U.S and Britain close emabassies in Yemen

jeff f

New Member
Intel is only deteriorating with each passing day. Now that the Democrats have made it very public that any operative is legally culpable, there won't be any initiative to garner tricky info.

It all adds up folks. You can't gut the CIA & Co. and then expect to gather intel that's worth anything.

Clinton did that and we got 9/11 because of it. We are walking down the very same path again....
i think yemen is a classic "perfect" situation. we dont have to invade, they are on our side. we can just sit back, let them tell us where to send em, and bomb the fuck out of them.


I think there is a lot to discuss here. This is a known haven for al qaeda and a hotbed for Islamic fundamentalism. The U.S. was just attacked by a man who was trained and supplied in Yemen. Granted it was unsuccessful. They either can't or won't kick the terrorists out, soooo.................:joint:

A fact that we all know is terrorism is born and bred from the Quran, the bible of Islam. And the belief that all people will follow "Allah" or die. Targeting primarily Jewish & Christian cultures and nations.

Another fact however, the we might not consider is, the governments and leaders of these terrorist harboring countries are Muslim them selves. Therefore conflicts (domestic and international) get rather complicated. A Muslim trying to stop Muslim jehad is looked upon as a trader...a bad muslim.

{*Note* Other religions of the Middle east are Judaism, Christianity, The Baha'i, The Druze (based directly from the doctrines of Shi'a Islam), and Zoroastrianism. Islam however, in all aspects of the word, dominates the middle east.}

OF COURSE, not all followers of "Allah" are terrorists. Not all muslims follow nor believe all the Quran. Basically...a great muslim is a bad person and a good person (whom is muslim) is a bad muslim. Muslims are told in the Quran not to befriend any whom is not a follower of "Allah", because any whom is not a follower of "Allah" will turn on you and lie to you!!! One is especially a bad muslim if they are friendly to and/or befriend a Christian or Jew. Crazy ideology of a religion that says their god "Allah" is actually GOD the Father, huh?!

Bottom line.....this world wide conflict will never stop until either Muslims are gone (because they keep attacking Christian and Jewish nations) or Christian and Jews are gone (both together). Then Islam and their ideology will be one & only and all will follow.

But, we all know that islam will never reach that point.


Active Member
"A fact that we all know is terrorism is born and bred from the Quran, the bible of Islam. And the belief that all people will follow "Allah" or die. Targeting primarily Jewish & Christian cultures and nations".

"Terrorism" has been happening in all diffrent countries, on all diffrent continents by many diffrent religions, factions, extremist since the holy crusades...to say that "terrorism" is born and bred from the Koran is ridiculous...Just cause we gave it a name now arabs invented it...


What about the Christian crusades? Holy Wars ?...was that not terrorrism as well ?

good points...allow me to specify.

i should say Muslim jehad in stead of "terrorism". you have a good point to the word being "invented" for Muslim Jehad.

and the Christian crusades and Holy wars were exactly that. A crusade in the name of God the Creator the Holy One.

and those holy wars and crusades wouldnt of happened if it wasnt for some evil trying to attack it. islam and muslim jehad are Offenders (they attack) rather than defenders.

the jews will soon have to crusade against iran. specifically the jews in Isreal (Gods Holy Land)


God's (Christ's) people never offend (or attack) and kill in the name of spreading Gods word. They do sometimes have to defend tho.

See what Im getting at?

Am I making any sense here hahaha:bigjoint:


what are yer points of view MoFizzle, with the relation between judaism christianity and islam in the politics and events in the world? its all undeniable and totally mind blowing


another thing....in history there have been crusades and such in the name of "god" but were really rooted in things that were worldly and of mens own desires.
so they werent true to what God wants for humanity.

like the story "The Tower of Babel"

man didnt want to get to heaven on gods terms they wanted to do it on their own. So the people tried building a tower up to the heavens (in the name of God) but of course that was mans way og getting to heaven and not Gods so the Tower attempt failed.

as far as facts and names dont take my word for it.....SEARCH FOR YOURSELF!!!! find the truth anyway possible :-P;-):leaf:


New Member
The definition of terrorism does not apply to the Crusades. Certainly there were atrocities on both sides, but back then, every conflict had those elements. Truly by today's standards, we all have a barbarous past.


Im not sure if you are adding to what i said or disagreeing with me when I wrote "I should say Muslim jehad in stead of "terrorism". you have a good point to the word being "invented" for Muslim Jehad. And the Christian crusades and Holy wars were exactly that..."

the crusades were not terrorism of any kind!

I didnt complete my sentence. My Bad. I ment to put. And the Christian crusades and Holy wars were exactly that, Crusades and Holy Wars. Holy being the main definition of the war itself and its purpose. I totally agree terrorism of anykind or definition can not be named to describe the crusades or holy wars.

im goin to bed im to tired for this anymore tonight, apparently. cant even complete simple sentences lol PEACE YA'll


Well-Known Member
Islamic terrorist is such a stupid description.

I cannot tell what religion someone is by looking at them, unless they are holding a bible of some sort.

