Two plant little cabinet grow journal


Active Member
Keep 'em short, you don't want them to out grow the space. I think you should be able to pull a decent harvest with this setup though, it wont' be a lot, but it will be worth it.


Active Member
I thought i would update this journal type thang. my lady has grown a LOT since i last posted its quite impressive, its now got 190 watts all to itself plus the ambient fluro tubes (probably not doing much).

i also built a yeast based CO2 thing with a bottle some straws and a fan. it also makes the leaves move in the yeasty breeze so i guess its all good.

whole 'nother set of leaves :)

it aint neat but its working

slightly droopy maybe a little over watered i will give it a few days before watering again. in the mean time im planning a Hydro DWC grow one this one is finished that im pretty buzzed about :)

laters hombres



Well-Known Member
Well it looks not too bad the bottom leaves are kinda weird but new ones appear daily. it's VERY short. I was even debating trying to induce some stretching but i decided against it.

PH - 6.85
Temperature - 79F

I don't know if you have fixed the Ph since this post but Ph of 6.8 seems a big high! might wanna lower it to a more stable number of 6 or so


Active Member
I havent updated in WAY too long but college is back in place now and i have little spare time.

im really impressed with how short the plant is the nodes are almost ontop of each other, its a real buzz when i see some other cfl grows using £100 cfls and end up with huge stretched stems.

anyhoo i ordered some light fittings so i can make a proper hanging thing for the bulbs with a reflector which should help.

anyways check the pics below :P

see you guys laters


Active Member
Well after
£17 worth of screw in lamp holders
£1 metal platter
a £11 hole saw and
a pretty bad burn off a red hot metal drill later i have made the annih-lighter :)

Well i hacked together a light holder/reflector

it stays remarkably cool and i have a fan ready to attach to blow warm air away from the bulbs should it be required and it diverts a of of light downward that i imagine would have been lost without the reflector, it even has room for more bulbs .... which im gonna buy :)

The plant is looking pretty healthy too, it smells fruity and skunky and awesome. its staying short and bushy and growing speedily.

I hooked up another pc fan to blow air right onto the plant to keep it healthy.

Not too shabby, and im working on a hydro box so watch this space



Active Member
Hello guys, i haven't updated in like 10 days or so, in that time i have moved my whole grow area to a new room cause the fans kept my bat like roommate awake :)

i also LST'ed my plant, mostly cause i wanted some experience with LSTing and i thought i should keep it super short.

it was already a VERY short and bushy plant but now its pretty much a topiary ball of weed :) which is the best kind of topiary ball.

im hoping i did the LST right....

see what i mean about short

there is a few little bits of the plant that are slightly off green but nothing to worry about im hoping. i started giving it 1/3 strength nutes that i made from lab chems at college and she seems to like it :)

see you guys later



Active Member
i made my own fertiliser and i thought i would post the make up of it here

Nitrogen (N) 25%
Nitric Nitrogen 4.0%
Ammonical Nitrogen 2.5%
Ureic Nitrogen 18.5%

Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5) 15% (6.5%P)
Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5) 15% (6.5%P)
Potassium Oxide (K2O) 15% (12.4%K)

Traces of shit
Boron (B) 0.02%
Copper (C) 0.01%
Iron (Fe) 0.20%
Manganese (Mn) 0.02%
Molybdenum (Mo) 0.002%
Zinc (Zn) 0.05%

i knew that organic chemistry in botany degree was well worth it.


Active Member
Well heres the thing. i recently came into money, enough to get myself a 600w HPS and MH bulb for it. so it seems i may well be leaving the ranks of cfl growing.

but not quite, as i am incredicbly impatient i dont wanna wait for my current plant to finish before i start new ones in my brand spanking new hydro set-up

So heres the plan

Im gonna keep my current CFL plant in veg until my hydro plants (that arent even seedlings yet) are ready to flower. this way i will get two normal length veg plants from my hydro and one super vegged soil plant that i am intending to LST the crap out of.

it is gonna be fun to watch i feel so watch this space and keep an eye out for my new hydro thang :P

Laters Sx


Active Member

my light and my clay pebbles and my hydro nutes came today

600 watts a metal halide and a hps bulb, super win. the dhl man couldnt lift the box

exciting box is exciting

Now thats how i like my lightbulbs

ballast and lampholder, you are meant to hang them both from the ceiling, given it weighs like 20kg i have devised an alternitive, im gonna run wires from the ballast to the bulbholder to save space.

given that the ballast and 600w HPS were £54 i am not unhappy with my purchase

:) plant pics laters :)



Active Member
Congrats on the new setup man it's gunna be mint. One thing I noticed though, the fan that blows air directly onto the plant probably isn't the best idea, I've heard it dries out the weed. Air should be blown around the plant, not directly onto it. Good luck!



Nice set up for both! How are u wireing ur fans?? I jus started a grow and want to put fans in but don't know where to start! Thanks


Active Member
@dpllqb - i have replaced it with a lil fan to keep air moving, not through choice, i broke the big one :P

@potty - If your wiring computer fans it is simple as hell, you just attach the right voltage (if its mains be careful) to the right wires

If it only has two wires going to it a red and black just connect it and it will spin and cool
if it has three, usually red, black and yellow attach red and yellow together and then connect as usual. how to wire it depends on your adapter just try it both ways round and when you do it right you it will spin :) hope i helped. (im not sure about wiring mains fans, it seems needlessly risky and difficult)
