U.S. Paychecks Grow at Record-Slow Pace

Let's be honest here. You want a bigger minimum wage because you work for the minimum. Let's not pretend you give a shit about anyone else. Your sense of entitlement is your only principal. What you can't see is that part time minimum wage job you have isn't going to be there when you get your wish.
I want a higher minimum wage because I understand how to run a successful economy based on real world execution, that sweet decade people like you yearn to go back to; the golden age of capitalism, the 1950's, perhaps for different... melatonin related reasons.. but I digress.. Higher taxes on corporations and the rich, lower taxes on the poor and middle class, government spending when recessions take place to stimulate the economy, otherwise business can't operate and the recession gets worse.

Pretty basic shit here. Your supply side, Reaganomics bullshit only helps the extremely rich, even according to Greenspan. Most economists agree it doesn't work and only serves to create more poverty, wealth concentration and income inequality and that's exactly what history shows. Before Saint Reagan came along it was called "horse and sparrow" economics;

""Mr. David Stockman has said that supply-side economics was merely a cover for the trickle-down approach to economic policy—what an older and less elegant generation called the horse-and-sparrow theory: If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows."

But let's really be honest here.. People like you don't want to accept it because you don't understand how economics works, you can't admit when you're wrong, just like I proved to you personally in that other thread when you claimed I only care about republican money in politics and I showed you two different posts from the year earlier arguing all money, and just like I said, no reason or logic, your argument stems from fear and emotion and buzzwords... You can't argue the substance and your monkey brain can't figure out how to react properly, so you spaz out and it misfires and ... "ENTITLEMENT!".. I'm not sorry my generation feels entitled to want to earn an affordable quality college education without going into financial debt in the worst prospective job market since the great depression, I'm not sorry my generation feels entitled to affordable national health care, like other nations that can provide better quality at cheaper cost, I'm not sorry my generation feels entitled to a living wage while financial markets are being manipulated and political corruption presides over democracy... I am sorry you feel you're entitled to dictate how people choose to live their lives, but not enough to care to bother asking why..


I want a higher minimum wage because I understand how to run a successful economy based on real world execution, that sweet decade people like you yearn to go back to; the golden age of capitalism, the 1950's, perhaps for different... melatonin related reasons.. but I digress.. Higher taxes on corporations and the rich, lower taxes on the poor and middle class, government spending when recessions take place to stimulate the economy, otherwise business can't operate and the recession gets worse.

Pretty basic shit here. Your supply side, Reaganomics bullshit only helps the extremely rich, even according to Greenspan. Most economists agree it doesn't work and only serves to create more poverty, wealth concentration and income inequality and that's exactly what history shows. Before Saint Reagan came along it was called "horse and sparrow" economics;

""Mr. David Stockman has said that supply-side economics was merely a cover for the trickle-down approach to economic policy—what an older and less elegant generation called the horse-and-sparrow theory: If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows."

But let's really be honest here.. People like you don't want to accept it because you don't understand how economics works, you can't admit when you're wrong, just like I proved to you personally in that other thread when you claimed I only care about republican money in politics and I showed you two different posts from the year earlier arguing all money, and just like I said, no reason or logic, your argument stems from fear and emotion and buzzwords... You can't argue the substance and your monkey brain can't figure out how to react properly, so you spaz out and it misfires and ... "ENTITLEMENT!".. I'm not sorry my generation feels entitled to want to earn an affordable quality college education without going into financial debt in the worst prospective job market since the great depression, I'm not sorry my generation feels entitled to affordable national health care, like other nations that can provide better quality at cheaper cost, I'm not sorry my generation feels entitled to a living wage while financial markets are being manipulated and political corruption presides over democracy... I am sorry you feel you're entitled to dictate how people choose to live their lives, but not enough to care to bother asking why..

Where do you get off telling me I support Reaganomics? Your post is lies and feel good blather. You don't know how to run a successful economy. You work part time, for minimum wage. You're one of those who think they know how to run the world, but are failures in their own lives.
". I am sorry you feel you're entitled to dictate how people choose to live their lives"
Big difference between your position and mine; you want to keep the current wages and eliminate the social safety net programs (classy), I want to raise the wages so people don't need the social safety net programs. It has nothing to do with me not wanting to pay to support people who don't have the means to support themselves. I don't want to pay to support multinational corporations who rake in record breaking profits who are too greedy to pay decent wages to the people who make and sell their products.

The options are either raise the wage to a living wage across the board or get used to increases in social safety net programs. You pay for it through taxes or they pay for it through profits.

On a side note, I believe republicans oppose raising wages so they can continue to blame the economic situation on poor people and illegal immigration rather than the failed economic policy we've had in place for 40+ years, greedy corporations and corruption in politics

I want to keep the social safety net programs in place- all the while creating jobs and raising their average income from those jobs. THAT'S the right way- the only ethical or compassionate way- to reduce dependence on social assistance programs.