U scrog dilemma


Active Member

Heres what im going for in my tent that is the same size as his. I'm gonna do it in my 4x4x7 tent too. But that ones flowering and wont be don for a while. So I can worry about it later.

I wanna go for a setup like this
Apostrophe respresenting barebulb for best spread

But I cant figure out how to do that, and be able to vent it. Like have a fun blowing on itng on it and then an inlinr fan sucking up air right next to it. I figure a 400w will do fine for this. Since like at most it will be about 18in from the canopy. Anyone have any ideas how to do this? Or will it work fine is I just have a hood like normal this. Crude drawing but whatever. I was trying to figure out how to best utilize the bare bulb but I cant figure out how to do it in that tent. And a coot tube wont work because the end it will pull air from will basically be right at the door I think, which would suck the door into it, clogging the air flow.

I want this


But will this work, for you people who have done U scrogs.



Active Member
Nvm..think I figured it out. Just have a fan blowing from the same side as the exhaust side of the tent, and then have the inline fan pulling air away from the otherside of the bulb. Since the box fan will be pushing it that way? Instead of south to north air direction like most fans for barebulbs. I'll just have west to east...? Would that work? With like a 4in 150cu in fan considering the tent is only like56sqft and its a 400w bulb? Now I just need to figure out how to hang it...would chains work? Although then I have to wonder if the bulb breaks and leaks..it'd start a fire...since it's nit in a hood where the glass can catch it...hmm maybe a hood is my best bet? Since I wont be home all day basically while the light isnon?


I have been researching this topic for quite some time now. All the info I have found leans to multiple lights like around 2 sealed lights with ventilation openings on both ends at 45 to 50 degrees facing the sides. Set up a rotating fan... You know the ones that swing side to side. Set it up so that the branches and buds get air flow to strangthen them. Fresh air intake at the bottom and hot air vented out the top using a 6 or 8in vent fan that can vent the to in around 1 1/2 min. If you are going to use 400 watt mh. I would recommend using a 600watt hps to flower


oh ya the hot air venting works best with flex ducting and your lighting should be set up so that the light covnverges in the middle with a slight over lap so that there is no gaps in the canopy reviving light