Two Queens Stuffed in a Fridge


Active Member
Hey dude I made it and I'm scribed. So what's the avg RH when it's hot in MT? We are all at the same basic stage of our grows and are starting to worry bout the same things. I'm in SoCal so my humidity is always low. My cab journal has a DIY idea for a swamp cooler that I'll be putting together. Swamp coolers won't work in higher humidity areas though.



Well-Known Member
It doesn't work in hot areas either... If your room temps can reach 100*F then a swamp cooler will bring your humidity up to 80%+ Hope that helps the both of you. Best thing you can do is actually freeze some bottles (2 liters or gallons) and stick them about 6-10" from the backs of your fans. If running hydro frozen bottles in your res will help bring temps down also. If your res is your grow area then stick to the fan.


Well-Known Member
The temps overnight were just what I'd like to see:blsmoke:. Max. was 73.6 Min. was 68.9 The ambient was max. 70.7 min 64.4
I have the Cool Tube exhaust on full time and Main 30/15. All off at 10am. They have grown a good inch. They'll need watered and feed nutes soon. I'll go Alaska 0-10-10 then use Fish Emulsion as I see them need N as I go. I have to wire a 80mm fan for circ. still. I'll get pics after their 12 Nap.


Well-Known Member
Here's some quick pics. They are loving their new apartment:weed:
Some temp sensors fucked with me, the construction journal explains it. Temps were all good, but no clear #'s today. This ones for the Plants:blsmoke: I gave them Morbloom 0-10-10 so thinking some good stuff coming.:bigjoint:
DanielsView attachment 962174


Well-Known Member
looking good daniels. your journals are so cool man, there at the top of my first see list!!

i am gonna pm you a question.


Well-Known Member
They are all looking good. The temp sensors quit fucking with me. Now I see a roughly 4 degree variation. Here's a couple pics.
Daniels5-30 Closer.jpg5-30 Close.jpg5-30 Wide.jpg


Well-Known Member
The Medicinal HP Pavilion is done enough to get started. I'm not convinced the fans will keep the temps in control yet. I'll change to better one's if I have to. For now it's on 20/4 till it gets bigger and I top it. It's 5" now. I'll Lst it hopefully with 3 to 5 tops. I've never tried a PC Grow so we'll see how it goes. I put a dollar store sham-wow down since the lid is a touch too wide.
I added a mini Hen with one chick so she doesn't get lonely. It will have it's own flower soon. They need little water, so it'll work good there. For now it's on the floor in my bedroom. I have the fans on constantly for now, and the side leaned on, not tight.
I'll think of a name for her soon.:weed:
DanielsPavilliion 6-6 20-4 vegging.jpgPavilliion 6-6 Best pic.jpgPavilliion 6-6 top.jpgPavilliion w mini hen & chick Best wide.jpgView attachment 979458Pavilliion w mini hen & chick close.jpgPavilliion ready.jpgHP Pavilliion starting out 6-6.jpg


Well-Known Member
I had to move them down off the shelf. It was on it's lowest. I put some old college books under each of them. They are 13" from the Cool Tube. The books are 7" tall. They are on Day 14 of 12/12 so I figure I have a good 14" to 18" of room. But shit it is gonna be stuffed in there. Think it'll fit?
Daniels6-6 Too Stuffed.jpg6-6 Side View.jpg6-6 Canopy.jpg6-6 #1 Isis.jpg6-6 #1 top view.jpg6-6 #3 Cleo.jpg6-6 #3 top view.jpg


Well-Known Member
you almost need some vertical floros, one down the center of the back, and one on the center of each side!! but they look good, they will be stuffed soon enough!!


Well-Known Member
Well I figured out a name for her. Mini-Matilda as an homage for Riddleme. He and Uncle Ben are a wealth of knowledge for us. Well enough kiss-ass for me. She's grown a good 1.5" in 2 days. Maybe tomorrow I'll top her.
Daniels6-9 001.jpg6-9 002.jpg6-9 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
Since I'm catching up the journals here's pics from this morning. The build journal has updates on my CMH Saga. They are showing more hairs. I have a pretty even canopy going. Later
Daniels6-9 close up.jpg6-9 top view.jpg6-9 Canopy.jpg6-9 getting full.jpg


Well-Known Member
Just read through this thread. Definitely subscribing as I will attempt to grow with only a 150w HPS. How tall are your plants right now and at what height did you throw them into flower at? They look really nice and I can't wait to see them bud. I had planned on low stress training, but topping looks much easier.


Well-Known Member
now that is a tribute, love it and she is looking great

plus the puter I use at home looks just like that one