Two patients in the same house = 14 plants total?


Not sure how this works. I couldn't find anything about it. Since one patient can have 7 plants, is it ok to have 14 plants for two patients living in the same house?
If both patients are within the law (both have current registry cards, not exceeding the plant limit, not exceeding the dried amount etc. etc.) I can't see why that would be a problem. I will look at the law again but I don't think I will find anything.
Hi there's nothing in the law that says u can't but I spoke with a lawyer about it he advises not to collective grow .and it all comes down to do u have the money to fight wrongful charges should u ever get busted. 14 plants isn't gonna b that big of a deal if u were to get caught though specially with a mmj card. Just my 2 sense
That is ofcourse if metro busts u if it's the Feds say bye bye and b prepared 2 do 5 years in the big pen best advice I could give is that if your gonna grow do it secretly even if u feel you r legal keep it between u and your fellow card holder and keep your mouths shut and don't brinG any unwanted attention to yourselves....
That is ofcourse if metro busts u if it's the Feds say bye bye and b prepared 2 do 5 years in the big pen best advice I could give is that if your gonna grow do it secretly even if u feel you r legal keep it between u and your fellow card holder and keep your mouths shut and don't brinG any unwanted attention to yourselves....

Seriously, rules to live by right there~
There is no died amount your allowed to poss. Unless in public then its 1 oz
But at the grow site i can have 50 pounds of mmj as long as im in my plant count . Cause how can theysay how much myplants will yeild?? Or what if i grow my plsnt limit but only smoke on rare occasions and just stock up on my meds?
One thing I would say is,have them in separate rooms,as if you put all 14 in one room it will look like 1 grow,so really you should both have separate shows in separate rooms :)
NRS 453A.310Affirmative defenses. 1. Except as otherwise provided in this section and NRS 453A.300, it is an affirmative defense to a criminal charge of possession, delivery or production of marijuana, or any other criminal offense in which possession, delivery or production of marijuana is an element, that the person charged with the offense: (a) Is a person who: (1) Has been diagnosed with a chronic or debilitating medical condition within the 12-month period preceding his or her arrest and has been advised by his or her attending physician that the medical use of marijuana may mitigate the symptoms or effects of that chronic or debilitating medical condition; (2) Is engaged in the medical use of marijuana; and (3) Possesses, delivers or produces marijuana only in the amount described in paragraph (b) of subsection 3 of NRS 453A.200 or in excess of that amount if the person proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the greater amount is medically necessary as determined by the person’s attending physician to mitigate the symptoms or effects of the person’s chronic or debilitating medical condition; or

read (a)(3), this section is the area of the law that allows the 99 waivers to be used. Not that 99 plants is really 'medically necessary' however 3 flowering an 1 oz usable is NOT enough for edibles/oil for cancer/etc, or even for a SOG style grow.

As far as your argument for unlimited possession of dried material i'm not finding the exact area that defines that without the exception I pointed out above.

I do know some people who just got off on charges for having like 60 plants because of their was a long drawn out fight, but they won...and they said the 1oz was only an 'on your person' style limit, and that stocking up at home din't have a limit
first, don't be a dumbass and think a waiver for 99 plants will save you from jail time (it wont especially with the feds!). and don't be so god damn greedy, there's no real reason to have that many plants to begin with. jail is full of people who thought they knew what the fuck they where doing. it's quite simple, 7 plants total per card per address, 3 in flower, 4 in veg and 1oz dried, that's it! the worst thing i've ever done is have 6 in flower and 1 in veg (mother plant) which still might get you thrown in jail, or at the very least a reason for them to yank your medical card.
thank you superjet:clap: follow the rules and everything well be cool i no 7 plants is bullshit but got to work with it maybe one day the plant count may go up just be happy with what you got!!! JB
first, don't be a dumbass and think a waiver for 99 plants will save you from jail time (it wont especially with the feds!). and don't be so god damn greedy, there's no real reason to have that many plants to begin with. jail is full of people who thought they knew what the fuck they where doing. it's quite simple, 7 plants total per card per address, 3 in flower, 4 in veg and 1oz dried, that's it! the worst thing i've ever done is have 6 in flower and 1 in veg (mother plant) which still might get you thrown in jail, or at the very least a reason for them to yank your medical card.

whoa, no need to be offensive. I honestly think the rule shouldn't be so de-facto....i never said there was a legit reason for having 99 plants. Honestly I think however we should be allowed to have an allowance that's based on plant size and not numbers....i mean maybe a 4x4 tent full of plants no matter how many would be pretty reasonable for a single patient....and if you're filling a 4x4 tent with SOG that could mean somewhere in the vicinity of 20-30 plants....

you also have to figure what the patient is using the plants for....if they need the oil for cancer, there is absolutely no reason to limit # of plants / takes far more plants to extract oil than to just smoke it...and cancer patients don't just smoke it...they NEED the oil.

I also believe that limiting the number of vegging plants is BS because they put clones in the same category as veg, and this is SOOO wrong...Most people who have been growing for years know that clone selection is very important...and if you can only have 1 or 2 clones at a time, you may end up without acceptable plants to put into flower when the time comes...and you may end up reducing the effectiveness of your strains FASTER because you cannot keep mothers and you cannot keep a selection of strains as easily either...4 veg = 2 mothers + 2 clones, 1 mother and 3 clones, or 3 strains and 1 clone....and you cannot have 4 mothers...and make even 1 clone because the clone will not be considered 'flowering' until it shows physical buds....this is absolutely ludacris.

can't forget that limiting veg plants does more harm than good...lets assume that it's okay to limit number of flowering does having 5x as many vegging plants as allowed for flowering make it any more 'harmful' to allow more production to 'sell'? You can't smoke vegging plants...and you still need to flower them before you can actually smoke doesn't make any sense....the limit system was placed there by anti-marijuana nazi's who want to control YOUR choice.
yea i feel that 7 plants is bs i think 12 to 15 plants should be more then enough for 1 patient or caregiver and dont put a count on how many veg or flowering out of that number of plants but how do we make a change any answer welcome!!! JB
I run 15 flower always! and 15 Veg! 7 is not enough Especially when you grow Only OGs they dont yeild like other strains do!
i had a cop at my house, and the short answer is no, 7 plants a household, more than that looks "suspicious", also a "limit waiver" isnt worth the paper its printed on, metro or federal, means nothing
Is it permissible to have 7 plants vegging and none flowering? Or do three of the 7 have to be flowering? In other words, for example, can you veg 7 plants from seed then keep only three to flower?
Is it permissible to have 7 plants vegging and none flowering? Or do three of the 7 have to be flowering? In other words, for example, can you veg 7 plants from seed then keep only three to flower?
as long as you have 7 or less plants, with no more than 3 flowering, your good...metro actually busted a house tonight...
Another question if you don't mind: Can you possess only 1 oz. dry total? Or can you only possess 1 oz. outside your residence? That is, are you allowed to stockpile meds so long as you keep 'em at home and otherwise stay within the limits? Or is it illegal to have 2 oz. in your cupboard. I've looked at the regs and some posts here, and I'm still confused.

My ongoing curiosity, because I'm moving back to LV this spring (F-ing Sweet!). Thanks for your help.