U.S. right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

I seriously doubt that inner-city gangbangers are registered in political parties. Or are you saying that every gangbanger is registered with the Democratic party and their gangs at birth?

Clearly, the gang bangers in Chicago are card-carrying Republican Koch suckers.
Oh wait, in desert dude's racist mind gangbanger = black = democrat

it is his life's mission to convince us that blacks are just violent and scary by nature. he commends bigotednbushy on a regular basis and has joined white supremacy groups in the past.

he's not really fooling anyone anymore.
Yeah, but I see no classification for him. Is he a right wing extremist? Is there a link to the study referenced in the OP?

you're too stupid to click on the link that says "homegrown analysis"?

i thought you white folks were supposed to be superior. so much for that theory.
If gangbangers were registered with a party, they would be republican because every single gangbanger I know is a misogynistic homophobe who only cares about money.

Just sayin...
i would call them medical professionals.

So, "medical professionals" have no political leanings whatever, yet they are idolized by the left? And "right wing extremists" murder medical professionals because "right wing extremists" hate medical professionals with a fiery intensity?
So, "medical professionals" have no political leanings whatever, yet they are idolized by the left?

i wouldn't say "idolized", but we do see their utility. you guys seem to prefer unsafe, unregulated back-alley abortions instead. or you delude yourselves into thinking that prohibition and less freedom will work for abortion somehow.

when a medical professional performs an abortion, it is not a political act, like it is when your fellow white supremacist "white patriot" friends go out and shoot jews in front of a synagogue.

And "right wing extremists" murder medical professionals because "right wing extremists" hate medical professionals with a fiery intensity?

i would think you would have better insight into the mindset of homicidal right wing "white patriots" than i would, since you are the one who joins white supremacy groups, not me.
goddamn you old white racists are feeble and feckless.


"by contrast" contains a link to the study.


then you have access to all of the methodology.

make sense, cupcake?

Here is the extent of the methodology:

"34 Victims killed by right wing extremists"

No listing of those incidents, no analysis, nothing. Just the count. Just trust us, buddy.