Two sentence joke

Two guys are walking through the woods when they found a big pile of Rabbit Shit ...

“ What’s that ? “ of the guys ask.

“ They’re Smart Pills “ ... the other guy said.

Just then the first guy grabs a scoop and eats them .....
“They taste like SHIT !!!! “..............

Second guy says ... “ SEE’re already getting smarter !!!! “
Whats the difference between a drunk and an alcoholic?

a drunk doesn't need to go to those stupid meetings!

Why do women with bad hygiene have belly button rings?

Its the best place to hang the air freshener!

Why do men die before their wives?

They WANT to.

How is a puppy like a near sighted gynaecologist?

They both have a wet nose

An old couple (who own a Chinese restaurant) are laying in bed. The husband suddenly turns to the wife and states
"I wanna '69' NOW!!" The wife replies; "why you want 'beef and broccoli' at this time of night?!"