Two State Ease Marijuana Laws


Well-Known Member
The marijuana-law-reform movement won two prized victories Tuesday, with Massachusetts voters decriminalizing possession of small amounts of the drug and Michigan joining 12 other states in allowing use of pot for medical purposes.

Henceforth, people caught in Massachusetts with an ounce or less of pot will no longer face criminal penalties. Instead, they'll forfeit the marijuana and pay a $100 civil fine. Barnstable District Attorney Michael O'Keefe, who led opposition to the measure, called it "bad public policy."

The Michigan measure will allow severely ill patients to register with the state and legally buy, grow and use small amounts of marijuana to relieve pain, nausea, appetite loss and other symptoms. The Associated Press


Well-Known Member
thats a wonderful thing to hear after getting the republicans out of office. The country is slowly but surely starting to come around, now if only we could get those southern bible belt assholes to open their eyes


Well-Known Member
Man if only down here in the southern states they would do that for us...Its a good sign of things to start out this way with the new elect being demo it has positive implications for other possibilities.Its probably not gonna happen for us though ,to many of the "holier than you" bible thumpers that vote against it.But maybe yet one day.


Active Member
Massachusetts and Michigan defending the possession of the drug is surprising. Kudos to those users of marijuana who are wanting to have it in these 2 states. But I live in california? When will this state pass such laws?


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts and Michigan defending the possession of the drug is surprising. Kudos to those users of marijuana who are wanting to have it in these 2 states. But I live in california? When will this state pass such laws?
10+ years ago? :?:?:-|


Well-Known Member
thats a wonderful thing to hear after getting the republicans out of office. The country is slowly but surely starting to come around, now if only we could get those southern bible belt assholes to open their eyes

Itll be 2420 before ky legalizes it those MF's :cry:


Well-Known Member
thats a wonderful thing to hear after getting the republicans out of office. The country is slowly but surely starting to come around, now if only we could get those southern bible belt assholes to open their eyes

whoa, slow down.. we're not all asshole's... just like you're not all a bunch of smartass criminal's.. so let's not start slinging mud, ok?


Well-Known Member
according to this NYC:
</br> 25 g or less (first offense) civil citation no jail time $100 Fine
</br> 25 g or less (second offense) civil citation no jail time $200 Fine

</br> These penalties are a joke! It's like teasing the American people with legalization. Why they don't legalize it and turn this country around financially is beyond me.. The amount of money the government would collect in taxes would be crazy. The price of weed would plumeth! Growing would be a novelty and even the most seasoned grower would stop at 7/11 to get a oz of AK-47 for 99.99 with 20 bucks going to the gov in taxes.. That scenario would be taking place every second somewhere in the country. Thats 20.00 in taxes x 86,400 seconds per day. That would be $1,728,000 or $630,720,000 annually. Now subtract the costs involved with the housing of PEOPLE in jail for crimes like possession, cultivation, sex crimes against pot, etc.. your saving some serious bank and you now have the money to bail out corporations because really, we don't need the help. Corporations are good, people bad.


Active Member
Change is slow in America for the most part. I'm just happy we are making progress.

It sucks it didn't pass in CA, but they grouped it up with shorter jail times for hard drug dealers, and that didn't look good to alot of people.