typical outdoor yield


Well-Known Member
how much bud could i expect to get from a healthy plant growing outdoors for the season? (40th parallel in north america) 2-4 ounces? im trying to plan how many plants to plant. So assuming the sex ratio is 50/50, ill plant 40 plants aiming for 20 females. Just trying to figure out about how much i'll end up with. Thanks.


Active Member
Off one of my best female plants i got 337 grams- about 12 ounces, but i've seen outdoor plants yield 1-2 pounds- not mine personally, but a friends - Remind you my friend knew what he was doing and the plant was a good 8 ft high, and realllly bushy


Well-Known Member
Depends. How big the plant gets. And so on..........

Anywhere from 2 oz. to 2 lbs.


New Member
I've had a friend who grows 25 plants outdoors. He's a top-notch grower and gets over 40 pounds per grow cycle ... all legal medical buds.


Tony Tyler

Active Member
I'm thinking about, growing myself.. How much would each plant yield.. If i took good care of them???
Btw they're mids/high-mids seeds..