Two sentence joke

In the meer cat community, the alpha pair scent marks the subordinates. They find the weak one and just start pissing all over him.
A group of blondes walk into a bar and order a round of shots. Before they throw them back, they yell “ here’s to 3 yrs”. They order another round and do the same thing. This continues a couple more times before the bartender asks what they’re celebrating. The apparent leader says we just finished our puzzle in three years but the box says 7-10 yrs
A group of blondes walk into a bar and order a round of shots. Before they throw them back, they yell “ here’s to 3 yrs”. They order another round and do the same thing. This continues a couple more times before the bartender asks what they’re celebrating. The apparent leader says we just finished our puzzle in three years but the box says 7-10 yrs
Why are women no good as skiing?

There's not much snow between the bedroom and the kitchen.

What do you call the useless bit of skin around a penis?

A man.
An English dog called One-Two-Three and a French cat called Un-Deux-Trois raced to swim the English channel - which one won?

One-Two-Three won the race, because Un-Deux-Trois cat sank.
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