• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

UFO I captured on film and photographed


Well-Known Member
It was no balloon, that's for sure.
Since you claim it is as yet unidentified, how can you be sure it wasn't a balloon? Because you don't want it to be something mundane and rather believe in crackpot conspiracy theories is my guess.

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
here's my second question, "what are we gonna fucking do man they are already here and everyone knows russian soldiers are badasses you've seen the movies!" "what will we do!"
no but seriously how much time before they pull this new world order thing

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
i think you need to re read what i wrote and do a little research on the interwebs.

no....i dont think you understand. a new world order does not mean everyone living peacefully working together.
the NWO means government runs all, under one regime. to the point to where you will not only NOT refuse the implantation of a chip in your body, the government will make it so that you demand it.

i normally wouldnt reply to comments such as yours, but it seems as tho you need to be informed.
please do some research. the point of view i see you coming from seems materialistic and in full trust of your government and the media. which is fine if thats the way you choose to live, im not judging you, its not my place, but please...dont go on living uninformed.

i recommend you check out


and stop watching tv

So the question is... if the government will put chips in us and makes ufo's, how do you know????? Are u like an alien they made that went rogue cause he had a soft spot for humanity?


Watch a series on the history channel called the "Ancient Aliens" its pretty interesting.Its also on-demand if you have Comcast cable


Well-Known Member
So the question is... if the government will put chips in us and makes ufo's, how do you know????? Are u like an alien they made that went rogue cause he had a soft spot for humanity?

i just believe they are down to be this corrupt.
of course theres no proof its true, but just like you can't prove its not.

all i'm saying is, nothing in this world is promised or guaranteed, you gotta live your life righteously with integrity and be a person of character.
live to get ahead, not just to get by.
be kind to each other.
travel and check out all the places this great earth has to offer.
all this shit was made for us. it was created for us to enjoy it.
so enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
Yo I'm with you on some of this shit here. I believe that there are "UFO"s in our skys. I've seen one too. I don't talk about it much cause I was smoking with a buddy of mine when we saw it and a lot of people just dismiss it once I tell them that, though I don't think that'll happen here, lol. But the type of UFO we saw I'm like 99% sure was human made. It was one of those huge black triangle thingies.
here's the short version:
I'm into looking at the stars and shit. Ya know smoke a little stare out at the stars and ponder the great beyond. Well anyway me and a buddy of mine were out at a farm near us watching the annual meteor shower. All of the sudden we both noticed a pair of really big "stars" (turned out to be lights) moving at the same time. Then we looked and like right before our eyes this HUGE black triangle appeared in the sky. The lights were on the bottom of the triangle. One at the tip of the triangle and the other between the bottom two tips. When I say this thing was huge it was huge. It looked like at the base of the triangle it was about 200 yds across, and the whole thing was probably 400 yds long. It was blocking out the sky behind it as it sat there.
Anyway it just kinda hovered there for about 12-14 second then (and this is where shit got weird) the whole things just sort of stretched. Like the back light and the front light grew further apart and the whole thing slowly disappeared. In my belief my friend and I probably just watched a US Govt experement with a craft that can go close to the speed of light. Which would explain the stretching just before disappearing. Now having said that I am a FIRM believer in other life out there in the universe. I mean at it's simplest if you look at all the universe we can see. Most of the stars we see at night are in our own Milky Way galaxy. There's like an estimated 120 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. And the newest estimate of galaxies in the universe is somewhere around 500 billion. So 500 billion galaxies out there each probably containing over 100 billion stars. Now I dont know what the right term for this is but that's a rough guesstimate of 50,000 billion stars out there. That's an incomprehensible number of stars. Who knows how many planets there might be orbiting those stars.....??? Our one star has 8 planets, an asteroid belt, the keiper belt, and the ort cloud orbiting it and the distances and sizes of these things are also incomprehensible. So in short I think that it is incredibly arrogant and ignorant for people to be so closed minded that they believe all that space and real estate is wasted and WE'RE the ONLY one's who were able to make it?? Seriously? I mean the universe that we can see is 13+ billion years old, Earth: 4-5 billion and how long have humans existed?? Roughly 200,000 years. So the previous 13 billion years was all a build up to our 200,000 year existance. Not likely. Sorry to rant for so long but this is a topic I feel passionately about. So what do you guys think? Just us or is there more out there?


