U.S. Drinking water analysis


Well-Known Member
For people in the US wondering whats in their tap water (may it be for drinking, feeding your plants, or bathing) You might wanna check this site and see what you, your family, your pets and your plants are ingesting when using your cities water. Yeah I know can get bottled water and the sink RO machines but unless you buy an RO machine for your whole house you body still intakes these chemicals while you shower (the hotter the shower the more your pores open up, the more your pores open up the more chemicals you body absorbs :o)


My area has some nasty stuff :cry:


Well-Known Member
Well if your in Canada your good nothing to worry about I dont believe

Canadians should rest assured that drinking water in Canada is amongst the safest in the world, and that maintaining clean drinking water is a priority for the Government of Canada.
The survey is part of a routine testing and monitoring program designed to give Health Canada a better understanding of the presence of various disinfection by-products and other potential contaminants which may be found in drinking water.
The results, which are expected to be released in 2011, will provide Health Canada with information to determine whether new guidelines should be developed, or whether measures in addition to those already taken by Government need to be put in place to reduce the risks these substances may pose.
Canada's tap water remains a safe and economical source of clean drinking water. Health Canada encourages Canadians to drink plenty of water each day as an important part of maintaining good health.


Well-Known Member
Plastic water containers usually contain BPA.
Well water is also often contaminated by polluted water ways. can even contain excreted prescription meds.

the only safe option is to get one of those machines that makes water from humidity.

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
I use to trap gators. there are some lakes in central florida that have levels of birth control in the water are so high that the gators are having a hard time reproducing