U.S. Incomes Fell More in Recovery, Sentier Says

I was all for extending unemployment benefits
But now I think in some cases it was a mistake
When i got laid off 3 years ago I got a job within a week
But it paid almost 33% less
It actually paid me 80 bucks a week more than i would make in UC benefits
Every week I said Why in the fuck am I working I could be sitting at home picking up metal
That was until I went to an interview and a guy told me basically
He wouldnt hire people that were long term unemployed

What about all the years unemployment was paid into and no one collected? What happened to that money?
I'll give you one within a hundred miles of me ...


Work your magic. cn
Looks like I got owned
But then again
no one lives there

COMMENTS: The original town of Benton is now called Benton Hot Springs. Semi-Ghost. Year road residents but still a very quiet town. Located on Benton Crossing Road about 5 miles west of HWY 6. Check out the hot springs and old store while you're there!
Nearby Bling Spring Hill/Yellow Jacket Mountain is literally covered with mines! The road is 4wd with high clearance only! Dont try this in a Susuki (trust me on this one!)!
REMAINS: Many original buildings, a wonderful scenic cemetary and plenty of mines to explore nearby
Looks like I got owned
But then again
no one lives their

COMMENTS: The original
town of Benton is now called Benton Hot Springs. Semi-Ghost. Year road residents
but still a very quiet town. Located on Benton Crossing Road about 5 miles west
of HWY 6. Check out the hot springs and old store while you're there!
Bling Spring Hill/Yellow Jacket Mountain is literally covered with mines! The
road is 4wd with high clearance only! Dont try this in a Susuki (trust me on
this one!)!

It's somewhere I'd like to move. I am a stargazer by avocation and am sick unto death of light pollution. cn

<add> pwnage isn't the point, nor do I think you were owned.
Average suggests wages dropping across the board. That op only quotes "median" that means just the bottom half is being hurt

if you have 100 people making a median salary of 100 bucks then everyones median salary is 100 bucks
if 50 people get laid off they are making 0 then the median income is 50 bucks for everyone

if you have 100 people making a median salary of 100 bucks then everyones median salary is 100 bucks
if 50 people get laid off they are making 0 then the median income is 50 bucks for everyone


Lol I'm far too baked but no I don't think that's quite right
But "misguided" and "stupid" don't acknowledge the will to spin, to deceive, which "sneaky" does handily. It all reduces to Sam Clemens' brilliant aphorism on the honesty of statistics. cn
Cando you act as if people have no choice but to buy that flat screen at rent to own. I was taught at an early age to keep 6 months worth of wages in a rainy day fund in case something happened like losing a job. (wish I had listened, my rainy day fund is hoping for a drought). This allows me a bit more power in negotiating salaries. I don't HAVE to settle. If i had to take two min wage jobs to feed my family I would and the mean would drop a little bit more.

We are creditards in this country. People buy everything on payments without considering the true cost. I feel empathy for those that end up in the credit trap but not sympathy.

It isn't you Gin, you are a thougtful and careful guy, no doubt about it. It isn't me, I seem to have developed some sort of advertising block and rarely covet. But the truth is, that you are doing just what I explained, blaming those who are bombarded by ads convincing them to eat more, buy more, spend more borrow more.

If the ads and marketing didn't work, then companies wouldn't use them - and they spend billions each year to have us buy and borrow. they need us to buy or borrow in order for them to grow and yet you are still claiming personal responsibility. Everyone wants us to believe we have a choice but corporations don't want that choice to ever be NOT buying something.

We live is a split personality culture where we are told we have free will while being told to use that free will only when making a decision between a Toyota or a Chevy.
Which of course leads to the question, why arent these unemployed people applying for these jobs?
How could they possibly be managing to live without getting a job if they are unemployed and jobs are available?

Give a man a fish and he will sit on his ass and wait for you to give him a fish every single day....
Make a man go hungry and he will go catch those damned fish himself.

Sure. You are an employer who claims that Obama is keeping you from employing more people.

Conservatives believe in teaching a man to fish, but let that man ask for a rod and reel in order to do so and Conservatives scowl in disgust.
Looks like I got owned
But then again
no one lives there

COMMENTS: The original town of Benton is now called Benton Hot Springs. Semi-Ghost. Year road residents but still a very quiet town. Located on Benton Crossing Road about 5 miles west of HWY 6. Check out the hot springs and old store while you're there!
Nearby Bling Spring Hill/Yellow Jacket Mountain is literally covered with mines! The road is 4wd with high clearance only! Dont try this in a Susuki (trust me on this one!)!
REMAINS: Many original buildings, a wonderful scenic cemetary and plenty of mines to explore nearby

92399. Note that the job must pay enough so that gas is paid for in the commute. Note also that moving for most is out of the question, they have houses that are underwater.

Whatcha got?
92399. Note that the job must pay enough so that gas is paid for in the commute. Note also that moving for most is out of the question, they have houses that are underwater.

Whatcha got?

Houses underwater?

It's a ghost town. it has like 3 residents
and underwater? I know what the term means
But that town hasnt seen rain in a few years
Houses underwater?

It's a ghost town. it has like 3 residents
and underwater? I know what the term means
But that town hasnt seen rain in a few years

Underwater - upside down - having less value than they can be sold for.

I'm talking about 92399 - I assure you it has a few more residents than 3.