Active Member
Russian troops? the hell you talking about bro?? There are no "Russian Troops" that have been sent to the USA.... the hell you tripping on? I want some.. lmao. Tho I will say that I do agree with ya on the "world going to shit" thing. I find that to be true.. I dunno how to explain it. But its like ever since 9/11 happened... the world has just gotten worse every day after that event happened. Seems like no matter when you watch the National News channels... you always hear something about how terrorists did this or did that... plus you have today's generation that have absolutely no respect for one another.. or their elder's and that sickens me. I was raised to treat others how I wanted to be treated.. and I was also raised where if I didn't have something nice to say, I was to say nothing at all. Period.

But yeah, agree... this world is going down the drain. and quickly!!! But, hey.. I guess everything has to come to an end right? right..

1st off man, there is a lot of shit that is going on that you dont know about. i have done A SHIT LOAD of research on the new world order and the illuminati. and i didn't like anything i saw. it's not just russian troops, its the UN. if you think this is crazy i would reccomend watching www.zeitgeistmovie.com and esotericagenda.net. There is so much shit i would like to inform you on but it would take alllll day, and you probibly would just call me crazy and laugh it off like you did previously. and if i were you i would stay away from the news channels. you only see what THEY WANT you to see. i only watch the news for the weather. and for everything else i do my own research online. and even then u have to filter through some stuff. i also advise people to look up the illuminati and the freemasons if you havent already. they are a cult and everyone of our US presidents WAS and IS a part of it. the only one that wasnt was JFK and we all know what happend to him. I STRONGLY ADVISE PEOPLE TO DO THIS RESEARCH. the only way we could ever do something about the new world order is if everyone knows about it....


Active Member
Who would be scared of the idea of ufos? If ufos have been flying round for so long without bothering us and are so sophisticated in technology, why would the public suddenly asume that they would want to disrupt our lives. If the government is releasing weather balloons or whatever other alien looking objects, why do they go to such lengths to prove their own ufos to be natural lighting or a balloon? If they wanted people to believe and fear their ufos, they would act like they are real and broadcast interest into them in the mainstream media more.

What do you by Russian troops standing by in the US and Mexico? Are you saying they're the reason for 'chemtrails'? Their new world order, communism, basically everybody working together, is that so bad? Haha, sorry for the poor wording, replying before I go out.

you dont know what you are talking about. the new world order is NOT everyone working together. THEIR MAIN GOAL IS TO HAVE 500,000 PEOPLE LIVING ON EARTH. THAT IS A 97% DROP. AND ALSO TO ONLY HAVE A UPPER "SUPERIOR" CLASS AND THEN TO HAVE THOSE WHO WORK FOR THEM. THATS ALL. now do you get the picture....??? DO THE FUCKING RESEARCHHHH!


Well-Known Member
But the type of UFO we saw I'm like 99% sure was human made. It was one of those huge black triangle thingies.
So what do you guys think? Just us or is there more out there?
It's statistically impossible for us to be alone in this universe. I once saw something almost identical, a wide, pitch black triangle like craft. One white light at the front tip and another, slightly large behind that, around the center. Slow moving object, don't really remember any particular noise. Have never reported any sightings. What else make you think it was man-made? Do you think we've reached near lightspeed then? It would be a real achievement.

you dont know what you are talking about. the new world order is NOT everyone working together. THEIR MAIN GOAL IS TO HAVE 500,000 PEOPLE LIVING ON EARTH. THAT IS A 97% DROP. AND ALSO TO ONLY HAVE A UPPER "SUPERIOR" CLASS AND THEN TO HAVE THOSE WHO WORK FOR THEM. THATS ALL. now do you get the picture....??? DO THE FUCKING RESEARCHHHH!
I'm quite aware that an alleged new world order would the absolute opposite of equality and freedom etc. I wrote it a little incorrectly, I was commenting on Russian communism (was aimed to have people working together). I admit, in this area of ideas, I'm no master so there's no need for obscenities, however I have done alot of research in enigmatic areas most wouldn't concern, however I've never been caught up in this whole Illuminati generation, most likely because i'm not American. I'm not saying that it's definatly not true at all.