If you want to get descriptive keep it to something that is not going to let the guard down of the regular people looking for them in places like our airports. Oh this is a black guy going to Detroit on christmas day, not a islamic terrorist it is fine.

Shit name them third world mostly wealthy and educated terrorists if you want to get accurate.


Although there are extremely more Islam terrorists than christian ones. There are still Christians terrorists what do you call the people who murder abortion doctors or blow up clinics?
Those are not Christians. They claim to be, but jesus wouldn't kill murder or hurt anyone like that. All this is writen.

The people who bomb those clinics or anything else of the like, are not following Christ's (Gods) words. Forgiveness and love. They do it because they think its the right thing to do.

Any more Questions....get into the word. And study history aswell. It will answer more questions than you would ever think.

Besides, that's not gods will. He doesn't want/tell us to kill people who sin against god (example...abortion) its not our place to judge peoples destiny and heart. That's Gods Job. Once again man trying to do what he wants instead of what God has said is best.


Islamic terrorist is such a stupid description.

I cannot tell what religion someone is by looking at them, unless they are holding a bible of some sort.

If you want to get descriptive keep it to something that is not going to let the guard down of the regular people looking for them in places like our airports. Oh this is a black guy going to Detroit on christmas day, not a islamic terrorist it is fine.

Shit name them third world mostly wealthy and educated terrorists if you want to get accurate.

Who's describing what they look like???? I was desribing what the Quran says a muslim should do, and that's Jihad. Read (study) the Quran and be shocked. Look at the man/womans fruits of their labor. Not what they look like.

Muslims fruits are killing people who don't follow "Allah"
Study the Quran for yerselves ya'll. It'll disgust you.

Most importantly study the Holy Bible...its the way the truth the light.

Its amazing how pieces from judaism, christianity, and islam are coming together perfectly. All three bibles agree with what will happen in the "end times"...... check for yerself!!! :-) trust me please. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Nah I am fine growing up having to hear about some dude that was ready to kill his own son in the name of god (meant the story about Isaac), well guess building a religion around the idea of having gods only son come down to earth only to get beaten, chastised, abandoned by his friends, and ultimately murdered in a horrific way as a whole is messed up.

But as far as calling them islamic terrorists, I mean that why should we call them that? It is not the most accurate description of the people that are attacking us, it is a very broad and non descriptive one as a whole.

I mean what does an islamic terrorist look like?

Its not that they are going to come to the airport like this:


If it wasn't for satan and his influence on us.....us allowing him to tempt us. There wouldn't be any pain or death or famine. But man keeps turning his back on god. Which alows evil to come into our lives.

Jesus came here to save us. And we (our sin) was what killed him. If we wouldn't sin...jesus (god in human form) wouldn't have to have came here to save his people.

Of course we can't Identify terrorist by how they look. They are smart after all. And satan is very tricky and sneaky. He can hide anywere. Just look at what the anit-christ will do.

He will come on the scene as a smart well spoken man at the start of the 7 yr tribulation period. He will become a world leader in the name of peace. He will create a peace treaty with isreal (jews) and islam. The jews will think this man is their long awaited messiah. And he will push politics to rebuild the temple of soloman for a third and final time. The anti christ will then go into the temple and claim to be jesus. Many will believe him cuz they won't know any better. And then that's when the anti-christ will show his real teeth. And this happens on the half way point of the 7 year tribulation period. Satan and his people are very sneaky when they need to be. So will muslim jihadists!! They will even have islams of allll races. no way to spot them except by their fruits (actions)


If it wasn't for satan and his influence on us.....us allowing him to tempt us. There wouldn't be any pain or death or famine. But man keeps turning his back on god. Which alows evil to come into our lives.

Jesus came here to save us. And we (our sin) was what killed him. If we wouldn't sin...jesus (god in human form) wouldn't have to have came here to save his people.

Of course we can't Identify terrorist by how they look. They are smart after all. And satan is very tricky and sneaky. He can hide anywere. Just look at what the anit-christ will do.

He will come on the scene as a smart well spoken man at the start of the 7 yr tribulation period. He will become a world leader in the name of peace. He will create a peace treaty with isreal (jews) and islam. The jews will think this man is their long awaited messiah. And he will push politics to rebuild the temple of soloman for a third and final time. The anti christ will then go into the temple and claim to be jesus. Many will believe him cuz they won't know any better. And then that's when the anti-christ will show his real teeth. And this happens on the half way point of the 7 year tribulation period. Satan and his people are very sneaky when they need to be. So will muslim jihadists!! They will even have islams of allll races. no way to spot them except by their fruits (actions)


Well-Known Member
Since you seem to be well read on the bible. What do explain of the god covered in the Old Testament?

They are extreme christians just like there are extreme muslims.

How are they not following Christianity? I don't believe abortion is bad let. Christians deem it is and some take it to the extreme of bombing clinics and murdering doctors.


Active Member
In the Koran it does not say in any verse in any page to go blow yourself up....these are extremists just as there are extreme christians, extreme catholics, etc....Good god fearing muslims look down on these pigs, they are taking the Koran and twisting it to their own agenda....No good muslim would everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr wish harm upon another man...these are extremists...