just a rather good writer with some interesting ideas about the future (and claiming its all true to get attention)

certain events, as the financial crash, have drastically changed this..

ww3 isnt really that probable anymore.

despite it being so around the time this was written.

i am rather hopeful of the future, though i was pessimistic for a long time, but many things have changed that and made me look at it anew.


Well-Known Member
Actually yea im my opinion he is a nut job getting his 15 min of fame........the device he shows as his machine to travel time didnt pass inspection...........not to say there isnt time travel....I dont know..........but anytime Titor or Majistic 12 of Philidephia is brought into a conversation......then I dont pay much attention to whats being said from there on.


Well-Known Member
stories like this you cant take to seriously (ufos too, even if youve seen them)

the one thing you should take from this story is.

dont love money above people.

be a good person.

appreciate your loved ones.

stop buying shit you dont need and stop buying shit that pollutes the earth. (or at least minimize it)
stop polluting the earth (even if its only you, it still matters)

do that and we might get to utopia that much sooner and possibly without a big wasteful war.


Well-Known Member
Hell yes there are UFOs they are just waiting for mankind to destroy the world so they will have a place to move to.


Well-Known Member
Hell yes there are UFOs they are just waiting for mankind to destroy the world so they will have a place to move to.
who the fuck would want this piece of shit we have destroyed.............all talk and no effects on saveing the earth........its over........just a question when..........


Well-Known Member
Actually yea im my opinion he is a nut job getting his 15 min of fame........the device he shows as his machine to travel time didnt pass inspection...........not to say there isnt time travel....I dont know..........but anytime Titor or Majistic 12 of Philidephia is brought into a conversation......then I dont pay much attention to whats being said from there on.
lol, you gotta link to pictures or something of that device?

oh, i dont pay much attention to this at all.

its all worry shit or maybe shit or i cant really explain it, even if i experienced it.

and there are far more enjoyable things in life.

but hey, im bored and i know alot of shit about this and did give it some time in the past and here you are talking about it.

the trick is not to get emotional about it (or not too anyway)

it IS interesting after all

the unknown always is. (if you dont get scared of it, as many do)


Well-Known Member
who the fuck would want this piece of shit we have destroyed.............all talk and no effects on saveing the earth........its over........just a question when..........
gotta agree, reports of ufos start about the time the earth was much more unpolluted and desireable and this was a rather predictable scenario as was our technological advances.

so, any aliens with ideas of conquest would far likely have done so by now.

(unless, they dont give a shit about our weapons and have technology to clean the earth and are just still advancing their plans (must take some time to prepare for an invasion of another planet, highly sophisticated or not lol)


Well-Known Member
Once again the thread is about your PERSONEL experice with a UFO and how you felt about it.
yes, perhaps, anyone interested, should start a seperate thread about "supernatural" in general, or a more specific one.

this thread is for stonedpony after all, who just had a rather interesting experience, to say the least.

and i am sorry for having diverged the thread, though not alone (semisorryish lol)


Well-Known Member
Here is a start for you on titor

thanks, bit interesting story.

though i wonder if bobbypyn isnt so obsessed about it because he wants to not give a damn whether people believe him or not, same as titor supposedly didnt, but you dont threaten to box those that do disbelive you, if you actually didnt give a crap.

edit : these thoughts are somewhat interesting on john titor. http://johntitor.strategicbrains.com/

btw, its bit interesting that your dog barked so much at the ufo. what does your dog bark at in general? (And like that)