Would you please provide me one or two simple facts which prove it? I will then begin researching the "this is their plan" theories when there is a factual basis for these thoughts and fears. I'm accepting and open-minded and look forward to a sample your true findings.


Well-Known Member
It's statistically impossible for us to be alone in this universe. I once saw something almost identical, a wide, pitch black triangle like craft. One white light at the front tip and another, slightly large behind that, around the center. Slow moving object, don't really remember any particular noise. Have never reported any sightings. What else make you think it was man-made? Do you think we've reached near lightspeed then? It would be a real achievement.
Yeah man what me and my buddy saw had no sound either it just slowly drifted in the sky then did it's little disappearing act. I do believe we're near light speed at this point. I'm not sure if we can ever break light speed but I do think we can get close to it and I think it's possible that our government recovered some technology(I'll let you figure out where from) and are trying to reverse engineer it to achieve near light speed travel and are down playing it by talking about hypersonic bs. Mach 5 isn't shit compared to what we can really do. It's a good possibility that what we both saw were different versions of Project Aurora. Actually if you look at most of the sightings of these black triangles from the past, most people said they had 3 lights on it. One at each corner. And the ones that you and I saw only had 2 lights. The positions were different though. Sounds to me like they're making some adjustments to the propulsion systems, trying to find out what way to use this unknown technology best. Any way look up project aurora and let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
it explains a lot more than zeitgiest and doesnt quite leave you hanging like zietgiest.

i find it weird that a movie about 911 and the federal reserve doesnt mention the illuminati or nwo a single time, kinda has me wonderin what side that director is really on.


Well-Known Member
So in short I think that it is incredibly arrogant and ignorant for people to be so closed minded that they believe all that space and real estate is wasted and WE'RE the ONLY one's who were able to make it?? Seriously? I mean the universe that we can see is 13+ billion years old, Earth: 4-5 billion and how long have humans existed?? Roughly 200,000 years. So the previous 13 billion years was all a build up to our 200,000 year existance. Not likely. Sorry to rant for so long but this is a topic I feel passionately about. So what do you guys think? Just us or is there more out there?
You do realize that just because someone doesn't think we have been visited by extraterrestrials, doesn't mean they we don't think there aren't other lifeforms in the universe. In fact, I think most cosmologists would bet that there are other lifeforms. The question is, are there other civilizations, and have they advanced enough for interstellar travel? If there are aliens visiting, why haven't they made first contact? If they are trying not to be noticed, they aren't doing a good job of that either apparently if they keep abducting people.

It's interesting how the reports of alien abduction are very similar to the accounts of demons and succubi in the middle ages and how they are all very similar to experiences people have during sleep paralysis.

Being open minded merely means that one is open to new ideas. To automatically jump to the conclusions of alien visitation and not considering other more mundane explanations is actually the definition of close minded.


Well-Known Member
The question is, are there other civilizations, and have they advanced enough for interstellar travel? If there are aliens visiting, why haven't they made first contact? If they are trying not to be noticed, they aren't doing a good job of that either apparently if they keep abducting people.
If there's life on any extra-solar planets (or wherever else) in other galaxies, there's a good chance that it's been evolving for longer than life here has, therefore atleast one species, logically, should have reached our level of intelligence, or passed it. Interstellar travel however is a very different bag. Read the 'Aliens' thread for the rest, spent some time going into the possible whys and why nots.

