Two-Headed Freak!


Well-Known Member
Here's my little retarded two-headed freak. She (hopefully a she) had a light fall on her when she was just a newborn seedling and it crimped the stem right at the cotyledons. She stayed stunted for a while and when her sisters went into bigger pots I kept her in a tiny one. While I kept her hidden away from site in the shade of her bigger siblings she divided at the crimp. I recently put her in a bigger pot and am now giving her some light.

These pictures taken after a topping one side and a FIM on the other. She's only had decent light for a couple days.



New Member
Yes, I've had a couple of those on my JTR grow. One a male and the other a fem'. Ah, this was through accident? I have had a couple of plants genetically like this before... certain strains are prone to them.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I've had a couple of those on my JTR grow. One a male and the other a fem'. Ah, this was through accident? I have had a couple of plants genetically like this before... certain strains are prone to them.
Well, I'm assuming it was through accident. A light fixture fell on it and crimped the seedling at the coty's. I didn't think it would survive and never paid it much attention. It sat below the rest of my plants and got bottom watered from the runoff of other pots. It was slow to grow until I put it up close to the lights. By that point it was split off into two stalks. I guess it could be coincidence though. This is the first one I've seen do this, but again I don't have that much experience.


Well-Known Member
At such an early stage i doubt it possible that this occured by accident.
i've had this happen with cfl burns to cotyledons. stunts them, and the effect is like topping.

i also had a blueberry pheno that was selftopping once cloned. the clones' tops would die before they rooted, resulting in an average of 8 tops per clone. this project is no more, had to nix it in the shutdown, and kill off the mom.



Well-Known Member
This plant is around 6 weeks old. It stayed stunted from the beginning and I did nothing to help it along until recently. It only had a tiny amount of soil and was completely rootbound and was kept in the shade. Not to mention temps in the 100s for a couple of days when I had an exhaust malfunction. I've stressed the hell out of it and kinda surprised its still alive, but its so cute I kinda want to put it on my desk at work.

trailer park guy

Well-Known Member
I have one that did the same thing. My pic isn't as good, the leaves are more grown in. In the small pic it's about a month old.
The other is 15 days later after a week in flowering.
No idea what she is, started about 30 seeds from a grabbag of seeds collected over many years.
She was the runt also, but a week under HPS and she has taken off.:mrgreen:

