Two Vans Hit Chinese Toddler…18 Passers-by Ignore Her Suffering

And I was having a good day... people do give a shit, but it's the very small % of people and even smaller that take action. When it comes to children though... hard to see people can see this situation and not help. Seems like every week you see something mad cruel, that's why you gotta smoke a bowl and cleanse the mind from this bullshit


Well-Known Member
One of the mods should delete this thread.... Its friday... just home from work a couple of hours ago and and thought id check in at Riu....Curiosity got the better of meand looked at that video and it has completely ruined my day... Not something i ever want to see never mind when Im high....



Active Member
The Girl in this Video Died this Morning from her injuries. At 12:32 am china time. RIP. The 58 year old scavenger that found her and tried to help (seen dragging her out of the street) received 20,000 yuan from the local govt as a reward for her actions. She was the only one to offer any help. Bless that old women's heart and the young girl. She was 2 years old her name was Wang Yue.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
The Girl in this Video Died this Morning from her injuries. At 12:32 am china time. RIP. The 58 year old scavenger that found her and tried to help (seen dragging her out of the street) received 20,000 yuan from the local govt as a reward for her actions. She was the only one to offer any help. Bless that old women's heart and the young girl. She was 2 years old her name was Wang Yue.
Ya that's already been posted. lol


Well-Known Member
They don't care about girl's ,,, They only wan't buissness men,,,That's why your only allowed one female child,,,the rest have to be aborted,,,Or is that Japan?,,,Oh yea people are heartless too.


Well-Known Member
this hurts my heart so much. my sister's best friend has a daughter that age whom I spend alot of time with. Its so easy for them to get into things on their own, and they dont know better. but how could someone just run down a child and keep driving?
then to see all those people pass by. Wtf? Do they not know any children? Have they never held a child close to their heart and wanted nothing more than to keep it safe?
im heartbroken about this