Types of Kelp and Their Applications

Hey, I sprayed it on my flowers last week; the bud tops were yellowing, almost white. Within the next twelve hours of light, they were back to a healthy green. SO it worked like a miracle. I'll keep using this until I run out of the bottle. But my goal is to go full organic, as I hear it is the easiest way to get hi yielding good bud
Obviously you are as sharp as a marble. You're not the sharpest tool in the tool shed are you.

Go the Oregon dept of agriculture site. Look up maxi crop. Then read the label on a bottle of drano. It's that easy.

I bet I click on your thread I find "low yielding strains" and Christmas lights..... You should stfu, go be stupid somewhere else

I was minding my own business when you came here talking shit
I bet I click on your thread I find "low yielding strains" and Christmas lights..... You should stfu, go be stupid somewhere else

I was minding my own business when you came here talking shit

You started talking shit first in this thread. If anyone were to check your post history. They will see only trolling. That's a fact.

FYI. I have huge yielding strains.
You started talking shit first in this thread. If anyone were to check your post history. They will see only trolling. That's a fact.

FYI. I have huge yielding strains.

So you agree w spraying liquid seaweed and Epsom salt then?.... I commented on that and you came in talking smack....... Then you cried to a mod when I called you out on the weeds in your pot spraying w horsetail and aloe flavor of the week newbie methods..... But keep trying to reinvent the wheel.... Newbie.... Youre a finny without the spam
So you agree w spraying liquid seaweed and Epsom salt then?.... I commented on that and you came in talking smack....... Then you cried to a mod when I called you out on the weeds in your pot spraying w horsetail and aloe flavor of the week newbie methods..... But keep trying to reinvent the wheel.... Newbie.... Youre a finny without the spam

Are you really that slow? I said maxi crop is bad. I use kelp meal. There's nothing wrong with spraying kelp and epsom salt on leaves. Just not buds.

When did you ever call me out on anything. I think you are a little patholigical. I still foliar spray aloe and horsetail on my plants . So do thousands of others that run no till. Why pay for watered down chems when you can grow and produce organic nutes for free

All you do on this forum is troll.

BTW epsom salt is not a sodium sulfate it's a magnesium sulfate and sulfur.
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So you agree w spraying liquid seaweed and Epsom salt then?.... I commented on that and you came in talking smack....... Then you cried to a mod when I called you out on the weeds in your pot spraying w horsetail and aloe flavor of the week newbie methods..... But keep trying to reinvent the wheel.... Newbie.... Youre a finny without the spam
And now you come out with your opinion. We could have saved a bunch of going back and forth if you politely said you disagree with the method. Then, I would have asked you why. If you could provide convincing reasons as to why this method does not work well, I would have taken it into consideration. Now, its going to be hard for you to convince me that you know what you're talking about. Maybe confusing the newbs is your intention, but that is not the purpose of this forum.
I bet you cried

@modwhodeletedthatpost..... That's bull shit..... Normally I wouldn't complain but there was nothing wrong w that one.... The nonsense this idiot spews is ridiculous and you should be ashamed of yourself for promoting stupidity
This forum produces plenty. It completely spews over.
Youre a newbie..... That's a fact
I bet I click on your thread I find "low yielding strains" and Christmas lights..... You should stfu, go be stupid somewhere else

I was minding my own business when you came here talking shit
So you agree w spraying liquid seaweed and Epsom salt then?.... I commented on that and you came in talking smack....... Then you cried to a mod when I called you out on the weeds in your pot spraying w horsetail and aloe flavor of the week newbie methods..... But keep trying to reinvent the wheel.... Newbie.... Youre a finny without the spam
So you agree w spraying liquid seaweed and Epsom salt then?.... I commented on that and you came in talking smack....... Then you cried to a mod when I called you out on the weeds in your pot spraying w horsetail and aloe flavor of the week newbie methods..... But keep trying to reinvent the wheel.... Newbie.... Youre a finny without the spam
Wow what a waste ..... go join the rest of your herd. Oh yeah I cant be mean you will blab to rollie on me. Just like the last threads. Yall troll and get people banned for arguing with yall. This is the last thing I'll ever say to you so I don't get annoying. You better go catch your herd your falling behind
This forum produces plenty. It completely spews over.

Wow what a waste ..... go join the rest of your herd. Oh yeah I cant be mean you will blab to rollie on me. Just like the last threads. Yall troll and get people banned for arguing with yall. This is the last thing I'll ever say to you so I don't get annoying. You better go catch your herd your falling behind

Paranoid, pal...... I'm not in the bosses ear or under his desk
Wow. What a waste of a potentially good thread. Oh well, I guess I have to go searching through old threads
Yeah. I find it rare in organic section to find the ego complex little girl buckering bs. I am sorry. But when people like woody3333 come along with some kind of chip on their shoulder the ignore button should be utilized and no extra bickering needed.
Kelp meal is What your looking for. Down to earth. Neptunes harvest are my go to brands. BUT. I personally dont foliar. Its my opinion that folair feeding should be utilized in rare cases to fix a problem. But if you build a great soil. Utilize compost teas. Nuteient solution for drench or foliar can become oboslete. May take a couple tries and tweeking recipe. But water only is where is at! Good luck friend!
Paranoid, pal...... I'm not in the bosses ear or under his desk
No just speaking the truth you bucky pada are all under rollies arm and protected here. So yall are allowed to troll bash and slander any member here with no problems... oh not true well when I was busting yalls balls and yall were attenpting to bust mine ( failed horribly) the other day did you get any warning or anything whe yall were jumping.me ........

Nope you didnt....I did after 5 of yall were jumping me and I kept proving all of yall wrong on several occansion. I am sure buck looked up my IP address and see where it says I live and the houses I disclosed are all around me. So again no need to be parsnoid pal i speak the truth.. then prove were you were warned etc if your mouth can't do it didn't think so carry on troll
Wow. What a waste of a potentially good thread. Oh well, I guess I have to go searching through old threads
Listen during business Hours there are alot more knowledgeable people on here then idiots as above. Don't rush it I actually believe there was another thread in the organicn section about kelp a few weeks ago. I'll see of I can find for you brb
No just speaking the truth you bucky pada are all under rollies arm and protected here. So yall are allowed to troll bash and slander any member here with no problems... oh not true well when I was busting yalls balls and yall were attenpting to bust mine ( failed horribly) the other day did you get any warning or anything whe yall were jumping.me ........

Nope you didnt....I did after 5 of yall were jumping me and I kept proving all of yall wrong on several occansion. I am sure buck looked up my IP address and see where it says I live and the houses I disclosed are all around me. So again no need to be parsnoid pal i speak the truth.. then prove were you were warned etc if your mouth can't do it didn't think so carry on troll

If all that's true you might wanna shut up.....its not tho....

Listen during business Hours there are alot more knowledgeable people on here then idiots as above. Don't rush it I actually believe there was another thread in the organicn section about kelp a few weeks ago. I'll see of I can find for you brb

I'm on call 24\7 like the hookers on backpage..... Marijuana is my business...... Fukn grease monkey
If all that's true you might wanna shut up.....its not tho....

I'm on call 24\7 like the hookers on backpage..... Marijuana is my business...... Fukn grease monkey
I have to say. True growers are on call like 1 day a week. Let the minions be on call. I gave up hustling years ago! Sounds like your a newb to me lol. Btw ive never even used that word on this forum until this point. Newb lol. Sounds funny