Two Weeks Into Vegging


Active Member
I'm two weeks into vegging (sprouted April 2nd) and it seems to be doing fine. But there's some spots I'm worried about, could this just be the light burning the leaves or what? I haven't fed it anything yet, I'm using miracle grow moisture control (which has some nutes already in it) and I'm watering it about every 2-3 days, or whenever it feels dry.


The spots aren't all over my plant by the way, just a couple leaves, so far. I just want to catch the problem before it becomes any worse.


Well-Known Member
could be a bit of nute burn, MG soils tend to give off a lot of nute when frequently watered
whenever you water, you fertilize


Active Member
I don't mist at all. I didn't really think it could be nute burn, I don't water that much.

I'm using two 26W 6500k Daylight CFL and a 13W CFL (Probably daylight as well, but only added it today, after I noticed the spots.)

Is between 1-2 inches away too close?


Active Member
The spots are from the miracle grow, whenever you water it releases the nutes automatic. And your gonna need to adjust your lighting some, maybe think about getting more light also in the near future. Next time use a better soil, miracle grow is not the best for maryjane.


Active Member
Yeah I've had them that close for awhile now. Just started seeing problems though.

It's bagseed by the way.


Well-Known Member
miracle isnt all bad, so dont worry about it,i started with that,and when i transplant or start flowering mines i will move to a soil meant for weed. what strain is it