UFC : 104 Machida vs Rua



I guess you never been kicked in your legs before:lol:

That's like giving someone a win for foot stomps- not going to happen. Machida's combos were executed better and he actually made more contact with rua than rua did to him(except leg kicks). Rua was always countering in desperatiion with the leg kicks- he had nothing else. Machida had a better well rounded fight.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
It's called strategy, you must be a newb to the fight game. Ask rizzo if leg kicks don't count, better yet, ask the recipient of rizzos leg kicks, couture, if leg kicks don't count,...


yeah and rua lost - his strategy was sound though.

If the effect of the leg kicks had of been greater and if he could have put together an effective combo at all he may have won.


Well-Known Member
LEG KICKS DO NOT SOLIDIFY YOU AS A CHAMPION.ya ill say it was a pretty even/wack fight but Machida had the better for sure. if he could have rocked Machida maybe that would ave meant something but he didnt all he did was kick him in the leg.it was a championship fight and to be honest neither looked like a champ thats wy you cant take his belt.YOU MUST BEAT HIM.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
who said leg kicks make you a champ? if this was the streets, yeah, you gotta BEAT the champ to BE the champ, but this is not the street, that's why there are judges....


Well-Known Member
in my opinion machida is a nice fighter, but has only one strategy, countering.. shogun is more versatile, and can change his strategy in the middle of the fight.. i think shogun was more effective, and hitted machida harder than got hit.. anyone or any site who knows a thing about mma gave shogun then won, ive trained with him here in brazil a few years ago, and hes a monster.. he picked a strategy against lyoto that worked really well, and yeah, i think hes gonna win the rematch.. if the judges dont get in the way again..


Well-Known Member
if he is more versatile he would have been able to win the fight.and i dont know what hes so called gameplan was probably to put his hands in the air like a fairy each time he got hit.Rua tryed to take him down a few times and couldnt do it.he tryed to hit him and couldnt.but he could kick him in the leg so thats where he stayed at.Machida striked him kicked him and didnt wanna take him down.........Champion status.


Well-Known Member
the thing is he actually was able to win the fight.. which he did.. by kicking machida in the leg he was hurting his karate-counter-strike-mobility, he hit machida a lot more and harder than got hit.. forget the legs, he hit him in the face a lot more..and also used elbows.. but whatever, whats done is done, it was a good fight nevertheless.. im gonna hit my pipe and forget i exist.. peace guys!


Well-Known Member
he landed 1 elbow yes and if he hurt his stlye so much why couldnt he do anythimg else.the rest was nothing well im just saying the judges made the right decision


Well-Known Member
That "fight" sucked. No real punching, no take downs, nothing really happened. Rua's leg kicks were effective and given a non-title fight he would have won based solely on effort.

That was a title fight and you have to take the title. Rua didn't take the title. He took the legs out and it was time to take it to Machida. I always say that you cant complain about a decision; you should have never let it get that far.


i think shogun took that fight even though i was going for the dragon. all my boys think machida is the shit and he is dont get me wrong its just one day he is gonna get popped real good by lets say like a rampage jackson or someone and get his ass str8 dropped. machida is small has hell for a light heavyweight!!!!! and im still waiting to see lesnar v.s. carwin!!!!!! thats gonna be a match!!!!!! but i think brock is kinda scared!!!! also that rampage and evans fight got cancelled to right?


Well-Known Member
^^hi Dana White:mrgreen:LOL:peace:
I think Rua won the match (mostly cause Machida didn't do shit) Rua was the more active fighter - BUUUUT he didn't do anything to deserve a belt.

That is how it is in all of fighting. In a title match you have to do more than win rounds - You have to be aggressive and you have to earn your belt.

It is not UFC, it is not MMA - Watch boxing it is how it works in fighting. If you don't know or understand that you need more than "activity" in a title bout; you obviously haven't watched much fighting. If you don't like the standard then stop watching title bouts immediately - you will be forever disappointed.

Watch the Winky Wright vs. Jermaine Taylor and tell me who won that fight.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Dude, I know about the fighting system and how bouts are scored, boxing, MMA, kickboxing, hopscotch, or jacks! LOL:lol: been there done that.. I totally understand:rolleyes: