Two week old plant spots?

My two week old plant, weird spots on the leaves not sure what it is. I just tranplanted it over to a bigger pot not sure if that has anything to do with it....maybe burnt from light....any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
more info required
light watts =
light type mh / hps =
grow medium =
nutrients =
distance of plants from light =
temperature =
relative humidity =


Well-Known Member
i see from one of your pics that rh is 22% way too low between 40 and 60% . temp looks good 82F could be heat stress from being too close fill in the details and i will try to help
I have six CFL's on it putting out 100 watts using 26 putting out 10500 lumens 1750 each. I have it in some Fafard organic potting soil no nuts on it yet. I'm having a hard time keeping the humidity up its just a small dresser in a closet, I have an exhaust fan as well as an intake plus one fan inside to blow some air past the lights cool em a little. The plant was a couple inches away from the light considering they barely put out any heat, hand felt comfortable. I've moved it away now, it has been growing fine new growths have shown no sign of the spots...


Well-Known Member
if you need to increase RH wet a bath towel and put it in there this should raise it considerably. i grow using 600w hps and on 18 6 i had to re wet it 3 times . using cfl's you may only need to do it once.


Well-Known Member
could be humidity could be heat stress from lights being too close keep your eye on them look for any new growth with them... make sure you look into pest management sticky traps neem oil spray etc PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE unfortunately i found that out the hard way. had to deal with thrips using live predators hypoaspis miles.

are you ph'ing your water?
could be humidity could be heat stress from lights being too close keep your eye on them look for any new growth with them... make sure you look into pest management sticky traps neem oil spray etc PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE unfortunately i found that out the hard way. had to deal with thrips using live predators hypoaspis miles.

are you ph'ing your water?
Yea I kinda hope its just heat or the humidity, pest arg that would be shitty. No I'm Ph'ing as of yet i haven't the means, though I was planning on getting some sort of kit before ferts


Well-Known Member
you need kit now ph everything at 6 your growing medium will be starting to ph at 7 this will probably require flushing to make it 6. ph is very important as at 6 all nutrients are available to the plants.

ph dropper test kits are cheap and easy to use