two White Widow, one nice and one not so. Need some help please!


Active Member
Hey there friends!

I have two plants, White Widow, that are equally old and treated the same. And one of them is in need of dire assistance. Both plants have been in flowering for 35 days, at least according to my calculations, though they can be wrong by a couple of days. I am growing under CFL (about 250W(Low-energy-watts). The nutrients were what i could find, they are probably not the best. But I had good soil to compensate.

The first plant looks healthy. Some of the hairs have gone orange in color and it looks good. 4 large tops and a couple of smaller ones under. The second one looks really bad. Most of the hairs are orange, especially at the tops, and some of the leaves are yellow. On some tops some of the hairs seem to have fallen off. Don't really know what happened.

If you look at the pictures the bad plant is named 1-5.jpg and the rest are of the better looking plant.

The healthy plant i am going to leave some time more, it just doesn't look ready.

So now the question becomes. What should I do with the bad looking one? If I look at the hairs, most are brown, which makes me think harvest. But the place where I bought the seeds said 7-8 weeks flowering. Sooo... should I leave that plant longer or take it now? I flushed the plants yesterday. My first thought was leave it like 4-5 days more and see, but what if something ***** up and I am left with a crappy batch, i dunno what to think really.



Well-Known Member
I'm just starting some w/w's thru bloom so cant say for sure on the blooming times.The fan leafs will start to die off the closer she gets to being done so by looking at those hairs on the buds she looks about ready.I had about the same lookin leafs on 1 of my plants now that are about the same time as yours into flowering so sent pics to a friend for a look see.He told me it was normal being we're taking the plant to death and it aint pretty when they die.Nothen is.Boy looks like they sure flower fast.Lots shorter than the strains I've going now, so I'm looking forward to the new girls in the grow.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply man!

So one "go for it" it is
I'm gonna wait for some more suggestions before i do anything rash.. a couple of days on or off can't do much of a difference.


Well-Known Member
I would have to say that looks like either a heat issue or some kind of deficiency do you know your ph level? The thing when your widows get closer to being done the plant will start to use up all the nitrogen in the storage thus making the plant turn yellow which both plants dont appear that way. I would say check ph levels and temps. I can say they dont look ripe enough yet still lokk like a bit longer.


Active Member
Sadly I have no way to check the PH-levels. I have been searching for tools for it around town but I really can't find any anywhere.

It would not surprise me if my ph-levels are a little off. But then again where I live we have some of the best water in the world. I recently did flush the plants, so maybe the PH gets a little better and starts to flourish a little more again.

I forgot about the heat. Where my plants are I have no real heat problems. I have a large fan moving air and it does not feel hot around the CFL's


Well-Known Member
Looks like overwatering or nute burn, make sure the pot is completely dry before each watering. When you go to pick the pot up it should be very light before each watering.


Active Member
nute burn is very plausible. The nutes I have been using are not really for cannabis. More the half-cheap kind for flower-plants. I have tried different amounts of nutes and it is very possible that I overdid it. As I said before I hope the flushing of the plants help with the yellow leaves

and if I am really lucky the hairs maybe start to look a little better, if possible


Well-Known Member
Hey Bud Im going to say now you most likely have a ph problem and probably locking out a nutrient or more. Dont let the buckets get too dry, if they do at first signs of drooping water and make it a healthy watering. They have good ph meters on ebay for pretty cheap and super cheap moisture meters.