Uber Stealth Bubbleponics CFL White Rhino


Well-Known Member
So here we go again.
This time Im trying new irrigation methods.
Topping the plants and or pruning plants.
Im also going to do 24/0 light during veg.
Cloning of these soon to be plants is going to take place aswell.
As we learn and I execute these grow methods I will be the guinea pig and we will see the outcome and make our own assumptions.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well here I am again to start the newest adventure. We harvested our 2 plants about a week ago and God it is good. We wanted to start our next crop but because of Kaloris' problems we defiantly wanted to change some of the problems that we were having.

We went to our local hydroponic shop Bloom & Grow and asked them about some alternative watering methods. In the end we ended up getting:

2ft- 1/2" Irrigation Line
1ft- 1/2" Soft Line
1/2" T-Fitting
New EarthBulb 150W 2,800 Lumens

Pretty much a good collection of stuff.

Anywho, for our new watering system I drew up a diagram on how it is put together:

It's pretty simple but it should work a lot better and consistently then our last. We used to have a line from our water pump to a 6 way splitter but since the holes were so small it wasn't pumping enough water through.

(This is not done but at the beginning)

We have planted the seeds 6 hours ago.

Oh I had a question. What do you guys think of leaving the lights on 24/0 for the veg portion of the grow because I read that the only reason to have any darkness is for producing buds. I dunno a friend swears by it.
with more pictures soon!


Well-Known Member
Ok so here the low down.
  • Lights total 4 - 3 are CFl's 100watt equivalent 1600Lumens per bulb 6500K the other bulb is CFL 150 watt equivalent 2800Lumens 5000K
  • Room Temp is 80 degrees
  • PH is 6.0
  • No Nutes till later, just 5 gals of reverse osmosis H2O So far
  • 1 Processor fan blowing 24/7 between the pots.
  • The entire inside is aluminum foil dull side out, so not to create hot spots like the shinny side will do.
  • Seeds are White Rhino Medical grade.
  • Grow cabinet in light tight for bloom cycle.
Thats all I got for now I guess, if u have any questions just ask this is my second grow and I didnt have any issues other than one of the plant's roots growing inside of its irrigation tube and starving it, Big Bummer. So ask away! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey Love. Insane job with the stealth there. Very very nice. You may want to put that plant on the left of the picuture in the grow cab though. It's not looking good and I don't see ET anywhere around.
Just read through your 1st and congrats on the succesfull 1st grow. Nicely done.
Go for the 24/0 veg time. Just be prepared to handle the height issues. As you found out last grow white rhino can be a tall grower so be prepared. Is there ventilation in there (exhaust fans, etc...) or is it only 80 in there with the lighting and now airflow? If so, that ain't that bad at all given the small space. I'm definately scribed to this thread as I'll be growing white rhino next as well. Qi


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the cut off message boss. My dog decided it was time to post the message and hit the "enter" button. As I was going to say, you may want to think of lowering the pH a little...to say about 5.5. In my reading, a bunch of times I have run across the idea of starting WR plants at a low ph and gradually working up to 6.5 at the end of the grow. I believe I read about this mostly through Greenhouse Seeds but I apologize for not having a link ready. You also mentioned cloning this grow. Where do you plan to put the clone(s)? Best of luck with your grow and i can't wait to see how it turns out for you (and how the previous grow smokes).


Well-Known Member
Thanks for reading my last grow! As for exhaust I leave the top propped open and it stays 80 in there, just like last grow (Im very thankful for that).
As for clones I only have 4 netpots lock and loaded with White Rhino seeds, the middle 2 and the 2 on the right have the seeds in em, the 2 netpots on the left are for the clones when I learn when and where to cut the plants for clones. This is how it looks while lights are on, which will be a hand full of weeks im guessing (im hoping on just 4 but most likely it will be 5)



Well-Known Member
Oh forgot about the plant in the pic on the left, its just a Easter lily I got for my birthday. I'm going to plant it outside and let nature take its course.
Thanks for reading my journal and keep the questions coming :bigjoint:


New Member
nice recirculating drip, what medium are you using? I may have just missed it in the text above but I didn't see.
Looks very stealthy, kudos.


Well-Known Member
My grow medium is Rockwool 1.5" rounds with a single layer of Hydroton on the bottom of each net pot then I sit my 24 hour pre soaked 1.5"Rockwool on top then I fill the net pot up to the top sides of the Rockwool with remaining Hydroton, just untill I see the sprouts poking out then I carfully cover the visible Rockwool with Hydroton so I dont get and mold/algea growth. Thanks for looking out and asking important questions!! This how Rockwool looks pre sprout.
Ill cover after it sprouts.


Well-Known Member
Well well well look who came to say hello.
Guess im going to the store and get some celebration juice.


Well-Known Member
Move the irrigation tubes lower. It should be 1/2 way down the rockwool cube and pushed against the side of the cube. How tall are you going to let these grow? It doesn't look like much space. They will really blow up during flowering as well.


Well-Known Member
looking good man, can you give me rundown on how often you feed etc? also are u ph and ppming your water? do you have to? im just thinking of gong with a similar setup but i dont really have the cash to buy a ppm and ph meter


Well-Known Member
I water them ever 5.5 hours for 30 mins so 4 times a day. The PH is 5.5.
I don't have a PPM meter either I just do a 1/4 strength at week 2, and every other day I add another 1/4 strength and so on till I get to 100% strength. As for a PH meter I use the liquid tester its like 7 bucks from my local Hydro store, if you wanted to I would just go to Walmart and go to the fish isle and they have PH test kits there for cheap too.
Oh I almost forgot I keep my water level the same after I add nutes because when my water level goes down by lets say a gallon or so is more likely to have a higher concentration of nutes or more PPM (parts per million).
Since I don't have a PPM I never let the water lvl get more then a gallon difference from when nutes where added.
Hope this helps you out Bro.
The notches on the wood spoon are at every gallon mark, and it does change because my tote gradually gets wider as you get closer to the top. ~Vince


Well-Known Member
Well today I woke up and seen that pot number 1 had the seedling trying to poke through but just didn't break through the Rockwool fully, and its been 5 days now and the other plants have sprouted 2 days ago, so I had to operate.
So I got the probe from my Electronic power meter and dipped it in alcohol and washed my hands.
I gently nudged some Rockwool out of the way and there was my missing sprout with it starter leafs just looking up at me. Whew Crisis avoided


Well-Known Member
Here's what they look like 3 hours ago and what netpot 1 looks like after operation.
Well that them and 2 expansion pots waiting for clones.
Love Peace and Taco Grease