U.S. right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

so you think being arrested for a drug that you choose to do and know is illegal is worse than getting arrested for how you were born and know is legal under the constitution?

why you whining so much about this, rabbit?

That's not what I was talking about. I'm talking about cops planting drug evidence. Sorry for the confusion. Now again, why is false arrested falsely for drugs not a big deal, but getting arrested falsely for gay sex is sky is falling? Maybe because one is an agenda you get sympathy for while the other is just corruption?

The MSM is fucking with your brain and you let them.

If you let the cops get away with any corruption is bad. It's not all of a sudden super bad when it's a "hate crime" or false "crime against nature."
That's not what I was talking about. I'm talking about cops planting drug evidence. Sorry for the confusion. Now again, why is false arrested falsely for drugs not a big deal, but getting arrested falsely for gay sex is sky is falling? Maybe because one is an agenda you get sympathy for while the other is just corruption?

The MSM is fucking with your brain and you let them.

If you let the cops get away with any corruption is bad. It's not all of a sudden super bad when it's a "hate crime" or false "crime against nature."

do the cops have some sort of drug planting sting going on similar to this consensual gay sex (not for pay) sting they have going on?

once they do, just let me know. until then, you can put your MSM brainwashing theories to bed, ya simpleton.

i'll remind you that last time you preached about MSM brainwashing conspiracies, you had a conniption and went apoplectic on election night like a gigantic retard.
so i take it you're a fan of things that seem "too good to be true" and finding something seemingly too good to be true inspires no suspicion in you?

you must be some kind of a naive rube.

Nope, I just love mocking your fanatical stories which have no basis in reality. There's an easy solution. Just say, "I'm Jewish and want a tax break. So you get cheap rent and I pay less taxes. It's win win." Instead you make up shit not to practice what you preach. Typical libtard maneuver.
do the cops have some sort of drug planting sting going on similar to this consensual gay sex (not for pay) sting they have going on?

once they do, just let me know. until then, you can put your MSM brainwashing theories to bed, ya simpleton.

i'll remind you that last time you preached about MSM brainwashing conspiracies, you had a conniption and went apoplectic on election night like a gigantic retard.
where is an article linking to a sting for the buttsexers?
do the cops have some sort of drug planting sting going on similar to this consensual gay sex (not for pay) sting they have going on?

once they do, just let me know. until then, you can put your MSM brainwashing theories to bed, ya simpleton.

i'll remind you that last time you preached about MSM brainwashing conspiracies, you had a conniption and went apoplectic on election night like a gigantic retard.

I think that picture in your sig isn't how your lover treats you lately. Don't get all bitter cause you're not getting any ass lately. Have some balls and tell your man you'll take your sexy white ass to some other guy and ditch his ass for someone who cares.
my mediocre grown weed is better than a lot, if not most or the vast majority, of dispensary weed in colorado.

True or not, that's not what we're talking about. So I'll just humor you and say, good job with your weed, and I hope the Feds don't ever catch up with your two bit operation.
thats some cool info, what site did you get that from if I may ask ?

by the way this thread went downhill pretty hard
this thread started out in the basement, with the absurd notion that "right wing extremists" are more dangerous than the international jihad.

you cant go downhill when you start at the bottom with stupid shit like that

only by excluding jihadist attacks (like fort hood ver1.0) as "workplace violence" or establishing a retarded narrow deliberately exclusionary timeline and counting just plain old ordinary crime or crazy as "right wing extremism" can you come up with a tally sheet that in any way supports that retarded assertion.

it the same sort of games they play when totting up "hate crimes"

white perp, minority victim: Hate Crime!!
minority perp, white victim: barely even crime at all.
According to you, and I quote...

"Police will arrest you=gay sex."

How is a quote from you a fallacy? How does getting arrested = gay sex?
well there was that guy in NYC who got a plunger shoved up his ass by the cops.

i wonder if the cops ate da poo poo...
this thread started out in the basement, with the absurd notion that "right wing extremists" are more dangerous than the international jihad.

you cant go downhill when you start at the bottom with stupid shit like that

only by excluding jihadist attacks (like fort hood ver1.0) as "workplace violence" or establishing a retarded narrow deliberately exclusionary timeline and counting just plain old ordinary crime or crazy as "right wing extremism" can you come up with a tally sheet that in any way supports that retarded assertion.

it the same sort of games they play when totting up "hate crimes"

white perp, minority victim: Hate Crime!!
minority perp, white victim: barely even crime at all.
my favorite thing is how they had to take out 9/11 to skew the numbers
this thread started out in the basement, with the absurd notion that "right wing extremists" are more dangerous than the international jihad.

you cant go downhill when you start at the bottom with stupid shit like that

only by excluding jihadist attacks (like fort hood ver1.0) as "workplace violence" or establishing a retarded narrow deliberately exclusionary timeline and counting just plain old ordinary crime or crazy as "right wing extremism" can you come up with a tally sheet that in any way supports that retarded assertion.

it the same sort of games they play when totting up "hate crimes"

white perp, minority victim: Hate Crime!!
minority perp, white victim: barely even crime at all.

You forgot about corrupt homophobic cops.
only by excluding jihadist attacks (like fort hood ver1.0) as "workplace violence" or establishing a retarded narrow deliberately exclusionary timeline and counting just plain old ordinary crime or crazy as "right wing extremism" can you come up with a tally sheet that in any way supports that retarded assertion.

you must be proud of your stupidity to showcase it like that.



don't worry, your buddy and fellow white supremacist desert dude made a similarly mind boggling an stupid display of ignorance as well, kynes.
tough sell since you've been here and whining before i was a member.

i bet you cried when they arrested frazier glenn miller and said "so what! lots more people like him exist, why arrest him!?!" and that your mommy had to send you to bed without dessert for carrying on all night about it.

I don't even know who that is. So it appears my ignorance has proven you wrong. ;)
