Tycoons Norcal Potluck-BBQ-BDAY-Party


Well-Known Member
^^glad my kids aren't in ur kids school, ends way 2 early.
What's up she doesn't actually end school then its just the graduation but not really graduation more of family comes and the kids show what they have done and all that so should be fun she end in June


Well-Known Member
Well found out today my kido has a end of school preschool graduation family gathering thing so I wnt be there was hoping to make it ....ime still.going to.c how long the function is I think its over around 2 and c about coming
that's no problem, kids come first. but we will be there all Friday and maybe Saturday. so ur welcome to show up when ever. Im sure there will be food on the table still this time. ;)


Well-Known Member
yea my sis jus graduated highschool but schools still in session.? government these dayzzzz.... /*\ lol getting the 10-14 person pontoon boat out next weekend for the hot weekend on the lake :peace: no SUPER drunks aboard ;) :grin: any one else showing?


Well-Known Member
:joint: so there aren't many benches there so bringing a chair would benefit any of you. we should have a lot of wood too but cant hold my word on that. even tho at the 4/20 bbq I was told the sheriff drove past my camp(main site) and said he had received complaints about the fire being TOO big for that late. so we now know..... DO IT EARLIER!! :roll: hoping some come out for the night too and camp out amongst us til we all crash out at our own chosen location. there should be plenty of food for breakFEAST ;) (for those who are too medicated... I meant breakfast lol :eyesmoke::oops:) I will also be catfishing. hoping to catch a striper to throw on BBQ, no luck last night but went to check on a claim today and did a lil fishing in the middle Yuba and caught this puppy in a tiny hole, he's not big himself tho... :cuss::neutral: and back to the potluck... ..... .............. no matter how many times I press eneter I can start a new line wtf... :fire::fire::fire: ok well any ways. I plan on being there early to grab the campspot I had last at the 4/20 BBQ think that is was site 2... and on the other side of the gully where 757 was is like site 31? but the main potluck will be at a spot near the water. ill have to double check and edit.. if we end up at a different site I WILL post on here what site it is. (Verizon works out on the lake great) umm there prolly more im forgetting but I medicated half way thru writing this.. :roll:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::bigjoint: heres some more northern cali beautiful wilderness!


Well-Known Member
hey tycoon ,
we have cook outs on the islands around home but we eat lobster and clams that we get right around the shores where we are . there used to be fish when i was younger but not enough to even go for anymore but plenty of other seafood !! looks like ya guys in no. cal live right lol... and family orianaited is great also. like the looks of the streams ya got there also .


Well-Known Member
yes plenty of fish around here at the right times. wish we had lobster.. I love these northern cali mountains, full of creeks and rivers of many different sizes and stuctures. like a whole nother world out here.


Well-Known Member
the potluck will be on sat. may 18th, as my dad has to work Friday but me the lady and the kids will be there Friday night to reserve the area. anyone is welcome to still come on Friday the 17th. but most foods would/should be saved for Saturday when the pontoon boat arrives. so come and chill Friday night or jus come Saturday as that probably works better for those who also work Friday. we will also be staying sat. of course. im still doin my best to make sure striper is on the menu!! my back has been in pain the past few weeks really bad and have been slacking. tryin to get everything ready for the season and mining is time consuming. will be up early sat. morning to grab the fresh cooked carnitas. that's all for now. _Tycoon:peace:


Active Member
I would like to join in on the festivities but will be in the bay area next weekend. Still would like to me you all sometime!


Well-Known Member
that's unfortunate. but have fun in the bay! prolli cooler out that way near the coast. and im sure there will be a harvest BBQ in the fall again


Well-Known Member
What age are ur kids if u dnt mind me asking I have three year and half year old
if u were askin me my ladies kids are 14, 12 and 10. so if anyone is handing out edibles... watch for the KIDS and DONT hand them ANY edibles with mmj in it. thanks. so kids welcomed to come as well if supervised. gettin the pontoon boat out here in the next day or so, cleaning the BBQ grill and filling up the tanks. gonna be doing some tri tip too..:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
:joint: so there aren't many benches there so bringing a chair would benefit any of you. we should have a lot of wood too but cant hold my word on that. even tho at the 4/20 bbq I was told the sheriff drove past my camp(main site) and said he had received complaints about the fire being TOO big for that late. so we now know..... DO IT EARLIER!! :roll: hoping some come out for the night too and camp out amongst us til we all crash out at our own chosen location. there should be plenty of food for breakFEAST ;) (for those who are too medicated... I meant breakfast lol :eyesmoke::oops:) I will also be catfishing. hoping to catch a striper to throw on BBQ, no luck last night but went to check on a claim today and did a lil fishing in the middle Yuba and caught this puppy in a tiny hole, he's not big himself tho... :cuss::neutral: and back to the potluck... ..... .............. no matter how many times I press eneter I can start a new line wtf... :fire::fire::fire: ok well any ways. I plan on being there early to grab the campspot I had last at the 4/20 BBQ think that is was site 2... and on the other side of the gully where 757 was is like site 31? but the main potluck will be at a spot near the water. ill have to double check and edit.. if we end up at a different site I WILL post on here what site it is. (Verizon works out on the lake great) umm there prolly more im forgetting but I medicated half way thru writing this.. :roll:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::bigjoint: heres some more northern cali beautiful wilderness!
Gorgeous trout tycoon, what is that a brook trout?! How's you're prospecting going? Find any heavy metal yet? I gotta get out there and start panning myself..


Well-Known Member
thanks Carmelo, that's WAS a yummy rainbow trout from a local stream. prospecting is goin... only few nice pieces here n there and mostly fines. Ill post a lil picture ina bit on my other thread. anyone who wants to ty n sample around and play on one our claims, we can certainly talk about it. jus PM me :) we've got miles of claims. lol ;)


Well-Known Member
so ill b on the lake tomorrow as its my bday and want to get out but the potluck is on sat. anyones welcome to show up. went to get the boat out last night and found out some tweaker broke in and stole some extension cords and a dvd player and made a couple piles of lil things that were laying around to take but musta left ina hurry, we took most the valueables out before we stored it at gmas house jus incase. good thing the generator weighs a fuck ton cuz that was left on the boat.. lol so we will be actually pulling it out today and getting it lake ready for saturdays stoner cruises :) dads gonna be cooking up some ribs along with the tri tip too. again, the more the merrier! ill be back on later to post a few pics of the pontoon boat.


Well-Known Member
there she is :) up early to try to get it clean and lake ready for tomorrow hope to see someone out there on the lake today or atleast tomorrow. lol