U.S. spy agencies say won't read Americans' email for cybersecurity..yeah right


Well-Known Member
[h=1]So we're trying to brute force(pun intended) a new cyber-security measure that could effect us all. We promise not to read your email but in all reality we can do anything we want. I am getting so sick of this shit, do you guys really want to see this kind of control in the government? I mean they're trying to take all responsibility off companies for running hack ass security measures and putting it all on unclesam. I mean if the problem really is China hackers why in the hell do they need information from our service provider?

U.S. spy agencies say won't read Americans' email for cybersecurity[/h]

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By Tabassum Zakaria and David Alexander
WASHINGTON | Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:18am IST

(Reuters) - The head of the U.S. spy agency that eavesdrops on electronic communications overseas sought on Monday to reassure Americans that the National Security Agency would not read their personal email if a new cybersecurity law was enacted to allow private companies to share information with the government.
The House of Representatives in April approved a bill that would allow the government and companies to share information about hacking. But the White House and key Senate Democrats back a broader approach.
Critics have raised privacy concerns about the sharing of such information, concerned it would allow the National Security Agency, which also protects government computer networks, to collect data on American communications, which is generally prohibited by law.
"The reality is we can do protection of civil liberties and privacy and cybersecurity as a nation," General Keith Alexander said in a speech at the American Enterprise Institute.
But to help protect the private sector, he said it was important that the intelligence agency be able to inform them about the type of malicious software and other cyber intrusions it is seeing and hear from companies about what they see breaching the protective measures on their computer networks.
"It doesn't require the government to read their mail or your mail to do that. It requires them, the Internet service provider or that company, to tell us that that type of event is going on at this time. And it has to be at network speed if you're going to stop it," Alexander said.
He said the information the government was seeking was the Internet address where an email containing malicious software originated and where it traveled to, not the content of the email.
Alexander said it was important to write the legislation now rather than waiting until there is a crisis, which could cause the government to overreact and go too far.
"When something bad happens, we're going to jump way over here where we don't want to be," he said. "So while we have the time, the patience and the understanding, let's get this right. Let's do it now."
The U.S. government has blamed hackers from China for breaking into U.S. company computers and stealing proprietary information. Internet security firms say billions of dollars worth of intellectual property has been stolen.
"In my opinion, it's the greatest transfer of wealth in history," Alexander said.
But the U.S. government is also concerned about the possibility of a cyber attack from adversaries on critical infrastructure such as the power grid or transportation systems.
Alexander said so far a threat from al Qaeda in the cyber sphere had not materialized.
"I don't personally believe they're a viable threat in that realm right now," said Alexander, who is also head of U.S. Cyber Command, the military combatant command responsible for activities in cyberspace.
But the tools to become a threat are available publicly "to anybody who has access to the web and who is semi-literate," Alexander said. "So I am concerned that while I don't see it today, that they could very quickly get to that."
Alexander said the NSA's vast new data center under construction at Camp Williams, Utah, does not "hold data on U.S. citizens," but he declined to go into further detail about the 240-acre facility, which will have 100,000 square feet of computer space when completed next year.
He sought to dispel concerns that the National Security Agency was storing Americans' emails.
"We don't do that," he said, noting that the volume of U.S. emails was about 30 trillion a year or more. He called speculation that somehow this information would be stored at the Utah data center "baloney."
"We need the American people to know that is not true," Alexander said.
Officials say the mission of the data center is to offer technical assistance to the Department of Homeland Security, providing intelligence and warning about cyber threats and to carry out cybersecurity operations.
They also say it is part of expanding efforts to defend Pentagon computer systems from cyber attack.
If they want to read your email consider it read. Fortunatly I`m pretty boring.

Its more than that, they building a 240-acre facility, which will have 100,000 square feet of computer space. Think that is just to do a co-op with your local isp?
They dont read your email. it is against the law.
It is not however against the law to ask an ally to share anything they may have on you. Even if said ally never heard of you before we told them that you may be an interesting target to hack
They dont read your email. it is against the law.
It is not however against the law to ask an ally to share anything they may have on you. Even if said ally never heard of you before we told them that you may be an interesting target to hack

But this is the shit that pisses me off, we have pretty much admitted hacking other countries and creating computer virus but now were gonna get our panties in a twist when they do it back? Also its illegal for any American to do it....the hypocrisy we live in.
Its more than that, they building a 240-acre facility, which will have 100,000 square feet of computer space. Think that is just to do a co-op with your local isp?