It's interesting how the reports of alien abduction are very similar to the accounts of demons and succubi in the middle ages and how they are all very similar to experiences people have during sleep paralysis.
About to read about the sleep paralysis, could you please further explain the demon and succubi similarity? I will do a little research too when I get a chance. I've never heard of that many abductions which are even considered with credit, those which are (that I've seen reports of) tend to share very opposite similarities.


Well-Known Member
If there's life on any extra-solar planets (or wherever else) in other galaxies, there's a good chance that it's been evolving for longer than life here has, therefore atleast one species, logically, should have reached our level of intelligence, or passed it. Interstellar travel however is a very different bag. Read the 'Aliens' thread for the rest, spent some time going into the possible whys and why nots.
I see no reason to assume that life has been evolving considerable longer than life elsewhere. The universe is still relatively young. Many stars have already died, possibly along with some of the early life. Not all life will evolve to intelligent self-awareness, as it seems to be an evolutionary trait that almost didn't occur here so we should assume that it is more rare than other methods of survival like predation and camouflage, which have evolved many times independently here.
Please link to the alien thread you refer to. I would like to read it.
About to read about the sleep paralysis, could you please further explain the demon and succubi similarity? I will do a little research too when I get a chance. I've never heard of that many abductions which are even considered with credit, those which are (that I've seen reports of) tend to share very opposite similarities.
Carl Sagan's A Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark gives summary of the evidence showing the links between sleep paralysis, demons and alien abduction stories. The feeling of a presence, unable to move, panic, strange creatures sitting on ones chest, etc.
Sleep Paralysis, Sexual Abuse, and Space Alien Abduction

Richard J. McNally [SIZE=-1] Harvard University, [email protected] [/SIZE]
Susan A. Clancy
[SIZE=-1] Harvard University, [email protected] [/SIZE]
Sleep paralysis accompanied by hypnopompic (‘upon awakening’) hallucinations is an often-frightening manifestation of discordance between the cognitive/perceptual and motor aspects of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Awakening sleepers become aware of an inability to move, and sometimes experience intrusion of dream mentation into waking consciousness (e.g. seeing intruders in the bedroom). In this article, we summarize two studies. In the first study, we assessed 10 individuals who reported abduction by space aliens and whose claims were linked to apparent episodes of sleep paralysis during which hypnopompic hallucinations were interpreted as alien beings. In the second study, adults reporting repressed, recovered, or continuous memories of childhood sexual abuse more often reported sleep paralysis than did a control group. Among the 31 reporting sleep paralysis, only one person linked it to abuse memories. This person was among the six recovered memory participants who reported sleep paralysis (i.e. 17% rate of interpreting it as abuse-related). People rely on personally plausible cultural narratives to interpret these otherwise baffling sleep paralysis episodes.​


Well-Known Member
1st off man, there is a lot of shit that is going on that you dont know about. i have done A SHIT LOAD of research on the new world order and the illuminati. and i didn't like anything i saw. it's not just russian troops, its the UN. if you think this is crazy i would reccomend watching www.zeitgeistmovie.com and esotericagenda.net. There is so much shit i would like to inform you on but it would take alllll day, and you probibly would just call me crazy and laugh it off like you did previously. and if i were you i would stay away from the news channels. you only see what THEY WANT you to see. i only watch the news for the weather. and for everything else i do my own research online. and even then u have to filter through some stuff. i also advise people to look up the illuminati and the freemasons if you havent already. they are a cult and everyone of our US presidents WAS and IS a part of it. the only one that wasnt was JFK and we all know what happend to him. I STRONGLY ADVISE PEOPLE TO DO THIS RESEARCH. the only way we could ever do something about the new world order is if everyone knows about it....
Not all the presidents except JFK were freemasons. I see this argument used all the time by the conspiracy theorists. You evidently haven't done your research because it took me a google search and about 2 minutes to come up with this site which lists the presidents who were freemasons. Sorry, but you FAIL!:roll:
