Tws's 12 for 2012. So Cal Grow.

We now have a 5 x 5 room
Lights come on @ 5pm, so by the time the wife got home with MY truck ( bitch got home 2hrs after she got off work, "I was getting my nails done." Well then ansewer the god damn phone so I know ,
I would of took the work truck.)

So by the time I got back with the needed supplies it was 8pm. I gutted and added 2 more feet to the room by myself. 4am and 15 beers later and mucho hash bowls we now have a 5 x 5 grow room complete with light back up. Scrubber still on the floor , bitches back in and sleeping. I feel like a million bucks ! Not ! lol




Nice.. ull have to post a update tonight with it all filled up :)

Got a 3 gal DWC bucket Alota. Gonna need your help to mix some water. Hope I have all the right nutes. I only have bloom nutes and some organic stinky grow nutes and miracle grow. Crap not sure if any of this will work.
I would get the other 2 parts of the 3 part general Hydro Flora series.. since you already have the bloom... you want something hydro specific because you dont want the ph fluctuating too much

or you can look into the lucas formula and just use micro and bloom :)
i used the gh flora grow n bloom ,no bueno.for me that is.the grow nute would seperate and be a horrible sediment on bottom of the bucket.i hear great things about flora duo a&b.just my experience tho.
I'm gonna go get the A & B today maybe I can pm ya or call Alota to help me understand TDS. I have Earth juice Micros that should work with it ?
i have to be honest,i not good advice man.i just have friends in a non legal state,that i ship them there nutes in a non related grow box!lol thats what they use,and have since day one.always been hydroponic.and that was just my finding with the gh flora series.i use it in soil,figured it was for hydro to.may have just beeen reaction with my crappy water? idk exactly what happened.but i pulled her and put her to soil,and shes good now.take better advice than from me on dwc brother.hahaha
I am not the best either on the advice on these questions. Whats up kmk! You getting excited for the next season? I might start my thread soon after i get some stuff.
whats up man,i am actually.just came in from fittin the top on my carport...lookin on line at different options of material. ill keep an eye for your thread.
Nice! Yea double jj i think has me convinced on getting another carport for when it rains after the summer and stuff. Shit man if me and tws roll up there with bikes ya guys gotta come down go ride!
Flora Duo works well too..I just like to be able to manipulate my 3 components depending on what the plants need. As for the nutes separating .. never had that problem.. seems pretty much impossible with the amount of air bubbles in the bucket.. maybe you got a bad batch? this is going on year 3 with the 3 part GH and never had that happen.. its a pretty old and reliable nute system.