They also used to test blister agents on our own prisoners and shit although they shouldnt.
I`m not saying you do not have the right to be concerned. I`m saying were fucked as far as
stopping them if they are hell bent on it. What are we gonna do vote them to death?
But this is the shit that pisses me off, we have pretty much admitted hacking other countries and creating computer virus but now were gonna get our panties in a twist when they do it back? Also its illegal for any American to do it....the hypocrisy we live in.

We have intelligence sharing agreements that go back decades. Before we could do all the shit we could do now. We could do it before only slower.
It works like this
Want to spy on a citizen Tap his phone.
Well you could either get a warrant
Route his calls thru Canada.
Nothing Illegal about intercepting calls going to a foreign country
Even if they are Routed back to the USA
Fucked up
Aint it?

Want to blow your mind?
Google echelon, And that is shit that was known 30 years ago

There is also nothing illegal about asking one of our partners to tap your phone and give us the info
We have intelligence sharing agreements that go back decades. Before we could do all the shit we could do now. We could do it before only slower.
It works like this
Want to spy on a citizen Tap his phone.
Well you could either get a warrant
Route his calls thru Canada.
Nothing Illegal about intercepting calls going to a foreign country
Even if they are Routed back to the USA
Fucked up
Aint it?

Want to blow your mind?
Google echelon, And that is shit that was known 30 years ago

There is also nothing illegal about asking one of our partners to tap your phone and give us the info

Anyone that knows a little about computers know you don't need a 240acre facility with 2.2 acres dedicated for hardware to have a co-op operation, this is something much bigger.
Anyone that knows a little about computers know you don't need a 240acre facility with 2.2 acres dedicated for hardware to have a co-op operation, this is something much bigger.

I would be guessing they are going beyond looking for keywords from certain targets and going to taking in everything from everybody
Anybody that thinks that the United States Government gives a flying fuck about your civil liberties or constitutional rights, needs to open their eyes.

1984 is not just a work of fiction.
their cyber security problem has nothing to do with this, the problem they have is essentially that men like me are free. If you have a passion for computers you have no need to work for the shitty paying government, you had no need to go to shitty ass college, government only gets shitty college kids without a real passion. It is really beautiful in one sense, government will never get one over on us in the 'cyber realm' until they start treating human life with dignity.

but this is all just an excuse to spy on us
Can't the US pretty well do whatever it wants in regards to the citizen's rights---especially for privacy?
Because if they can't we have a problem---
Because they are, and have been for quite some time...
their cyber security problem has nothing to do with this, the problem they have is essentially that men like me are free. If you have a passion for computers you have no need to work for the shitty paying government, you had no need to go to shitty ass college, government only gets shitty college kids without a real passion. It is really beautiful in one sense, government will never get one over on us in the 'cyber realm' (which is slowly becoming very much the real world) until they start treating human life with dignity.

Mr. Deprave
We are looking for a man with your talents and wish for you to come work for the safety and well being of our country. Although the pay is low. We have great benefits, state of the art equiptment a generous vacation package and top of the line health insurance at no cost. Our starting IT guys start about 90-120k a year.
Are you interested in serving your country?
their cyber security problem has nothing to do with this, the problem they have is essentially that men like me are free. If you have a passion for computers you have no need to work for the shitty paying government, you had no need to go to shitty ass college, government only gets shitty college kids without a real passion. It is really beautiful in one sense, government will never get one over on us in the 'cyber realm' (which is slowly becoming very much the real world) until they start treating human life with dignity.

Whoa whoa whoa --- Cyber world becoming the real world? Say what? Hell, maybe...the internet absorbed my Best and closest childhood friend recently...she started using all these different forums, and then one day she stopped leaving her computer and she exists solely online now...It's weird...
Whoa whoa whoa --- Cyber world becoming the real world? Say what? Hell, maybe...the internet absorbed my Best and closest childhood friend recently...she started using all these different forums, and then one day she stopped leaving her computer and she exists solely online now...It's weird...

maybe she is trapped inside one of the tubes
Mr. Deprave
We are looking for a man with your talents and wish for you to come work for the safety and well being of our country. Although the pay is low. We have great benefits, state of the art equiptment a generous vacation package and top of the line health insurance at no cost. Our starting IT guys start about 90-120k a year.
Are you interested in serving your country?
no I am not interested in your pocket change you filthy authoritarian you are the enemy of humanity , tyvm have a nice day
I do my patriotism, I fight the chinaman and russians every day protecting private comapanies tyvm lol

On the flip side the chinaman asks me why do I do it? He doesn't understand capitalism, in his world only being a blackhat hacker pays well, to each his own, government fail across the board